Village Planning (1)

The cleanup took half a day, after which the site was completely cleared of rubble. The unsalvagable materials were all placed in a pile away from the site to be disposed of later. 

Kai walked through the camp where tents of different shapes and sizes had been set up, the largest of which was a purple tent located at the center of the base. Above the tent was a massive flag with the image of a beautiful silver-grey cloud shaped like a roaring dragon.

Kai smiled when he saw this and walked up to the tent with pride. This flag signified that the area belonged to the Heavy Cloud Sect.

Inside the large tent were beautiful rugs lining the floor and a small table at the center with a map. Surrounding the table were Old Lao and Lee Huan, who was the current representative of the Lee family appointed by Mei Lee. Behind her were the other two administrators.