2) Advisory God

From that day, everything changed. I wasn't needed because the Head God took everything on himself. His decisions led to two fights within 500 years and his twin daughters are now suffering down on Earth.

Well, the time has come and we are facing the hell people once more. The children were called to assist at their fight.

Now in front me I only see the hell people and the devil himself.

Ah, how I wanted to drink the wine once more. Just a little that's all I ask before I meet my end.

Look at their youth, wait, where is the Head God's children?

I screamed at the Head God because of the distance "Head God where are your children?"

He answered "Within the hell's army, to kill a few from the behind and reduce the numbers before the battle starts."

The devil's breadth reached my nose. Argh! what a nasty smell it was? I could smell only fire in the air and his nasty breadth.

I was so close to their army. It was a relief that I had no children. Thoughts like this were distracting me and when I see them I was back into reality that we are in battle.

The devil signalled and shouted "Let's kill these goody ones and take over the world." His men just shouted in unison "Yeah we f**k them off before they kill us."

We were literally going to our grave, oh, how I hope to just snuggle up with the papers in my cosy home.

Well, they trapped us in a big circle before we could move and the devil smirked evilly at us "You people are dead meat and we will at last conquer our place."

We fought hard and everyone depleted their powerful magic at the first blow.

Oh, how stupid they were doing that, I wanted to tell but when in the middle of this dreadful battle, it was nearly impossible.

Reminding myself, while fighting, did the girls die if they did then heaven won't have a future at all.

After a full one hour fight, slowly the people from theirs and ours were dying. Not from killing but by the exhaustion.

This fight was still far from over but the Head God gave a proposal to the devil.

I thought what foolish thing will he do now his decisions were always wrong.

The Head God spoke "Why not we two only fight and let the rest survive? If you win we will surrender and if I win then you guys will surrender."

The devil boasting " Ha! We are the most deceiving people of all and you propose a deal of such cost."

"Will you do it?" the Head God foolishly provokes this devil of hell.

My steam was almost depleted but I still stood like I have fight left in me. The devil looks at me then his own people.

"Ah! Whatever I agree this ugly deal of yours." As if he was tired of this nonsensical fight we fought for an hour.

Your question is now what led to this fight? Let us answer this while they fight. I went down to sit as we floating in the air for a long time.

As said earlier, Head God's decisions are worst, when one time we asked to build a protective barrier on heaven. What did he do? He said "'No we can't waste our magic in such a puny thing as barrier aren't we strong enough already."'

And so the hell invaded us. That was the first fight we had to fight and the devil surrendered in 2 hours because of our strength differences.

We asked the second time why don't we invade them before they do on us?

The Head God answered "'Why do we need to do such a thing that is disgraceful to our ancestors? Last time they surrendered this time also we will make them surrender once more.'"

Isn't he foolish? I asked to one of the Gods and he said ""But without his permission, we are powerless."'

Ah looking at his foolish things in the past and stuff made my chest tightened.

When I looked up, looks like the game was over, I would like to call it like that. Who won? Yep when I looked, surprisingly it was something unexpected. Studying everyone's faces right now was a nightmare. I could see despair in their eyes. Yes you're right, Head God was killed but so was the devil.

It was a tie and the girls looked like they were talking to themselves while flying towards us. This is so bad, I was like their father because of this foolish man.

But deep down, I know they still loved their father even though they were ignored.

They looked at me and they saw their falling father with devil. The swords connected them which was inserted in both one on the chest and one on the stomach.

I ran with the restored energy. The girls were about to cry in despair. I caught the Head God in time. But he was in a bad condition. I removed the sword from his stomach and he was struggling to breathe but still talked to girls who were next to me "You did good my darlings, I saw you too fight and in disguise you both were cute."

I screamed "Don't talk please we will save you."

The blood falling from his stomach into my hands soaked in it and the girls looked like they will be in despair from this incident.

The last words of this foolish Head God was "Live and do not suicide because of the despair caused to you. I chose this destiny myself."

And he closed his eyes and his pulse stopped in my hands. I saw a change in one of the girls what is she going to say now?