An Old Acquaintance (2)

Ryu closed his eyes and concentrated as Wind-Qi rotated around his body. After a few seconds, Ryu opened his eyes and jumped towards the building. Kai watched him while he crept under the soft moonlight. Ryu landed on a nearby windowsill and made his way into the building.

Ryu moved through the building quietly while avoiding the random guards. Kai was no longer helping him out and simply watched him with his Qi-Sense.

Inside the building, Ryu was moving quickly while staying undetected. After a few minutes, Ryu arrived at a door leading to a small meeting room.

He hid nearby and focused his senses to listen in.

"Are you sure this information is correct?", Said one of the voices.

"I'd put my life on it. The shipment needs to be moved tonight, but the guards are on high alert because of those damned travelers..."

"We'll just have to wait a few more days. Tell him that we need more time..."