Sons of Khan (2)

Fu Wuying ran for hours at top speed until she arrived back at the Blue Mountain Sect. The villagers in the small fishing village all greeted her respectfully as she ran through the main street and headed for the bridge leading to the other side of the river, where the Sect was located.

Two body cultivator guards immediately opened the massive Sect gates for her when she arrived. 

"Welcome back, Miss!", They said respectfully. Fu Wuying nodded at them and went straight into the training hall, where nine disciples sat in meditation as Fu Huang paced around them.

Fu Huang was not surprised to see his daughter since he had sensed her presence by the door, but what did surprise him was that she had returned so soon.

"I expected that you would only come back in a few months. Why would my freedom-loving daughter willingly come back to me so soon, I wonder?" Fu Huang joked as he walked over to his daughter.