Chapter 1: Arrival

(English is not my primary language)



"Demon/Beast Talk"

'Demon/Beast Thought'

(Please pay attention to (') and ("). It's hard to notice sometimes.)


• Seven Days Before Konoha Rampage•

In an unknown location, A Lone Uchiha had just finished his mission from outside the village. He is on his way back to his home and reports his mission. He wears a Jonin outfit with Hitai-ate (headband) and covers his forehead with a black spikey hairstyle with a bang covering his side faces.

But before he continued, he heard growling from the sky. He looked at the sky he saw a meteorite heading towards the ground.

"What the!" The lone Uchiha said, shocked.

The Uchiha take cover near trees. When the meteorite crashed, its make ground shook and destroyed the surroundings from the meteor.

Animals started running away from the scene. The smoke of dust is everywhere.

"What the hell is that?" The lone Uchiha said.

The Uchiha didn't wait for a second. He jumped out from forming his cover and activated his Sharingan, checking his surroundings.

'There's no animal injury; hmm, they're only dead. Oh well...' The lone Uchiha said.

Uchiha saw dead animals, and the impact must hit them hard. He goes to the crash locations. The only thing he saw was a ball-shaped thing with rounded glass or eyes.

Lone Uchiha is his thought. 'What is that? Is that a meteor? A ship? Hmm...' "Ah!!" He shouted, 'It's a Meteor Ship!!! Nah, that sounds wrong' "Ah!!" Once again, Yelling, 'It spaceship!!!'

Before he continued his thoughts, the spaceship beeped, and the door opened first thing he heard was crying from a baby.

Lone Uchiha's eyes are wide open. 'What? Is that a baby voice?"

He carefully closer to the spaceships; a lone Uchiha was on his guard, his Sharingan still active. The closer he gets, Ryo sees a naked baby crying out loud.

"What are you doing in there, little fella?" He said as he picked the baby in his hand. The baby is still crying. "Shh, don't cry, little fella."

The Uchiha was trying to ease the baby. The crying starts to slow down, but. The baby opens his eyes on earth for the first time and sees the Uchiha red eyes that make the baby cry again.

"What?!" The lone Uchiha didn't know why until.

The Uchiha realizes that his Sharingan is still active. He deactivates his red eyes and tries to calm the baby once more time. After about 10 min, the baby stops crying and looks at the one who is holding him.

Lone Uchiha: "There you go, don't cry everything, alright."

"There you go, don't cry everything, alright." The lone Uchiha said with a warm smile as He looked at the baby. He felt something familiar with the baby's face. "You know your face just like my comrades, no, a friend long ago. Well, little fellow, do you want to come with me?" The baby has a smile and grabs his cheek hard.

"Och! You are quite strong, but can you let go of my cheek, please."

The baby still didn't let go of his cheek and giggled.

"Okay, let it go now."

The baby didn't let go.

"Seriously, let go, Let Go, My CHEEK! OUCH!!!"

He is trying to get off the baby grab. 3min after struggling, finally, the baby finally let go. But his cheek is swallowed. He got tears in his eyes and rubbed his cheek. The baby just giggled.

Lone Uchiha said, with a smile, "Well, you have strength for a baby. I'm sure that you will be a strong ninja when you grow up." He looks at the sky and the spaceships.

"Well, before we go. I will give you a name. How's that? Well, you must know my name first. My name is Ryo Uchiha." Ryo said with a warm smile.

The baby looks at him with a cute baby face.

"And I will name you Kyo. How was it?" Ryo said as Kyo giggled. "You like that, eh? Hehehe, now you will know as Kyo Uchiha! Awesome rights? From now on, you will be my son."

The baby Kyo shows him a happy face as an agreement.


Kyo sleeps on Ryo's arms with thumb sucking. After hours of walking, Ryo and Kyo finally arrive at their call home.


"We are here, Kyo-Chan."

He looked at his new adopted son, asleep in his arms, making the father smile. Then baby Kyo opens his eyes. "Awake already? We will go to the Hokage office first, and then we will go home and surprise your Mom. Is that okay?"

Baby Kyo gives him giggles.

Ryo smile. "I will take that as yes."

With a big smile on the father's face, Ryo takes a step forward. The first thing Kyo saw was the giant entrance gate.

Ryo jumps to the top building to show Kyo village. Baby Kyo has a nice view. His eyes lock on four sculpted heads on the hills.

"Kyo-Chan, as you can see, is the leader of our village. Well, let's go and report, then go home and eat. Man, I'm hungry." Ryo said as he jumped down and walked towards Hokage. Building.


Ryo walks into the Hokage office. Baby Kyo saw an older man sitting behind the desk with a red hat.

"Pardon me, Hokage-Sama, I just finished tasks and returned safely," Ryo said as he bowed to Hokage with Kyo on his arm.

"Ha, Ryo-San, congratulations, finish your task and come back safely, and I saw you bring a little guy with you too. So what is the story?" Hokage asks.

Ryo explains Kyo's situation. He says that Kyo's parents died in a meteor crash. He didn't want to tell Hokage that Kyo was falling from the sky because that will be complicated the story.

"I see so that that kid will go to the orphan care centre," Hiruzen said as Ryo spoke. "Um, Hokage-Sama, can I keep this kid? I mean, I don't have any child before, so can I take care of him?"

He asks Hokage nervously. The father was afraid that he couldn't take Kyo home with him. He looks at Hokage. Hokage smiled at him and said.

"Of course, Ryo-San, I am sure that the kid will love it too, so I bet that you already give him a name," Hiruzen said with a smile.

Ryo replies with a bright smile. "Yes, I did. I name him Kyo, Kyo Uchiha."

"Kyo, huh? So you change your name from R to K. Anyway, that nice name. So all done here. Congrats on finishing your mission, and congratulations on having a child. I hope you take care of him."

"Thanks, Hokage-Sama, that means a lot," Kyo said with a smile.

Hokage smiled and said, "So you dismissed."

Ryo bowed to Hokage and left the Hokage residents.

'I think he didn't tell the truth about the kid.' Hokage thought as he smoked his pipe.


Baby Kyo plays with his new father's hair, and Ryo is right at his front door with Kyo in his arm. The father takes a deep breath and enters his house. Ryo surprises his wife with his arrival.

"Tadaima(I'm Home) Yuri-Chan!" He calls his wife.


The person knows as Yuri answers his call, but her voice seems confused. But when the person came out from the kitchen, it was revealed she had short top hair with an extended bottom black hair with black eyes and pale skin.

"Ryo-Kun! Welcome back" She sprints to Ryo and hugs him. Yuri didn't realize that he was holding a baby with him. Ryo tries to give the baby Kyo space so the baby doesn't get crushed by his new Mom.

"I'm glad you're back! I miss you so much!" She kisses him on the cheek.

"I miss you too Yuri-Chan. Look what I have here." Yuri looks at him and looks at his arms. She gaps in surprise that she didn't realize the baby initially. Maybe she missed her husband so much.

"Ah, sorry, I didn't notice the baby." She came closer to the baby and looked for her husband's permission to pick the baby. Ryu gives her a nod and smiles in agreement. She picks up the baby.

"Sorry, little fellow, I didn't notice you there; you must be hungry, didn't you? After having an expedition." Yuri said with a smile.

Ryo chuckled as he thought. 'Yuri always has a soft spot for a child when she sees one. She then off to child-loving mode, but we never had a child or could make one. Yuri has a critical injury in world war three that almost takes her life. We being told that she couldn't have a child.'

"Neh(hey) Yuri-Chan, maybe you should slow down a little bit."

"Huh? Oh my god, I'm sorry, Ryo-Kun, you know me, I can't hold a baby or child. But whose son is this?" Yuri said.

Ryu chuckled. "Hahaha, thanks to god that you are back to your senses." Then Ryo told her everything about how he found Kyo—her Reaction when off.

"Seriously! From outer space? Then where is the spaceship?" Yuri is shocked.

"Calm down, Yuri-Chan I already take care of it."

The father pulls out a sealing scroll. And to show her.

"See here already. Take care. I change the spaceship with a bolder." Ryo said.

"Hokage, know about this?" asked Yuri.

"Yup." Ryo sweat drops a bit.

Yuri left eyebrow lifted up as she said. "Really? I bet that you didn't tell him the full story."

"Hehe, something like that. And you know what!" He holds her shoulder and has a big grin on his face. "We finally have a son!" He pointed to the baby Kyo. Yuri's eyes are wetting, tears down to her cheek.

"It... Is? Is that true? Is this baby our son?"

Ryo gives a warm smile at his wife. "Yes, it is... This child will be our son."

Tears streaming from the mother's eyes are not tears of sadness but it's tears of happiness. She hugs baby Kyo gently. Ryo goes to his wife and hugs both of them. Yuri wiped her tears as she asked. "What do we call him? Ryo-Kun?"

Ryo smile. "Well, I already call him Kyo."

Yuri smiled back. "Kyo, huh? That nice name, is that literally for our first son?"

"Yes, it is."

The father pets Kyo's head and calls Kyo's name. Yuri seems to have a different name, but she sees Kyo happy with his character when Ryo calls his name.

Yuri giggled as she said. "It seems like the baby likes his new name."

Ryo smiled wide. "Of course, he likes it. He gets from the best fathers in da world! Ouch!"

The father got a pinch from the mother.

Yuri gets annoyed at her husband, "Don't get full yourself!"

"But it is true, I'm..."

He didn't continue when they heard a growling stomach from Kyo. The babyface is from happy to sad. He wants to cry.

"Oh, you must be hungry. Thanks, goddess, that I already make dinner. Come follow your mama to feed you with delicious food." She takes Kyo to the kitchen, ready to feed him.

"Yuri-Chan, you're the best, and I'm hungry!" Ryo said with a smile.

"Ah! No food for you!" Yuri said with an evil smile.

"What! Why?" Ryo's smiley face changed to a shocked face.

Yuri reply. "Because {The best father} has to find his own food! Come Kyo-Chan"

Yuri left Ryo frozen in the hallways.

"Why me..."


Ryo peeks from the kitchen door with rain on top of his head while Yuri happily feeds Kyo dinner.


•To Be Continued•


(First, rewrite Chapter. How is it? Good?)

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(See ya stay safe😊)