18) Wind God

I saw a birthmark but when I look up to report it, I saw another birthmark on the Head God's hand.

It would've been suspicious if the Head God did not have the birthmark.

After some time, it was Water God's turn, when she finishes her inspection she called her apprentice!

Nice idea! If he questions why there is a birthmark, that would be good.

Maybe if I questioned it would've be better. Let's see what he tells. He opened his mouth to speak "Head God why is there a birthmark on his face and on his palm?"

She answers "On his face was something my father i.e the previous Head God gave him as a mark for good deed or something. As for his palm, it must've been a birthmark."

Sun God speaks up "Gods do not have birthmarks!" She shows her arm and spoke "What is this mark that I have here? Is it not a birthmark?"

"A birthmark!?" Water God exclaimed. She too started searching for a birthmark. Her apprentice founded on her back. Humans already had so I didn't search for mine.

Sun God found his on his abdomen. So now only Advisory God was left to show us. She was still searching for hers.

The Head God spoke "Advisory God may I help you?" She answered "Please do"

While the Head God was helping her search the birthmark, she told her something that made the Advisory God's eyes wide open.

Head God spoke up loudly "I found it on the back of her neck." So, it's false that Gods do not have birthmarks.

That confirms my suspicions, yes, I was wondering why do we have birthmarks and not the Gods.

The discussion or I should say the mess was done when the Head God, Secretary God and the Advisory God took back the body. But my gut says that 'everything is going too well.'

I returned back to my room. When I was about to enter the Sun God was seating on my bed, waiting for me.

I asked him "What are you doing here?"

He answered "I haven't talked to you since yesterday. So I came after this drama."

I told him "This 'drama' was very suspicious because I have learnt that Gods do not have birthmarks. And here we see that you guys do have it."

He smiled slightly "It looks like you're relieved by how upset you were."

I said "What should I be relieved for?"

He told me "It's the Head God's doing. She told her sister that I have temporarily or permanently gave you birthmarks."

I asked him "Why would she do that? What profit will she get doing that?"

Sun God was now annoyed "I thought you were smart so why did you ask a stupid question? Of course she will get trust. You dummy!" I closed my eyes.

Who is he to tell me that? Ughhh now I feel like punching on the wall.

Wait! How did I not get that she'd get profit doing that? He sucked my curiosity and my intelligence from me.

Ok I got it back I guess. He disappeared when I opened my eyes. What in the world is that Sun God?

Heaven is my game field! Why are the Gods here are like devils in sheep's clothing?

Sun God and Head God, these people have amused me since the day I have officially became the Wind God.

I will dominate the Sun God first. Later I will see if that Head God is the real deal or not. She has been entertaining me for a while.