The Great Escape (4)

Thanks to this tactic, the group delayed the fog by a few hours as it was now moving up at a snail's pace. The group had not split into two groups and were alternating their attacks. 

The first group centered around Wu Xianhai who would cause continuous and unrelenting damage with her sword Qi, while everyone around her used their strongest attacks to assist.

The second group was centered around Kai, who would occasionally throw his Qi-enhanced gems. His attacks were slow, but the destructive power was undeniable. The reason why Kai was using the gemstones rather than regular rocks was that Kai had discovered that the gems were decent Qi conductors.

The gems could store a small portion of his Qi which they would then release on impact, creating a grenade-like effect. Kai had collected hundreds of these gems and figured they would be of no use to him if he was dead, so he decided to put them to good use here.