Sons of Khan (6)

Kai's arms shook as he channeled a large amount of Qi into the palm of his hands. His eyes shifted around the surroundings as if looking for something.

Fu Huang noticed the insane amount of Qi that Kai was generating and then remembered the attack that his daughter mentioned. Fu Huang immediately put some distance between himself and Kai while watching him.

Khan, who had taken over a new body of a sickly-looking young man, stopped mid-charge and watched Kai with a curious gaze. He did not speak, but the smile on his face grew wider and wider.

Kai's eyes met Khan's, and they stared at each other for a moment. Kai did not speak but smiled as he separated his hands, exposing the large amounts of red Thunder-Qi flowing between his palms.

Kai raised his hands into the sky and released the massive streaks of Thunder-Qi into the dark clouds.