Chapter 5 part 1: Revealed Identity

I dressed simply in a plain light grey dress sent by Ortzen, and then let out a deep breath. As I lowered my eyes, a ring on my left ring finger could be seen. Hmm.

"Don't be nervous. Would there be anything special just because it's the Holy Church?"

Sofia asked while combing my hair.

"You couldn't care less when you attended Her Highness' banquet back then as if it's not a big deal, this is unexpected."

"It's not that I didn't care."

"But still, you weren't as nervous as you are now."

"…, well."

The Holy Church was basically the same as my home, so there's nothing to be nervous about just by going there… I didn't have to be nervous, but when I thought that I would return with my current appearance, it made me slightly nervous.

I wasn't that worried whether if the High Priest would be able to recognize me or not. The High Priest could see the soul of the dead, so naturally he could see the soul of the living too. The problem right now is I look like this and, uh, even got engaged…

'…, it's the same as suddenly appeared while saying, "The person you thought has already died is still alive and fine although with different body, and was also even got engaged, ahaha~"'

The High Priest would likely to generously let it pass, but it didn't seem to be the case for other people. Especially my guardian, Lord Prime Minister, not only he would hold the back of my neck, he would even bite, chew and eat me alive. Then again, the Prime Minister always interfered by asking me to pay attention to my conduct because I'm a woman before I was the leader of a knight squad and there would be a big fight and conflict if I were to suddenly appeared after got engaged with a man without informing him, hmm…

'No matter what, I think I have to hide Captain Jullius in a secluded place for a few days, no, maybe around a month at best.'

Or maybe I should keep it a secret about the fact that I'm still alive from Prime Minister Mord. That's right, it's better this way. As long as I didn't get caught. Previously my position as the captain of the Holy Knight Squad could save me, but right now I'm just an ordinary noble lady so I don't know what will happen to me if I get caught. At the very least, I bet there would be lots of private tutors assigned to teach me. It's horrifying just by thinking about it, I should never get caught.

"Now it's done."

Sofia said so as she let go of my head. When I looked at the reflection on the dressing table mirror, my eyes caught the sight of a woman whose reddish brown hair was neatly coiled into a bun. Only the High Priest and the Saintess were allowed to let their hair loose inside the church, that's why my hair was coiled into a bun like this. Other than those two, it would be considered as an offense for carelessly imitating the Goddess' appearance, thus all the clergymen, as well as the visitors, must lifted their hair up above the nape of the neck or at least neatly braid it.

"The bun feels a little too tight."

"It can't be help. If I didn't make it tight, your fine hair would easily scattered soon. Nonetheless, be careful not to run lest get it disheveled."

"I think it'll be more convenient if you just braid it."

"I'm not sure to make it half-braided and then pinned it with hair accessories, but whole braided hairstyle is for young girls."

I didn't know it's like that. Anyway, the preparation to meet the High Priest is complete. Now we're ready to go, I'm a bit nervous.

A horse-carriage has been waiting at the entrance of Special Task Squad's headquarters. Captain Jullius who was standing there, came to me then reached out his hand to escort me. It seemed like his body has gotten used to the etiquette manners on how to escort a lady after went through a simple lesson. Not only that, but I have also gotten quite used to it. I couldn't even imagine myself being escorted as a lady until a while ago. Well, it's not that bad anymore.

"Captain Jullius."

I opened my mouth as the sound of the spinning horse-carriage wheels could be heard.

"So, you know, actually there's one thing I haven't told you before…"

"Something you haven't told me?"

Captain Jullius who was sitting next to me titled his head and looked at me.

"I've a very shocking story to be told. I won't tell you now, but later after we return from the Holy Church, I hope you won't be too surprised."

Even if I tell you now, it'll be hard to believe it. Even if Captain Jullius is someone who easily nodded his head to what other's saying, it would still be hard for him to immediately accept the fact that I'm actually Roel, the leader of Holy Knight Squad and that my soul got trapped inside another person's body. However he would believe it if the High Priest confirmed it. But of course it's only limited to Captain Jullius, I'm still suspicious of Ortzen. And for Sofia… I'm not sure what to do. Should I tell her the truth…

"A shocking story, is it?"

"Well, but it's not something that will cause a serious problem."

I don't have to speak it out loud to reveal that I'm Roel so I'll just leave it at that. But Captain Jullius had to accompany me when I met with the High Priest so it's inevitable that he would learn about the truth by then. If it's not because of that, I wouldn't have said that to Captain Jullius.

'…, actually I don't really have to meet with the High Priest though.'

The reason being the concern about the contract with the Demon King might got revealed was no longer there. No, no matter what, for precautions, perhaps it's still better to meet the High Priest although I have to avoid my colleagues. The Epheria household has been sorted out but the perperator still remained out there. If I kept digging over it, it might be exposed that me, Silla, was a sacrifice for the Demon King. Although the chance was low, it would be better to make preparation ahead of time, in case I encountered a helpless situation.

"Miss Epheria."

"…, yes?"

When I replied one second longer because I was lost in thought, I turned my head and looked up to meet a pair of pale grey eyes filled with concerns.

"If it's difficult, you don't have to say it."


"Whatever it might be, it's okay if you don't say it."

The gentle voice that suddenly whispered to me, left me somewhat at a loss. Emm… I think he misunderstood the reason I was nervous, duh…

"Alright…,eh, uh, emm. Okay."

For some reason I couldn't bring myself to say 'it's not like that'. But instead I was stuttering incoherently and then shut my mouth. Emm, well. It shouldn't be a problem if he misunderstood me.

Despite the awkward silence, the horse-carriage kept moving steadily and finally arrived at the Holy Church. To be exact, it's solely just me who felt that it's an awkward silence. Captain Jullius is the same as usual, but I don't know why it suddenly felt awkward.


After we got off from the carriage and walked to the main gate, I saw a familiar face waiting for our arrival at the entrance. Actually I was unsure whether if it's right that she came out to pick us up or not.

The white-haired girl who was standing there, wasn't in charge of greeting a leader of a knight squad at the main entrance. I tried hard to hide my puzzlement and looked at the deadpan face of the Saintess.

Succeeded Her Majesty the Empress position as the Saintess, was a young woman who kept her youthful appearance, Inertia. We clearly knew each other very well but now I have to pretend I don't know her. From the look of it, Inertia didn't seem to recognize me.

"Are you Jullius Rizar and the fiancee?"


"Yes, that's correct!"

I quickly cut Captain Jullius' word and replied in his stead. Captain, she's not just an ordinary blessed of the Goddess. You can't use informal speech when you speak with her. Besides, she just looks pretty but her personality is bad.