Guardian of the gem

My eyes open and close lazily, his muscular clenched jaw blocks my view, hair strands bouncing with every step he takes, making him devilishly handsome.

He felt my eyes on him and looked at me, his sky blue eyes lazily caught up with mine. I shut my eyes, embarrassed and buried my face in his chest.

Was I just checking him out? I mentally head slapped myself.

"I see you're feeling better now, want me to drop you?"

He said in his husky voice, heaving a long breath. And I shook my head as a no and wrapped my arms around his neck as he teased to let go of me. 

I know I can't walk if he drops me but that doesn't mean I can't open my eyes. By the way, his face was the first thing I saw when I opened my eyes. 

He smiled and I buried my face deeper, taking in the faint smell of his cologne.

Drly entered the cave holding me in his arms, and went straight to lie me down on the bed I was earlier, not saying a word to anyone.

The worried Luiz rushed over to me, glaring at Dryl with all the force he had.

"What happened, Nyla?"

Luiz asked but I kept quiet, feeling guilty  not knowing what to say turned my face to the other side to avoid being scolded by Luiz.

"What did you do to her?"

Luiz asked Drly when he saw I didn't answer him and turned Dryl to him, grabbing him by his collar. Dryl remain calm, he didn't say a word, he just yanked Luiz's hand off him, stood up and walked out of the cave.

"Hey, I'm talking to you, don't just leave."

The already mad Luiz yells at him, trying to grab his arm and turn him towards him.

"Luiz, he didn't do anything wrong."

I finally said to keep Luiz from following him. Actually it was half his fault for following me, making me walk further away.

"Nyla, are you alright, what happened? When did you go out? Where were you?"

"I ... I.. was..."

I stammered looking for what to  guilty for not telling him and making him worried.

"Let me check her now, then talk later."

The old man proclaimed touching Luiz by the shoulder. He sat down analyzing me. And Luiz gets up and leaves, I think he's mad at me. Making me feel more guilty. The old man began to  ask me a few questions, and I answered them without hesitating. I glanced at Luiz leaning by the wall waiting for him to finish. 

"Don't let your loved ones get worried over silly things you do."  

The old man advised me, when he saw me looking over at Luiz, and just nodded innocently.

"These two spend their time looking over you when you are unconscious."

The old man added, making my eyes widened at the thought. I know Luiz would do that but hearing Dryly  me wonder. I guess he's just trying to repay me for saving my life.

"Luiz brought her the juice we made and some food and water, she's just weak and hungry."

The old man instructed Luiz and turned to with a warning.

"All is done, don't try going anywhere this time."

He said and left. I looked at my hands embarrassed, I don't like to cause people trouble.

"Thank you."

I thanked him and he left. Luiz came with the things the old man ordered and he gave me to eat.

I silently steal glances at him waiting impatiently for me to finish, shaking one of his feet. It makes me nervous and I can't eat in peace. Seriously, I didn't do anything wrong. I keep the meat and decide to talk.

"Luiz I woke up and needed to use the toilet so I went to ease myself, I didn't want to trouble you so I didn't tell you. I just went far and my head started spinning, thank God Drly was close by. "

I make the best poppy face I can make and pout, breathing heavily as I finish in one sentence, flickering my lashes.

Luiz tried to hold back his laugh, but burst into laughter as he saw my face.


I asked, raising a brow, he pointed at me laughing even more. And I got angry smacking his chest.

"Ouch, it hurts, it hurts." 

Luiz cried in laughter. I eyed him.

"It's okay, I get, don't just leave without me okay? It's dangerous around here."

Luiz added, and nodded and continued to eat my meat, now I can eat in peace.


"I want to help."

I said sitting where the old man was working, close to the table. Luiz is dealing with the boar he caught and Dryl outside. I didn't see him after he brought me in. It's already night. 

"Crush five of these yellow bud, over there"

The old man said while his eyes were on the old book he was holding, squirting to see the writing. I picked them and did as  I was told.

"I wanted to thank you for everything you've done to us, if you didn't save us back there, we'll be dead for sure."

I thanked him, wanting him to open up, we didn't know anything about him.

"You're welcome."

He answered, his eyes never leaving the book, indulging in the mixture he was making. He kept the book and a flower caught my eye.


I was surprised when I saw the flower on the page he was reading.


He asked to confirm what I said.

This flower is a tanglebell, right?

I asked, pointing my finger at the sketching on the book. 

"Yes, how did you know this?"

The old man was surprised as well. 

"My grandad grows many herbs so I know almost all of them."

I smiled brightly remembering how Ye'ye loved and used to tend his herb garden.

"You know, a lot of you remind me of him, so, where are you from?"

I asked hoping he'll answer, but he ignores me, pretending to be overcome with his work. Dryly came inside and  by our side, leaning by the wall, his eyes closed and minding his business. I wanted to thank him earlier but I don't want to invade his space, so I continue to crush the herbs.

Minutes later, I finished crushing the herbs ages ago, and watched as the old man mixed the ingredients, passing it to him as he ordered. He kept it down, I think we're done, just then Luiz entered with the meat and they finished roasting.

"Dinners ready." 

Luiz announced and we all sat in the middle of the cave,  with a lamb in the middle and ate our food in silence. I feel awkward, I can't remember the last meal I ate with many people. We always eat me and Ye'ye. 

"Nyla bring me the bowl of portion."

I nodded and brought it. 

"Here, drink this."

The old man poured and handed it to Dryl, who was next to him.

"Why am I the first to drink? How'd you know you're trying to kill us?"

Dryl peek at the bowl with an awful face, not wanting to drink.

"If that was what he intended you'll be dead by now."

Luiz replied annoyed, all he does is to sit back and do nothing, if you talk he'll say he'll pay you when he gets back home. The guards start to whisper and it becomes noisy.

"You both have a point."

The old man talked, raising his hand for us to keep quiet. 

"I'm Heeber, I was once among the Guardians of the 12 Gems."

He paused and we turned to listen to him,  did he mean the Green amethyst?

"But thousands of years after I was banished, I took shelter here on earth. After I realized the gems were scattered I began searching for where they might be."

He continued, keeping the bowl on the ground.

"I can see, the devil possessed and    Vitalians together, drinking up these will help to regain your powers."

"If I wanted you dead I wouldn't save you in the first place.

He finished pushing the bowl to Dy.

"But we just want to find a way to go home."

Luiz said.

"You can't get out of here like this, you don't have the means to take you back and won't survive in this desert."

"This juice only fastens your recovery, so the devil will regain his strength and recover on its own."

The old man said, and Drly looked at the portion once more and drank it.

So did his guards, I was still wondering how I hate being  bound with the prince. The old man saw me hesitating and addressed me.

"This is the way, I'll guarantee you'll heal back to normal as I only disinfect your  wound."

Luiz picked the bowl and gave it to me.

"Hey, I promised we'll find a way to set you free, as of now your life matters."

I nodded and collected the bowl, swallowed it down and gave some to Mimi.