I came out quickly. I saw, mom, running, in my room, we looked at each other, and she yelled, "What the fuck, you haven't opened your laptop yet. I am sick of your irresponsible behaviour Nova Ride!"
What the heck is going on!?
I came out, and saw Vaughn, what, Vaughn in my house!? And saw Kate, why are they both here!
I ran towards them, they were looking fucking nervous. Both were sitting on the bed. "why is she telling me to open my laptop!?"
Kate, stamp her hand on her head, and Vaughn laughed, "Day dreamer, its your final day, go and check in UCAS if you are selected or not!"
I HURIEDLY RAN TOWARDS MY DESK. I sat on the chair, and it spinned a bit.
I opened the UCAS..
And it was loading…at the moment, when you want the bandage to rip for once and for all, and when it takes time, your whole breath stucks in your throat.
Mom, V, K everyone surrounded me. they were standing behind my chair, and I know, my mom is dying in excitement and nervousness, as her nails were dig on the chair. K screamed in my ear, "why is it still loading!?"
"how would I know K!?"
"P-p-please open U-U-UC-C-CAS-S" mom said. I turned around quickly. Tears were formed up in her eyes, already!
"Mom, are you crying!?"
How did she manage to shout at me while crying in fear and excitement!?
Ugh, this is still loading. Soon, mom is goanna curse this Laptop.
I shut my eyes tightly, I don't want to see, what's coming out from that, but one thing I surely knows is, I love em, and never goanna lose this life gem (mom, Kate and Vaughn) Dad, he is not here, probably making fun of my at my back! what can I expect from him, he must be making party of my advance rejection letter-
"AHHHHHHH!" mom screamed, and I flicked my eyes, wide open. Before I could see, on my pc, V spinned my chair, and now I was facing him. he was gleaming, and mom was hugging K and jumping at the same time, guess what she loves K more than me! but that's good, she is like my sister.
And the happiness on their face clearly tell me I am in!
"You, are going to Cambridge Day dreamer!" and he started spinning my chair. "Woah..stop it, I could see stars in day!" I laughed, and tear were almost goanna explode from my eyes, gosh, since when I became senti!
The room was filled with happiness, my mother was happier than I was. Kate, she is now my mom bestie I guess, I mean look at them, they are doing some weird dancing-uh, there steps are way more amazing than what I did on that stage, that was a hell of embarrassing moment of my life- I looked at V, he was staring me, while smile plastered on his so da*m gorgeous face. He sat down on knees, and pulled the chair. "Day Dreamer, you did it!"
I nodded, while tucking my hairs behind my ears, I tight my lip. "You are finally going to fucking Cambridge!"
I licked my lips, while controlling my best to not cry in this moment.
He placed his hands gently on my face, and started creasing it. "You, are allowed to cry, after all of the shit, you did it! You made your way! And getting in Cambri, is dreams for many, yet you did it! You, Nova Ride, did it!"
Fuck, tears, I let them flow. "I must be looking a total mess now!" We laughed on the comment I passed.
"A beautiful mess!"
Oh my, i don't know whether to cry anymore on my victory or-
"Excuse us guys, her mother is standing right here!" mom, said this while pointing her finger at us.
Her side of eyebrows were looking like an arrow, almost going to bend and broke! Her eyes, was now giving us a death stare, uh-oh this doesn't looks good. And she started laughing, and her eyes relaxed. "Are you" I exclaimed "okay mom? I think you are not okay!"
She looked at me, for a while, with an expression less face, and started to laugh again, I think, she is really not okay. She walked towards K, and placed her hand on K's shoulder, and started to walk out of the room. I think I got this shoulder holding trait from my mother.
She closed the door, and opened again, through which her bright smiling face could only be seen, "I am giving you two some privacy. But don't take it for granted!" and banged the door, we both jerked when she slammed the door.
V, looked at me, with a confused face, his brows were twisted, he exclaimed, "Is she always like this!?"
I shrugged, "you mean the slamming part? If you are talking bout that, then yes, that's common in our house! And if you are talking about her talking style, then, no, that's so not her. just happiness and adrenaline speaking on her behalf at the moment" I winked.
He smile, god look at his smile, the most beautiful and precious smile a girl can ever see, and aww, look at those side of cheeks lil adorable dimples had formed up!
He took me in his arm, and holy fuck, my legs were not on ground, is he too tall!? Or am I too short!?
"Hey, you dumbass, look here!" my smile fade away, V didn't said anything he is still smiling, there is only two person in this room, me and he. None of us spoke then who- oh my is that, this annoying bird!? I turned my face towards window, and there he was, sitting on my window panel, like a ruler!
"Day dreamer, what are you looking at!?"
"This!" I pointed my finger towards the bird. I turned my face towards V, "Can you please put me down its kinda urgent."
"you, wanna go and use washroom!?"
Bruh, "No!" I started hitting on his hard athlete chest, god, its so hot.
He placed me on the floor and I ran towards the window. My hair fall on my face, and I messily tuck them behind my ears.
"So, how I got a pleasure to see you!?"
"Wait, What, are you talking to a bird!" I faced towards him, and his mouth and eyes both were wide open.
I snapped my fingers, and pointed it at him, "I have a power, I can talk with uh, um birds." I shut my lips tight, and unfold it "I am serious on this! Vaughn Shirley."
He smiled, and sat on bed, "continue, I am waiting!" he looked tired and angry. Gosh it feels like, I am taking him for too much grant.
"Fuck him!" I quickly turned my head towards that bird. And look him with dagger eyes. "you" I mummered, "need to learn how to speak politely, as a bird it doesn't suits you."
"you sound so much like your mom, telling me what to do and what to not!"
A glimpse rushed through my eye-mom told me to iron my dress, and that's not the way to wear, and I was so frustrated, fuck how rude and wrong I was, she was telling me that for my good!
"whatever, you won the game, you are out of it, the game. You made well decision in life and now here you are! The decision you will take in your life will lead to your destiny accordingly!" and before I could adjust the thing, he told into my lil brain, he flewed away.
OH SHOOT, Vaughn.
He was looking me with surprise in his eyes. His lips were folded, and his jawline…oh my any girl would melt here.
I walked, and sat on his lap. How sexy is he. He smirked. And his gaze ran on my legs. "I will miss sitting on you!" he made puppy eyes. "C'mon day dreamer, don't say that. You are making it so hard for me!"
Oh is there, I poked my finger on his chest, "are, you, Vaughn Shirley, has tears in his eyes!" he shut his eyes. Oh, that's so sweet. He was holding his breath tightly, I could see that, as his veins were poping out of his neck.
I placed my hand on his face, and lean myself on him. and his eyes were shut no changes at all, but he is now relaxed a bit, as his veins were resting and going back inside.
I delicately, smashed my lips on his. And started kissing him. god, I will miss this smoke-y taste of his lips. I moaned, and a smile formed. Tear felled off from both of our eyes, we let them flow.
I shut my eyes, devasting myself in this kiss. I inhaled a large amount of air. The kiss was the best, every time I kiss him, I feel dragons in my stomach, every kiss with him feels like first!
He broke the kiss. And I opened my eyes, oh my I am still here, and didn't teleport. A smile formed and there was spark in my chest, and there was tear of happiness, "One of the best kiss, of my life!" and teared fell, he smirked. And kissed me on my forehead.
He opened his mouth a lil, and gulped a large amount of air.
He placed his hands on my back, and pulled me, towards him. he slowly let his body fall on the bed, while I was on top, resting my face on his chest, his heart was beating so fast, "your heart beat so fast, what's inside there" I could sense him smiling on my stupidity. "I myself figuring it that out, still!" he sighed.
I adjusted myself, and placed my hand on either sides of bed, so I could see his face. My hairs were falling over, he delicately put those hair strings behind my ear.
No words were needed, one could feel very special in the silence, in the beauty which his eyes behold, he is my safest place. And I like him a lot, maybe more than like! It's a feeling undeniable.
A smirk plastered on his face, he exclaimed "I am turning into a day dreamer too I guess!" and he twisted his side of lip, curving them down.
"that's, good for you…you and me two dreamers-
"and one dream!" he completed the sentences. And got up a lil, and softly kissed on my lip, and laid down again.
"yeah, one dream." I repeat that sentence like a vow. And bend myself a lil, and kissed him on his lip.
Knock Knock.
He raised his brow. We got up.
I opened the door, and there was mom, standing with a cookie in her hands, and smile was plastered on her face. Gosh, she looks like Jade standing here, from Victorius, where she was disturbing her friends love life knowingly! I love that drama, you must have came to know this by so far!
"NOVA!" I jerked, when she yelled in my ear. I am soon going to be deaf!
"Mom, I am standing right here, in front of you." I pointed myself while waving my hand.
"Nova, you are going to Cambridge, and you are still so irresponsible, you are dreaming while I am asking you something! You ruined my whole mood, ugh," she looked at Vaughn pointing her eyes at him, "I don't understand how you guys her friend. She is soo annoyingly carless." And she looked at me again, furiously. "talking to you is like talking to a wall, just crashing your head, I still don't know why am I talking to you!" and moved out, and banged the door on my face.
As usual.
I'll miss this, a lot! Who will bang the door on my face daily in Cambri!
Its now farwell party, and after some weeks I am going to flew, UK, where my Cambridge resides.
I looked myself at mirror for the last time. make-up check, dress check, hair check. I took my phone which was on dressing table and went downstairs. Mom mouth was open, and she looked me up and sown, up and down, up and down. "finally my words came handy!" I had expected the same answer from her side, as I am wearing the same Dance Mania dress, and dad's eye was glued to newspaper. I am not teleported again, but, I am living and experiencing this same scene. I smiled, on the situation, and ran out.
This party is my last one.
For good I mean. Look at this party, so sweet and memorable. Seeing these faces for the last time. but will miss my actual friends the most.
Kate came in. I was stunned. Look at her, she has removed her specs, her green eyes were shinning like an emerald stone. Her beauty is making her look drop dead gorgeous. The blue satin gown, falling over the ground making her look like an actual diva. My forever best friend K, I'll miss her the most, she is going to Yale university. Two best friends two different countries.
"Kate..here" I wave my hand.
She walked towards me. and look at me and smiled. "Simple make up, daisy printed knee length frock, butterfly chain pendant. And your wavy hair! I missed this you!"
I put my hand on her shoulder, "this dress and pendant is too special for me, after all it holds a mystery, and luck somehow!" I winked at her. and we walked inside.
People were dancing and partying hard. I love this. I looked at K.
She was shrugging, and looked pretty uncomfortable. "What's with the look K!"
"I don't know, maybe I was never born with this parting traits!"
I laughed, "K, you are never born with this, you develop this…and you are so fucking hot, look at your curves, green eyes, I swear, if you dance Chris can not hold himself, and he'll walk towards you, cuz you are the real Cinderella here!" I winked. And started to shake my body. She laughed. And started to do the same.
After an hour.
Where is V!? oh, no-how can I-fuck.
I ran out. Pushing every people, who was dancing like crazy gorillas.
I came out of that party and he was nowhere to be found. Shit. I tapped on my phone and called him. no answer. I texted him
Nova : Vaughn Shirley where are you!?
I was looking at the screen, in hope, hope that he would answer. But no reply, and screen off automatically.
I quickly tapped on the screen.
Vaughn : You remember me, still!
Nova : No time, for being sarcastic, out there .(
Vaughn : Then?
Nova : Where are you?
Vaughn : If you can find me, come and get me, or else go home. But one thing for sure, I am not in the party, can't see you desperately searching for me in the party, making fun of yourself, so I'm being this benevolent.
I rolled my eyes.
Nova : Yeah, Benevolent. I am on my way Mr. Shirley
Vaughn : See you soon. Miss. Ride.
Where can he be? I started to walk on the road in this late stary night, which leads to the park.
No, he is not here. Can he be at, School parking area, where we were having this inti- I ran towards there, stumbling, as I was in heels.
Nope, not here. What kind of Joke even is this!
"Excuse me?" I turned behind, to see who is he.
And that was our watchman uncle Mr. James, he is now very old, goanna retire soon. He is not my life biggest part, but ill miss him. "Hello uncle James. How are you?"
"I am good. Shouldn't you be enjoying party?"
"Still cares about our safety." I smiled.
"Yeah, you kids, were like my own, I had seen you all, when you were small kids, now look at you, grown up, and attending the farewell party!" he passed a smile.
I spread my arms. And hugged him. "I'll miss you, uncle James!"
"You will make me cry." He pushed me. "now go home, its very late."
I flipped my hair back, "yes sir!" and smiled.
I was on my way. And I tried calling V, but he didn't pick any of my calls.
I was just two blocks away from my home, now.
"Already giving up on me!"
I turned quickly. He was standing, there. Hands crossed. And tear in his eyes.
"You haven't given me any option, so…"
He dropped his hands, and he gulped, as I could see his adams apple moving. He sighed. "I can never be angry at you, for more than an hour I guess." He didn't spoke for a second, which felt like decades to me. he sat down, on ground, on his knees.
My breath was stuck in my throat. Oh my.
"Nova Ride, will you be my girlfriend!?"
Oh my god. I ran towards him. he stood up. And I jumped on him. he catches me.
Rain started to shower on us. Every drop, which touched our skin started to melt on it evaporating the sweet memories. The smell of grass, and the beautiful rhythmic breath taken by V, made this time more special.
We were wet, rain started falling hard. And we are still standing in the middle of road. He looked up in the sky. And closed his eyes. Every drop of rain was shinning on his face, making him look more gorgeous and handsome men alive in this planet. He shook his head, and a wide smile formed up. "Nova, I think I am in love" and he screamed in joy, "I am in LOVE…with my NOVA!!!"
Thanks rain is falling, as my tears got masked behind it. I couldn't stop smiling, the simplest yet elegant way of proposing a girl, and confessing your feeling is this!
"I' yelled back in joy, "Am in LOVE with VAUGHN…with my fucking VAUGHN!!!"
He started to spin in joy, in the middle of rain. I am savouring every bit of this moment, every bit of this rain, every bit of his smile, his joy, his happiness!
He started to walk, while I was still in his arms, and had wrapped my legs around his torso.
We came inside a shelter. And he was looking in my eyes deeply. "I will miss these sexy legs around my torso." Oops, I am still on him.
I jumped down. And he chuckled. The rain was going too hard now, and air was very demanding currently, making, flake the shelter. "Nova, you were wearing this short frock." He looked at me, as if he was scanning my body through his eyes, making me weak in my knees. He crossed his hand, "Day dreamer, those view of legs are only for me!" he came near, and put his hand on my waist, and pulled me closer to him, until there's no space left. "You are looking!" and he leaned down, and whispered in my ear, "super cute, I cant hold myself back anymore…" when he said this, I felt weak but strong, my mouth was opened, I couldn't speak a word, my breath was getting heavier. The droplets of rain were tipping from our hair and clothes! The hushing sound of rain, was like a song played by god. Making it more special.
His hand made his way through my chin, and we was looking each other in eyes, his lips slowly came on mine, clashingly. Gosh!
It was deep, and carring filled with loads of love. There was mint and alcohol taste. I could taste the rain drop which was on his lips. One thing I knew for sure, he is my man. And will forever be!
Last weeks were the best weeks of my life. I had enjoyed and spent as much time as possible with Vaughn, and of course every time we kissed each other with more passion. Kate was mad at me, as I left her alone at the party, but when I told her now, I am V's girlfriend, her madness converted into craziness! We had so much fun together packing and shopping for our uni stuff. Mom, well, sometime she was sweet, another day senti, next day over hyper. And dad, he hadn't spoke a word with me since the party scene!
I feel guilty about that, but it had to happen. Somehow, I'll tell him sorry when I will leave. I don't want hold grudges ya know!
"Novaaaa" she was yelling from downstairs. "Coming, just taking some, uh, books!" I yelled back. I am a worst liar.
I could hear, the boxes moving in car. V was helping my mom, put those boxes in the car, I could see that handsome men, from my window. He had a red cap, and was wearing a white t-shirt which made him look sexier than ever, in this sunny afternoon!
I pulled the drawer, and put the only lip-gloss, I saved. As others are in my suitcase. I comb my hair for the last time, through my fingers. And done.
I went downstairs. And locked the door. I looked at it carefully, drinking every piece of this, home, this gate, those flowers. I had spent my whole life here, and now, I will be far away from this country, from this house. I'll miss it very much!
I sighed.
And walked towards the car. Mom and dad was sitting inside the car. And V was standing in front of the door.
"I will miss you, your hugs, your scent, your sweet lips, your dreamy eyes. And most importantly you!" he sighed. After he said this.
"you are making it hard for me!" I playfully pat my hand on his shoulder. "Come on let's sit inside"
He, passed this awkward broken laugh, "I just can't see you going away in front of me. I know it's for your future and all" he paused and sighed, "but I don't want to make it hard either, for myself."
Tears were forming up, I controlled it, as much as I can, but it rolled down my cheeks. I sniffed.
He giggled, "oh not now, come here." He pulled me in his embrace.
The sun was hard, but V shed his strong body over me, giving me the shade. He pushed me aside from his embrace. And took off his cap. And gently placed it on my head. "I won't be there with you, so here is my cap, don't misplace it day dreamer, its one of my fav, I know its lil childish but I love it not more than you though." He winked. "I knew you would forget to check the weather, so its hot there too!" a smiled formed up on my face. How caring is he.
He kissed me on my lip. And broke it quickly. "Strawberry gloss!" he smile, "nice, nice!"
Dad horns.
"Call me when you will reach there!" and he placed a gentle kiss on my forehead. He got away from the door, and opened it. I sat inside. And he locked the door.
He waves his hands, in air, a goodbye one.
And I waved my hand, from window.
Ahh…dad suddenly stop the car. There was girl standing in front of the car. I couldn't see her properly.
I rubbed my eye, Knock-Knock.
I unlocked the door and came out. She hugged me, tightly. And exclaimed, "wait, Oliva, and others are also coming!"
I shrugged, "oh no, I am actually late…we will do face time!" I bite my lip.
"Oh no!" she paused. "So, here it is, my crush list names!"
I awkwardly laughed, "what will I do with this!?" seriously, she would have given me choclate or something like that, duh!
She was looking me with full curiousity. And to keep her heart I opened it. Vaughn! On that list she had his name, first, Chris, was on second!
I looked at her angrily, "Vaughn is my boyfriend, Maren! And Chris is Kate's crush!" I gulped, "Kate n Chris, has kissed each other, on other day!" I lied.
Her jaw fell down. She buy my lie! Woho…
I pat on her shoulder out of sympathy, "don't ya worry, you still have plenty of fishes in the sea!"
I moved her aside. And sat inside. And locked the door.
Dad drove the car.
I took a deep breath, and looked this town, with my blurry eyes (due to tears in it) a smile was still spread on my face. I took that cap, and pressed it hard on my chest, and took a deep breath.
The air which was woohsing on my face, this time it felt different, it felt as if it was tickling my face. The sun was kissing me, and the clouds…they are coming with me!
At airport.
When I started to walk inside, I didn't find the guts at first to turn and say sorry.
"Nova!" I quickly turned my neck, when dad screamed my name.
He waved his hand as a sign of good bye. "I am sorry. I love you guys!" I yelled back. mom, was out of tissues! And well, dad, he will now surely need a box of tissue too!
I laughed, my crazy family. I ran inside. My hairs, dancing in the air, as I am going to take off for my futures biggest goal!
I love this place.
Look how big it is. Till where your eyes run, you can see its beauty.
I walked inside. Drinking every detail of this campus. Ouch. A girl was standing there, in front of me. "Sorry, I was just-
"smitten on this campus, right?"
I scratch my neck in awkwardness, "well, yeah!"
She was wearing shorts and a tank top. No make up at all. Just a slender girl, with shoulder length black hair. And a welcoming smile on her face.
She leans her hand, towards me. "Beth!" I shook the hands and exclaimed, "Nova!"
"You have an American accent-
"A girl flew from New York, to UK…so yes.."
She started pushing me with her, "I am sooo excited, I always wanted to have a friend from America…and here I am!"
I laughed.
We spent the whole day together, wandering around the campus, and settling ourselves in our dorm. Luckily, we are roomates! She is going to be the best company here, I don't complain at all, about her clumsy behaviour, as I have the same!
Well, one thing now I know. Life has its ups and down. You will meet many people along the way and you will loose many too. Just don't let the special one slip from your hand, as they are precious and time too!
I am lucky, very very lucky, and I'll forever be grateful for the chances I got. You have time, you can take decision, but let me tell you one thing, the decision you choose will lead you to your future path, its never too late, to start taking right decision, and making your life the most beautiful one.
And, about confidence, "no one can make you feel inferior ecept your own self" said by, Eleanor Roosevelt!
Remember one thing, every one is special in their own ways, your confidence doesn't fade away, it get stuck deep inside your fears, you just have to fight that demons, and stand up. You are you, and no one can take your place, that's what I learnt from this teleporting or you can say transmigrating!
Sorry if I am boring ya all! Well, don't worry I am going only, first I'll call V, then mom and dad, and then K! and I will be busy all day. And so do you!
The story continues....