Chapter 4 part 5

His shouts had rendered me speechless. I bit my lips and thought for a moment. He does have a point. If it's still in the past, we're both a Captain, had many connections and backer, and possessed remarkable abilities, but I was more attractive, so it's my win. But, all I've got now is just my good appearance, and in other aspects I'm way too far behind compared to him. Despite the fact I'm the eldest daughter of a Count's family, I've practically zero connection to any powerhouse. At least, my face can be considered as beautiful, but it can't be said to be the most beautiful. No matter how unreconciled I am right now… it's no doubt Captain Jullius had suffered loss. This is truly unfair! Arghh damn it!!

If it's in the past, many people would say I was the one who suffered losses!

Now I only have Sofia at my side. Oh right, Sofia said that I was the one who was in disadvantageous position!

"Truthfully, Captain Jullius also won't make a good husband."

Sofia said so before that Captain Jullius was a weird person.

Hearing my words, Clauen's red eyes coldly glared at me.

"What do you mean? There's nothing wrong with Captain!"


What else did Sofia mention about Captain Jullius?

"First, there're many bad rumors about him."

"Those are groundless rumors! They are completely nonsense!"

"And… oh, right! Captain Jullius gave me a food he had already eaten! That's really presumptuous!"

…, forgive me, Captain Jullius. But, half of the reasons what's happening right now is caused by your own subordinate.

Clauen was shocked when I said Captain Jullius gave me his already eaten food.

"…, Captain must be doing it out of goodwi–"

"That's still a rude thing to do! That aside, Captain Jullius also gave a long sword to a lady. My maid even wondered whether if the Captain is an uncultured man!"

In fact, I chose that long sword myself. Captain Jullius, once again please forgive me. In the future, I would steal any valuable decoration inside the mansion and sell it then I would use the money to treat you for tasty foods. After I had told some of Captain Jullius' rude behaviors, Clauen had a dejected face.

"…, you can use long sword, can't you? At that time it looked like you're proficient in wielding a sword when you use Calitus."

"I do know how to use a sword, but still, giving a long sword as a gift for a lady isn't a proper thing to do."

Sofia told me so.

Clauen let out a long breath and could only facepalm.

"For all the things he had done in the past… I apologized on his behalf."

"It's okay. It doesn't really matter to me."

Oh my, it really hurts my conscience. Captain Jullius, I sincerely apologize to you. I've never thought all the things you did for me as something bad. I know Captain Jullius is a very good person! All of this happened because that brat Clauen acted like a mother hen. I should have beat him up at that time.

While I was feeling bad because I had wronged Captain Jullius, Clauen had a gloomy expression on his face.

"In any case, what Captain Jullius had done before is nothing compared to your rude behavior just now."

"I did it because I'm worried about Capt–"

"Did Captain Jullius ever ask you to concern yourself in this matter? Ah, forget it! I will just directly ask him! Captain!"

"Miss Epheria! Wait!!"

A leader should gave explanation for his subordinate's mistake. I shoved that brat's hands away when I was about leaving the room. I kicked the door open and quickly went to the next room.

"Captain Jullius! Your subordinate's bullying me!"

"Captain! That's not true!"

What did he say? So this jerk won't admit his fault?! I kicked him with my heels then looking around inside the room. As I saw it, Captain Jullius was not here. Was he still taking a bath? Where is he bathro–

"You, woman! Where do you think you're going to?!"

This damn brat hindered me from leaving the room with all his might. He completely blocked the door, so it would be hard to exit the room. His abilty was not to be underestimated either. I put both my hands on my waist and raised my chin when I was talking to him.

"Where else could it be other than going to the bathroom?"

"Captain is still bathing right now."

"I also know that."

"D-Do you understand what it means?… He's not wearing anything right now!"

"I'm already used to see it. No need to be that shocked."

I used to see naked men in the past anyway! Uhm, but I only saw man's lower part once and it's in a bath house. At that time, the man screamed and ran away inside the bath house while being entirely naked. Besides, when someone was soaking inside the bathtub, didn't half of his body is inside the water? Then there isn't any problem, is it? The brat's mouth was widely opened after he heard my words. In next moment, he was stuttering when he tried to say something to me. It's as if he was dumbstruck hearing my confession just now.

"A-actually when–… Huh? No. Captain absolutely isn't that kind of person… didn't both of you just meet yesterday…? J-just now you were lying, right?!"


I really have seen lots of naked men in the past. Especially when it's under a scorching sun in the summer, almost more than half of Holy Knight Squad didn't put on any shirts. Just because I didn't want to see it, it didn't mean I could avoid it either. After hearing my honest reply, Clauen covered his face with both his hands and acted like an actor in a tragic drama.

"How could this happened…?"

What's wrong with this brat? I knew for sure that it's unacceptable if a man saw a naked woman. But it shouldn't be the case when it's the other way around, right? My assistant never mentioned anything about that. Suddenly Clauen glared sharply with his bloodshot eyes and shouted.

"After all is said and done, Miss must take responsibility for the Captain!"

"…, ha? …, take responsibility for what?"

"Miss had 'eaten' our innocent Captain, of course you must take responsibility for him!"

I don't understand what he said. When did I ever eat Captain Jullius? Hmm, so far I had only been treated for some food, but I've never 'eaten' him. Moreover, it's illegal to consume human's flesh. Why did this brat in front of me accused me for having 'eaten' Captain Jullius? Has he gone mad?

"I would appreciated it if you could explain in details."

"That…, Captain Jullius–"

"What is it?"

Captain Jullius appeared right behind Clauen with an annoyed face as if he was trying to say, 'I really want to sleep, quickly move away from the door!'

The brat was taken aback and moved his body to the side.

With voice full of grievances, I shouted to Captain Jullius, "This bastard has been harrassing me while kept saying all kinds of nonsense!"

Looks like he's insane, so I need Captain Jullius as his superior to manage him.

"I didn't!"

The brat immediately denied it. What did he say? He didn't? You kept saying all those nonsense when I didn't even do anything and you always nitpicked on me! Captain Jullius entered the room and back and forth looking at me and Clauen.

"Harassed? What do you mean?"

"I just had a little chat with Miss Epheria."

"This bastard accused me that I had eaten Captain Jullius!"

Clauen jumped out on where he stood while screaming, "Miss Epheriaaaa!"

Are you a rabbit? Why did you jump like that? His eyes were also similar to that of a rabbit.

Captain Jullius was pondering for a while after he heard my words and then tilted his head, looking confused.

"As far as I could remember, I haven't been eaten yet."

See? I don't remember such thing happened either.

For some reason, Clauen's face flushed red after he heard Captain Jullius words and he stammered to say something.

"Ugh, I mean… that… not the literal meaning of the usual 'eat', but what I mean is… 'hugging'. Ermm, do you get it now Captain?"

"I remember that I did hugged her."

Captain Jullius and me nodded in unison. He hugged me when he carried me to the armory backthen. But, how could this brat know about it? Did he secretly spy on us?

"Did I do something wrong?"

"It's not that it's a wrong thing, but… at least both of you should have known each other for a couple of months before doing it! Moreover, your engagement is still on talk, it hasn't been finalized yet."

"Is that so?"

Captain Jullius stared at me and then bowed a bit.

"Looks like I have offended Miss at that time. I'm sorry."

"It's fine. I also want it too anyway."

At that time, my feet was hurt because of the high heels. Besides, I realized that it's quite comfortable to be carried by him.

Clauen stared on us,-who were apologizing and forgiving each other-, with deadpan looks as if his soul had left his body because of a shocking matter. We have admitted our wrongdoings, so what else did he unsatisfied with? This brat is really odd.