
"The name of the First King of this Kingdom and later the only Monarch of the continent is Shiro Uchiha."


I looked at him with a confused face. Does that mean Naruto System is not new in this world? Uriel?

[I do not know. You were the only one I knew after Creator made me. However it isn't impossible to create more than one Naruto System, is it? Maybe he made it in the future and send it past the era of this world. After all law of time flow is not the same for our world and this world]

True. It is not an impossible theory.

So, that's explained about all things in the wall.

I also see other symbols like Fire, Light, Earth, Water, and Wind. There was an illustration of Kaguya, Hagoroma, Hamura, Indra Asura, Madara, Hashirama, Naruto, and Sasuke. There was also an illustration of a person I have never seen in Naruto. Is it Shiro Uchiha?

"So, you guys knew that I have this power. However, my question is how do you guys know? Oh, it's because of Sharingan, no?"

King walks toward the place where the Sharingan is. However, he touches the Byakugan.

"No, not really. We knew you will be here, even before we summon you guys. Because it was prophesied you will be here."

I see it may be the Fate King Guy. I heard it many times from the Monkey King.

I looked at Sun Wukong,

"So, it was tha Fate King?"

"No, it was from Shiro Uchiha himself."

It was King William. Saying that while he looked at me.

There was vain popped up vain under the skin of his eyes area. That's...

"Byakugan... Why do you guys have that?"

I was mad with confusion.

"Because we are decedent of Shiro Uchiha. William, Walton, Edward, and Pendragon, these four families are descendants of Shiro Uchiha."

Wait, that Uchiha guy's decedents are the strongest Families in the world. Three of them are leaders of the three strongest countries and one of them richest and battle frick families of the world.

"We William possesses the Byakugan, Pendragon possesses the Senju's blood, William possesses the Sharingan and lastly Edward possesses the Uzumaki's power."

I see.

"However, besides these four families, no one can possess chakra if they are outsiders. So, our tradition is to tie by marriage with these four families to each other. However, even after all this few of us married into other none chakra families so we lost our ancestor's power because chakra mixed with magic which made our bloodline thin. Currently, I and my daughter Brittany can use Byakugan. Only one guy can use Sharingan, there is no wood style user in Pendragons and lastly, Edward can barely use their sealing Jutsu."

This is shocking news to me that, they can use this Naruto verse power, however, it is shocking too that they cannot use chakra because of their family, race mixed with chakra. So, basically,.I am the new ancestor of their families... Nah I am joking.

"You are our new blood. The pure blood, who comparable to our ancestor Shiro Uchiha."

No that's just putting me into a difficult situation.

"You got Sharingan already, no?"

I look on Sun. Of course, he told him. Oh, I also forgot about Elina.


I activate my Sharingan and show him.

"Those eyes. Yes, those eyes are Sharingan."

When he said that I deactivated it.

"So, every thing was preset. Shiro Uchiha knew that I will be here."

I asked them.

"Yes. Though this information was passed down from generation to generation."

I closed my eyes. I need to comprehend everything.

"So, why did you summon others?"

"We don't know that others will be here. We know that, you will be the only one who will be summoned. However, there are also others who were summoned. At first, we were confused too. However, it was never mentioned that only you will be summon in this world, there may be others too. That's why we accept it. And not to mention there were others none Shiro Uchiha type person summoned before, and they were in a team too.'

Is that so...

"Looks like I have to take time to comprehend everything."

"Yes, however, that's not all what we wanted to tell you."

Queen Said.

"We never told or explained about our enemy, did we?"

Come to think about it I don't know much about their information. Is it also related to Shiro Uchiha? No, I guess not.

"No, you didn't."

"Even we don't know all the details. I will tell you briefly. It was more than 1500 years ago, twin brothers were born into a powerful family. Elder brother name was Shiro and younger brother's name was Kuro."

Wait another twin brothers story. And looks like those are Japanese names. Shiro means White and Kuro mean Black.

"Wait, Shiro Uchiha wasn't a summoned person?"

I asked him when I finally noticed the point.

"No, he isn't. He was born into the Great Zoya Family. Shiro Zoya and Kuro Zoya. That was their full name. This twin couldn't use magic. Back in time who couldn't use magic, they treated as not loved by God. So, they were kind of outcasts. Many people didn't want to get in touch with them, because they were afraid that if God becomes unsatisfied with them too. This cold treatment was getting worsening day by day until Kuro came contact with a Foreign God, which was unbeknownst to the ordinary people in this world."

Looks like all started with little brother.

"Kuro Zoya was vengeful person where here Shiro Zoya was forgiven nature. Kuro turned against his own clan however Shiro tried to stop that, Kuro loved his brother so much, that's why it made him more hurt because his brother was stopping him every time. However, this stalemate didn't last for longer, Shiro Zoya couldn't stop him anymore because he doesn't have any magic power where Kuro Zoya have strange dark ability."

Kevin William took a break for five seconds and continued.

"The most strongest family of that time was destroyed by Kuro Zoya, their magic couldn't hold him down. He asked his enemy to prove their blessings from God. However, in the end no man could defeat him."

"Kuro Zoya killed everyone from his family, except his older brother, who was magicless like him. Or should I say, he thought it wouldn't do any harm even if he doesn't kill him. On that time, Kuro still had brotherly love inside him."

This brotherly love sound familiar to me.

"However, that brotherly love didn't last longer. Kuro's action was becoming more tyrannical and violent day by day that no one could have a peaceful sleep on that time. Because he was doing this, Shiro form a team to beat his own younger brother but that was futile as Kuro was too strong. It is already proven that how strong it was because he just wiped out the strongest magic family one after another in that era. Kuro Zoya changed his name to Azazel. The God of Darkness."

"After several defeats of Shiro Zoya, he went to a cave, and stayed there for ten years. When he was outside of the cave, he gain a new power which was not related to magic either. He called himself the Great Sage of the Six path. He had Byakugan on his eyes, and a 9 tomoe Sharingan on his head. He becomes a man worthy to defeat his brother Kuro Zoya."

[AN: Kevin William don't know it was Rinnesharingan, he thought it was Sharingan's ultimate form.]