
I walk in front of the mirror of this room.

I look at my eyes and activate the Sharingan. My vision was distorted, yet clear than any other time. I look at the mirror. It's true, it's one tomoe Sharingan. I went in front of the wall and tried to walk on it.

I don't know how but walking was so natural on the wall.

Looks like I became something that I couldn't even wish for even in the fantasy world.

I looked at my CC. It's falling down 3C/sec rate. (C=Chakra)

It's looked like Sharingan consuming it. I deactivated my Sharingan while I was on the wall.

Every 10 seconds I lose 1C. So, walking on the wall wasn't that costly. It's all depends on chakra control. Chakra Control is one of the most vital things in the Naruto world. Such as even though Naruto has a vast amount of chakra, he had no control at first, so he was lacking behind.

I came down to the ground and check the shop.

I bought 10 Kunai and 10 Paper Bomb. It cost me 2000SP. I have now 19050 SP. The most valuable thing I need now was Chakra. I bought 1900 Chakra with 19000SP. Currently, my tank is stretched to 2400 CC. And my current chakra is 2210. Sharingan consumed 180 C and Walking on the wall consumed 10 C.

It will take me almost 48 min to recover my chakra. And I will be in trouble when I will lose all of my chakras. I have to take care of this, or I will be still weak. So, what I need most is to train my physical body when I lose chakra I can cover it with my martial and sword art.

Next morning.

"Why there are bugs under your eyes?"

Esha asked me.

"For some reason, I couldn't sleep all night."

I told her.

"Was it uncomfy weather for you last night?"

She asked me.

"Yes, indeed. After all, we are in another world."

I replied her. In fact, I couldn't sleep out of excitement. I already finished half of my daily quest as soon as it was down.

"I know right! I also couldn't sleep first few nights. In fact, most of the girls couldn't sleep. We were gossiping until our body gave up."

She said. Maisha continued after her.

"It's true. And these days I feel like I could stay awake for 2 days straight."

"I guess it is because of your power. It's making you guys stay energetic."

I wonder I would have this kind of staying up power. It's possible I guess when I get a higher level. However, I saw even powerful shinobi need sleep properly to fight properly. Again in the war arc, Naruto and many other didn't sleep for few days. Well, I actually don't have any idea. I think I should see it for myself.

After finishing my breakfast I depart from my classmate and look at the remaining quest.

Daily Quest]

[-Run 50km = 500 SP.] [Completed]

[-Push up 100 time = 500 SP.] [Completed]

[-Lift 10Kg 100 time = 500 SP.] [Completed]

[-Throw Kunai 100 time on fixed target = 500 SP.]

[-Punching 100 time = 500 SP.] [Completed]

[-Kicking 100 time = 500SP.] [Completed]

[-Using any single Jutsu 100 time = 500SP.]

[-If you complete three of the above quest twice in a day=2000 SP]

[-Complete all above quest given above=4500 SP]

I should start with an easier one first. I made a bag using sand for punch. By the way, I used a body pillow for that. It was made with a sturdy cover. I emptied the cotton and filled it with sand.

I will use it for kicking too. And it was really easy for me to complete 500 kicks. Kicking and Punching is a handy cap for me. So I did those twice, which means I punched and kick for 1000 times.

Now then, I guess this field isn't a perfect place for me to practice, or completing the daily quest anymore. So, I need to find somewhere else. And I already find that place. In the royal capital area, there is a place that could be regarded as a mini forest.

By the way, let me explain about layout this capital of this country. There is three layers of this capital. The first layer is called Elite Layer. Inside the Elite layer, there are also three levels. The core level is for King and Royalties currently where we living. The second level is for Grand Duke, Martial Duke, General Duke. In another word, Dukes are living in the second level. The third level is for all other noble to live. So, those who are nobles can live in these Elite Layers. Now the second layer is called the commercial layer. All kinds of businessmen lived here. In fact, many nobles and dukes who are involved with business do live here too. And the last layer is called the Public layer. Mostly poor to lower middle class lived here. This layer is three times bigger than the other two layers combined.

And the Mist forest is here. There is also a huge Misty lake here. Which is famous in the world. The lake started from that forest which was ended on the Royal Palace. So it's a kinda huge lake.

I went there a couple of days ago and thought it would be a better place to train. Hoping for the best I went there to complete my other daily quest.