Heavenly Medicine Pagoda (1)

Kai woke up the next day feeling refreshed and well-rested. He opened the door to go downstairs and was surprised to find a large box left by his doorstep. Kai took the box into his room and a few minutes later, he stepped out of his room again, but this time he was dressed in an elegant-looking set of black scaled armor.

The new armor was made up of various pieces that he could wear over his current clothing. The armor covered his chest, shoulders, and arms as well as two side pieces that protected his thighs. The armor was a beautiful polished black with lustrous interlocked scales that contrasted well with the white robes that Kai wore underneath.

Kai grinned while using [Qi Detection] on the armor.

[Salamander-Scale Armor(High)] [Grade-2] [Qi 788]

The armor was of good quality, but unfortunately, it was still only [Grade-2] which was not too useful to the current Kai.