Experiment (1)

Kai watched as Song Fei carefully look through each pill bottle. When she was satisfied, she turned back to him with a warm smile. "Mr. Kai, you really are full of surprises!. If you or your Master-Alchemist friend require anything else, please feel free to come to my Song family. We will do our utmost best to assist!".

Kai could only nod at her response. Kai knew that at this rate, more powers would come looking for information about the new 'Master-Alchemist', so he needed to prepare. When the exchange was finished, Kai put the items into his spatial bag and left the Song family Auction house. He rushed back home and immediately locked himself in the basement.

Kai decided to start by combining his existing manuals. He only had five martial arts slots, so he needed to make some room before he started creating any new ones.

Kai looked through his current skills one at a time.