Pocket Dimension (1)

Kai peered through the darkness as his eyes adjusted to the sudden changes. The air was hot and dusty, making breathing difficult. As Kai looked around, he noticed that they were now within a massive cave. Some people tried to summon various forms of light, but they were quickly reprimanded.

"No lights!", yelled the young woman from the Twin Lions Sect. "We don't want to attract any beasts to the extraction point. Just follow us quietly and don't do anything unless you're told to!", she said, clearly annoyed by their actions.

The four led the group down one of the massive tunnels quietly. Kai followed them diligently, but as they moved forward, Kai started to slowly decrease his speed until he was at the back of the pack. He followed the group for a while longer, until the tunnel split into two. They were led through the left-most tunnel, but Kai quietly slipped away then ran towards the rightmost tunnel.