
Shukaku has unleashed tail beast level chakra that I can feel with my skin now.

"Just what kind of devilish power is that?!"

Toru exclaimed behind me.

Shukaku manipulate all the sand around him which was making magnet canon on the sky now. If this falls into the ground we are all dead. Looks like I am a failure in this turn.

"Hey, can't you do what have you done before?"

Hizri asked me. I looked at her and laughed,

"Are you kidding me? I have limited how much cha... mana I can use in one turn. I need two to three days to recover my full strength."

Not to mention if I won't die and revive back to the time I cannot use bonus stats either.

"True, I am sorry. I was expecting too much."

Hizri replied.

"Bala let's defend the attack with attack."

Hizri told Bala to help her. However, Bala shook the head,

"I don't know even if I attack with all of my power if it is possible for us to defend that many canons with the power of just two of us."

"That's means we have to attack as a unit. Everyone from Astros and Gaias, defend the attack with all of your might. It's a do or die. We will survive or we will be vanquished depends on lady luck. Let's do pray for our best."

Hizri scream to everyone. Bala took the lead from her and said,

"We don't have time to be in conflict with each other. Let's work here together to defend the impending danger."

After that everyone screamed to agree with them, the leading fighters of both teams.

"Heh! It doesn't matter you ants, you are in my territory, your loss is unavoidable."

Shukaku screamed. I looked at Shukaku. Anime or manga didn't show his full power, however actually he is a powerful monster, or should I say, for shinobi or power like our scale Shukaku is too strong. Just how strong Akatsuki members would be who were catching tail beasts like pokemon.

I have enough chakra to send another fireball jutsu, I completed my hand sign and started to follow everyone's trail to defend the attack from the Shukaku.

But suddenly my body stops hearing me and working on its own. My hands made a shadow clone sign. I didn't intend to do that. My shadow clone performs a hand sign,

"Body Possassion Technique."

Suddenly, my clone turn into smoke and changed into suddenly something.

It was a woman.

She had pale white skin, has grayish-white hair. She has Byakugan in her both eyes. She has red lipstick on her lips. She was so beautiful that my heart stopped for a moment. On top of that to enhance her beauty, she was wearing a red gothic dress.

I am stating clearly to you guys, she may be the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my entire life.

When I was in a daze on her beauty suddenly a thought came out of my mind. Except for her clothes which were modern, she was like Kaguya before becoming ten tails jinchuriki.

I know who is she now. She is not Kaguya, but she said she is like the sister of Kaguya. It is Uriel Otsutsuki.

"Uriel, how? How are you out?"

When I asked her she told me,

"I will talk with you later. Let me take care of Shukaku first."

Suddenly sickle-like golden chain came out from her feet. That went surrounding Shukaku and bind him like nine tails.

"What! Who are you? An Otsutsuki? First, it was an Uchiha now an Otsutsuki here. Looks like I am in bad shit now."

Shukaku screamed.

"Enough talk Shukaku, you are a too naughty boy. You should come to your mama now."

When she said that, every magnet-style sand bullets were in the skies fall down like a broken sandcastle on us. Well, we are now literary bathing in the sand.

It was like all chakra was drained from his body after Uriel bind him. Uriel points her open palm toward Shukaku. Suddenly, Shukaku enlarge his eyes, it is as if he was stunned, suddenly his body was pulled like water in a basin inside of Uriel's palm.

When his body totally sucked out inside her palm, a pattern which may be a sealing sign appeared on her hand.

Then she looked at me with a smile. When she did that my surrounding suddenly changed. I know this place, it was a starry place where we have seen Naruto, Sasuke, Obito, and others.

"What are you asking me back then, please ask me again?"

Uriel asked. Her attractive face really poisoned my head, for a moment I was stunned. I shook my head and asked her,

"How come you are here?"

"Well, that is the system."

She shrugged her shoulders with raising her hands like it was obvious.

"What do you mean?"

"Did you see the status bar on the head of Shukaku?"


"What do you think it was for if it wasn't the health or life status of Shukaku?"

When she asked that suddenly this fact was caught on my head.

"So, it was to summon you?"

I asked her.

"Yes. Correct."

She smiled and started to walk.

"This isn't my body. This is just a clone of you what I possessed for a few moments. I perform a special Otsutsuki jutsu that can possess anything for a certain time. This jutsu also you have seen to perform by Akatsuki used on Yura of the sand and another person to possess by Itachi and Kisame."

She grabbed my right hand with her both palms.

"System allows me to possess your body for a certain amount of time to not only seal Shukaku on you but also to become good terms with each other... Shukaku and you."

She suddenly started to fade in the black smoke, I tried to catch her however her smoke went in my right hand. I look at my palm. It was the same pattern of her when she sealed Shukaku on her palm.

[Don't worry, I am always with you.]

She said inside my mind, like as always.