
Crap. I have three health potions including I bought originally in the real life. I hurriedly used the bonus potions because those won't be carried in the real life.

I am feeling my back getting out of pain slowly. That's a real relief.

"Interesting. A few moments ago I saw there was damage in your backbone. However, for some odd reason, that got healed. So, you also have self-regenerative power. However, you didn't use any spell or anything. Truly a fascinating ability you have got there. Won't you teach me?"

The magician asked me to teach him. Even if I teach him how I did that, he can't learn it. So, it's futile even to talk about it.

A guy tried to stab me from behind. I bind him with chakra thread, he got stuck in a place. I kill him without seeing his face with my extended sword.

"Another astonishing magic. I thought you are not a magician. However, surprise surprise who thought that the son of the Astro king called trash by everyone has this kind of amazing magic."

By opening the third gate I went behind him. It is slower than Rock Lee's speed as it's the only third gate, however, it has great speed nevertheless as Ninja has great physics for speed in the first place.

"Leaf Hurriken."

I kicked on the guy. That guy protected himself with a magic shield. However, I am seeing there is a crack on it. I deliver another three kicks on it. The shield got cracked by kicks and the guy got smashed by my next kick.

However, he used his healing ability on himself, and it was faster than before. That is why I couldn't intervene in his magic on time.

"Damn it! Not only he has good magical ability but also physical power. Anyway, earth magic guided missile."

Again with that... that strong missile. It is bothersome. I spread my chakra thread and grabbed whoever enemy was surrounding me, and pull them surrounding my body.



The missile hit my left side. Whoever takes the hit, must be on the verge of death. Well, I do not care anyway, it's a war.

"To think you use your enemy as a shield to such manner. Well, no matter, earth magic, gigantic boulder."

I saw a magic circle was formed in the sky. And a huge round boulder was created from that magic circle. It's not on Madara's level. However, if I got hit by it, I will be done for good.

"Protect the Prince."

Toru howled and dashed in front of me. He uses his air magic on the boulder. However, the boulder didn't get smashed. Looks like if it crashed, even Toru won't be able to survive.

I look at Hizri. She is trying to come here, then tried to lunch magic on it but it was stopped by the Bala guy. Well, I am not panicked in any case. Not because I am not gonna die for real, but...


I used Kamui from my bonus state. Thankfully the system gave me long-distance Kamui if it was a close distance I can't teleport it without touching it like Tobi. Kamui has two teleportation systems for those who don't know, one is long-distance teleportation ability which Kakashi has, and another one is the close distance which Tobi has.

[Author Note: Am I right? Even if I am not. Welp, anyway.]

"Oi, look. Something appeared in the bottom of the boulder."

"Huh, it's like a whirlpool."

"In that, it's getting sucked."

Anyway, I don't know where it did got teleported. But I am thankful it did. As expected, using the ability of Mangekyo hurt my eyes.

[Because your body isn't able to take the burden of Eternal Mangekyo level user. In due time, you will be able to afford it.]

I see thank you system.

"What just happened?"

Toru said while looking at the empty sky where a huge boulder should be.

"I don't know it just vanished."

Someone answered.

Looks like no one guessed or thought it was my doing. Oh, well, I did that silently. So, of course, they won't know I did that.

However, there were two people who were looking at me with surprised faces. One was of course the magician guy and another one was Hizri.

"How the devil!"

The magician cursed.

"Come to think of it. What about your eyes, Your Highness? Why it is red?"

"Oh, this. I have open up a new power when I was injured back then. Isn't it awesome to look?"


The magician showered me on with four guided missiles. Toru clashes them with his sword. However, two got out of his range. They hit me.


Or should I say my clone?


The magician cried laud. I created the clone when everyone was looking at the sky and sneaked behind the magician.

I tap that magician's shoulder.


He looked at me. After all, my real body was behind him all along. I was wearing the mask. When he said, who, I remove my mask and Sharingan!

I trapped him into the genjutsu. I tried to behead him with my lightening coated sword, however, one of his henchmen protected him by pushing him from the sword trajectory. But still, the magician got hurt anyway.

"What just happened? I suddenly vanished from here and It was like something was grabbing me with two of his hand."

The magician has yet to notice his wound.

"Damn it! When did?"

He is trying to regenerate himself but I throw Rasenshuriken on him from my bonus state. He was busy regenerating himself so he was dumbstruck by the sudden attack. The man who protected him came to his defense. However, if you can't absorb the Rasenshuriken or repel it like the Pain you are a goner.


The magician scream, he tried to protect him, however, when the shockwave ended, we saw he was already in a bad state. Every cell of his body got damaged, after all, wind style Rashenshuriken work like the needle on every cell of the human body.

"Cone, my son why did you do that."

I see, it was his son. He tried to heal him. Because it was his son, I didn't stop him from that.

"Why I can't heal you?"

However, it was not good. After all, Rasenshuriken is one of the strongest ninjutsu attacks where even someone like Kakazu with several hearts got badly injured to recover again. Though Kakashi killed him after he got weak, I wonder if Kakuzu would be alive after taking that kind of injury.

However, it seems the son of that magician didn't survive. He died.

"Damn you! Son of Astro. I will rip you."

Saying that he pointed his staff to the sky and said,

"Oh destroyer of the mankind, the nightmare of the desert, sleeping demon of the night, awake and give us your retribution! Summoning magic! Sand Demon King!"

[System Notification: You triggered the main boss summoning by killing the Son of the Great Magician Lucas. Defeat him and win the mission.]

I should know beforehand, if it is in the sand, that means my first tail beast among the nine tail beasts will be one tail beast Shukaku of the sand.