Chapter 4 part 6

As scheduled, the engagement ceremony was simply held inside the Special Task Squad's headquarters. Sofia was dissatisfied but actually, the engagement ceremony was mostly done casually just by exchanging engagement gifts. Unlike marriage, an engagement often tend to be cancelled due to various reasons in which mostly caused by either side's family circumtances. And it happened than most for political marriage in particular where either side might have a change of attitude halfway through the engagement if they appeared to find another more beneficial opportunity before truly got married. Therefore, unless the groom was an eldest son of a noble family or someone from an influential family who has massive wealth and held great authority, it's rare to have a grand engagement ceremony .

The ceremony took place outdoor in the garden under a fine weather with clear blue sky. Actually, it was more like a garden party than an engagement ceremony. On the long table decorated with flowers which surrounded by chairs, many delicacies such as chocolates, puddings, cakes, muffins, candies, pies, jellies, cookies, tarts and drinks were prepared. In my eyes, it's all good and very satisfying but Sofia had an outrageous look on her face and let out a small sigh.

"…, this doesn't look like an engagement party but a kid's birthday party."

I couldn't make any comparison since I have never had a birthday party, let alone received any birthday greetings. Come to think of it, did Captain Jullius also not know his birthday like me? I was about to run to Captain Jullius who was standing at the garden entrance waiting for me, but Sofia swiftly grabbed my arm.

"Don't run!"

She scolded in a low voice.

"Please pay attention to your conduct. To be a fine lady you need to move slowly and steadily."

…, what a frustrating way to live. It couldn't be more right not to marry an ordinary nobleman. Because of Sofia's nagging, I walked slowly to the man who will become my fiancee soon. Captain Jullius who was wearing a black suit attire that fits his body, titled his head and looked at me. Well, my standard is too high, but I think overall he's handsome. But of course my past self was more handsome.

"Miss Epheria."

His big hand reached out to me. I placed my hand on his and I could sensed his callous palm which served as evidence that it was used to wield a sword. Until a while ago, I also had this kind of hand. My current hands were very tender and couldn't even use to lift a sword without the help of holy power.

Somehow I'm jealous. Should I bite it?

The sweet scent became more noticeable as we walked together side by side on the paved road which decorated with ornamental hedges formed by boxwood trees. The people gathered there were less than 20 people in total and except Sofia and me, the rest of them were all Special Task Squad's members. Actually I also have many people that could be invited.

'…, I feel a bit sad.'

It's not a big deal but my heart felt a bit empty. Everyone would be surprised if they knew I was engaged. They probably wouldn't believe it.

"I never thought Captain would get married this quickly."

"It's still only an engagement, though?"

"The Demon Lord has decided to have them married, so it won't take a long time until they get married for real."

"That's right."

Lathy and a young man I didn't know of, were gossiping. I also thought I would marry Captain Jullius but I was still unsure about it. Who knows, maybe a fated first love would appear in front of me or Captain Jullius.

"This is the engagement gifts."

Ortzen, with a delighted sly fox face, opened the velvet wrapped box. Inside the box was a pair of rings. Why all of things it has to be a pair of rings? It's common to exchanged rings during a wedding, but usually people could use other accessories to be exchanged in an engagement ceremony.

"A ring is used on your hand."

"Anyway, if you get married later, you will also wear one so it's better to get used to wear one from now."

It's possible I might not get married though. Anyway, Captain Jullius and I picked up a ring each from inside the velvet box at the same time and were about to put it on our own finger.

"You need to put it on your couple's finger, your couple!"

Ortzen hurriedly stopped us. Oh, so that's how it is.

"Please return the rings to me."


After Ortzen swapped the rings we were holding in our hands, we put it on each other's finger. I can use both hands well but usually I use my right hand more often while Captain Jullius is right-handed so we both put the ring on each other's left hand. Now it's done.

"Then from now on Captain Jullius is my fiancee."

"And Miss Epheria is my fiancee."



Now that we're already officially engaged, I wonder if I could sleep together with Captain Jullius. All these time I had to sleep alone by myself after Sofia desperately forbad it that she kept an eye on me, afraid that I might sneaked out in the middle of the night.

"Her Highness the First Princess, Princess Aranea has delivered her congratulatory words. Her Highness also said she wanted to invite you to the Palace in the near future."


I appreciated her for sending congratulatory words, but why did she want to invite me to her Palace for?!

"Do I have to go if she invited me?"

"There isn't any reason for you not to go. Usually, this kind of invitation is an honor for the receiver. Her Majesty the Empress used to be a Saintess so she doesn't engage in any social activities other than hosting an official banquet. Thus, before His Highness the Crown Prince marries a Crown Princess, Her Highness Princess Aranea acts as the leader of the high society circle."

"I also know that."

Ortzen looked at me with an obvious surprised look on his face. Hey, I used to be actively involved in many high society gatherings in the past, you know? I was even invited to the banquet hosted by Her Majesty the Empress too.

"If you have already known about it, then I don't need to explain more. If you're invited, then please do attend."

"…, I don't want to."

"You're not a Countess but a noble daughter, so you don't have any rights to refuse Her Highness invitation just because you don't want to come. Even if you're an influential countryside Countess, it's impossible to refuse. If you're not content with that, you have to climb for higher position."

"How high?"

"Miss could only refuse if you become a Duchess or Grand Duchess."

What the hell was this person talking about? Before I flew into a rage, Captain Jullius besides me opened his mouth first.

"Do you want to be a Duchess or Grand Duchess, Miss?"

"All the Dukes and Grand Dukes are married men and even the youngest of them all is over 30 years older than me. In other words, Ortzen was meant to tell me 'just shut up and go'."

"Actually there's an empty position that is far higher than that."

"I'm trying to avoid the tiger but you're asking me to go into the tiger's den instead!"

The other higher position than the Duchess and Grand Duchess which is currently vacant right now is no other but the Crown Princess position. Captain Jullius gently patted my shoulder when he saw me fuming.

"If you have no choice but to go, I'll try my best to protect you."


In the end, my fiancee is the only one who I can depend on. If Captain Jullius is willing to help, then running away won't be a problem. Ortzen looked at us who were clasping our hands together, with a pathetic look on his face.

"It's not like Her Highness wants to catch and eat you alive though."

"Isn't it a problem if she feels like being caught and eaten alive? For self-defense, we can face her by bringing a sword."

"Ah, alright. I think I've misspoken."

It was troublesome because it was impossible to be simply solved with violence.

I wanted to eat some food that were being served after we're done exchanging rings, but suddenly I sensed that Captain Jullius all tensed up. I wanted to know what happened to him so I followed his line of sights but there's nothing odd.

"What is it?"

"…, that, actually…"

When Captain Jullius was still hesitating, I saw someone approaching us inside the garden. A sturdy man in his fifties was walking in big strides and heavy steps. I felt like I have seen this person somewhere before, I wonder who he is. Looking at his body motions, it's obvious to tell that he's once a trained soldier. Actually who might he be and for him to make Captain Jullius all tensed up like this, similar to the state I was in when I met with Princess Aranea?

At that moment, Ortzen noticed the man's presence who was just entering the garden and he (Ortzen) immediately approached and greeted him.

"Welcome, General Herva. Long time no see."