Chapter 010- Trip

[Author's Note:

Last time I asked you guys about any girls you want to be added in mc's harem, I didn't clarify which girls are already in my list as his harem. So, here it is-

1. Xia qingyue (wife)

2. Cang yue (wife)

3. Xiao lingxi (personal maid)

4. Chu yuechan (wife)

5. Feng xue'er (wife)

6. Huan caiyi- the little demon empress (wife)

7. Jasmine (wife)

8. Mu xuanyin (wife)

9. Shen xi (wife)

10. He ling (personal maid)

11. Qianye ying'er- the brahma monarch goddess (I still haven't decided whether to make her a wife or not since I don't have any idea right now how to reconcile between her and jasmine)

12. Chu wuyao- the devil empress (wife)

13. Jie yuan- heaven smithing devil empress (wife)

That's all the female I have in my mind right now who is going to be in mc's harem. If you want to add someone, comment here, I will try to add her if possible.

And, before you comment about adding Xuanyuan yuefeng in the harem, it is not going to happen. Though I can pair her with someone else if you want.

Now, enjoy the chapter.]


Few elders who was of Ling Tianni's generation became upset when they heard that Ling wan was going to be the temporary leader instead of them. So, those few elders who has 9th level of sky profound realm strength decided to talk to Ling yun later about this issue. In their minds, they are way better than Ling wan at running a sect.

But that thought quickly vanished from their minds when Ling wan came to the stage and released his 1st level of Emperor profound realm strength.

All of those elders present there who were planning a conspiracy, released a sigh of relief that they didn't act rashly on their thoughts. Otherwise, their fate would have been unimaginable.

Aside from those power hungry elders, everyone else was happy that a new throne has emerged from their heavenly sword villa. Now, even with Ling yuefeng's death, they will not have worry about the future of the heavenly sword villa anymore.


(With Ling wan)

When Ling wan stood in front of everyone, he first released his profound strength in order to make his position firm and unquestionable. He then amplified his voice using profound energy and said,

"Everyone, today is really a very sorrowful day for us. We lost a great leader who was kind and compassionate to his people. He might have some deficiency in his character but aren't we all the same? We also make mistake and do some stupid things in our life."

"But just because our beloved and deceased villa master made some mistakes, we shouldn't highlight it as his main characteristic. Instead if we look at his good and noble sides, we will be able to find many examples where he was not only a great man but also a great example for us."

"So, let us remember him through only his good deeds, not his bad ones. I still remember the times when he used to guide me in cultivation. His amazing leadership and charisma is what managed to make our heavenly sword villa this great and prosper. I can't help but be sad whenever I think that such a great man is not with us anymore." Ling wan shed some crocodile tears while saying that.

"But life is cruel. Even if we are sad or in pain, we must go on. Because, if we stop moving forward in our life, someone else will overtake us. So, even though it is not going to be easy, we must not let our emotions get better of us."

"I hope that all of you here will not disgrace the legacy that villa masted Ling yuefeng left behind. We must take a pledge today to try harder and become stronger than before."

"We must stay united in this difficult time and not let anyone torn us apart. If anyone tries to sow any kind of discord among us, I swear by the name of the previous villa master Ling, I will make him pay."

"I, Ling wan, temporary villa master of the heavenly sword villa, hereby pledge to look after all of you at the best of my ability. I hope you all will also help me in building a even stronger and better villa than it already is." Ling wan finished his speech with this.

[AN: I tried to make the speech inspiring and motivational. But it didn't turn out as good as I imagined in my head. It is really hard to put your thoughts into words, especially when your main language isn't English.]

Looking at the awe and respect at the faces of most of the disciples, it seems that he did a good job at delivering it. Now that, he have the support of most of the people in the villa , he will just have to secretly get rid of those who opposes him.


In Ling yun's room-

Both Ling yun and Ling wan was sitting while facing each other. They both heaved a sigh of relief as they finally managed to get out of the crowd. After that speech, everyone tried to talk to them and it was a hassle to get out of that.

Anyway, after drinking some tea, they started their private discussion. Ling yun took out a paper with several things written on it and gave it to Ling wan.

"This the future direction I want heavenly sword villa to go. First, get rid of all the oppositions that stands against you. After that, you must implement the plans that are written here one by one." Ling yun said while describing each of the plans written on the paper in detail.

Ling wan listened with utmost attention in order not to miss any detail. He was amazed at the ideas Ling yun has told him. If they can turn those ideas into reality, then the heavenly sword villa's strength will rise by a few notch.

Though one thing was puzzling him, so he decided to ask Ling yun, "Why are you telling me these things with so much details, young master? Will you be going somewhere?"

"Yes, I will be going outside in a trip in order to raise my cultivation as quickly as possible. And it is going to be a long one. So, ask if you have any questions for me since you will not be seeing me for at least a year." Ling yun replied.

"I don't have any question right now but you can rest assured, young master. You will find a new heavenly sword villa when you come back from your trip."


After finishing the talk with Ling wan, Ling yun visited his mother's room.

"Mom, are you sad that dad died?" Ling yun asked in a melancholic tone and acted like he was somewhat sad at his father's death.

"Not so much dear. You know how our relationship was, right? How about you? Are you okay?" Xuanyuan yuefeng replied and asked a question of her own.

"I...I don't know, mom. Even though I was not that close to father, he always cared for me and looked after me. So, I am a little sad that he will not be with us anymore." Ling yun said while acting like he is trying really hard not to cry.

Seeing her son in such a state, Xuanyuan yuefeng's heart felt nothing but pain. She stood up from her sitting position to hug and comfort her child.

After a few minutes, Ling yun calmed down and stopped his acting of being sad. He smiled at his mom and said, "Thanks mom, I am fine now."

"Sigh! It's all my fault, dear. If I haven't...." Xuanyuan yuefeng started to blame herself for the state her son is in right now.

But Ling yun didn't let her finish and diverted to another topics. When their conversation was coming to the end, Ling yun decided to tell her about his plan to go outside of the villa in order to train.

"Mom, I will be going out on a trip outside for a year or so." Ling yun said.

"Why? I will not let you go unless you give me a satisfying answer. What if someone hurts you?" Xuanyuan yuefeng asked in a worried tone of voice.

"Geez mom. I am a earth profound realm practitioner, you know. Besides, who would want to provoke our villa by killing me?" Ling yun replied.

"You may be right but why do you have go outside anyway?" Xuanyuan yuefeng asked again as she really doesn't want her child to be in any kind of danger.

"Well, I want to raise my cultivation quickly. That way, I will be able to protect you and the villa better." Ling yun replied hoping that she will just let him go and not ask anymore question.

"But why can't you just stay in the villa? We have all kinds of cultivation resources. I can even get you some resources from Mighty heavenly sword region if you want." But it seems Xuanyuan yuefeng wasn't going to let him go until she is satisfied with his answers.

"I am going to be the villa master in a few years of time. This trip will not only raise my strength but also make me grow as a person. So, I must go." Ling yun stated in a firm tone of voice.

Understanding that she will not be able to stop him, she just sighed and said, "It seems that you are adamant to go no matter what I say. Fine then but make sure to take the fastest aerial profound beast we have so that you will be able to escape safely if the need arises. Also, be very very careful since Ling wan is not going to be by your side anymore."

"I will. Don't worry. By the way, I have a favour to ask of you." Ling yun said.

"You can ask anything from me, dear." Xuanyuan yuefeng replied.

"Here is the list of the plans that I asked Ling wan to do. Can you help him in that?" Ling yun said while handing over the same list that he had given to Ling wan.

"No problem. I will try my best to help him." Xuanyuan yuefeng replied in a affirmative tone of voice.

There are two reasons why he decided to tell her of the plan. First, it would greatly speed up the process. Second, Ling wan wouldn't be able to try anything behind his back as Xuanyuan yuefeng will be watching him.

Frankly, Ling yun still wasn't able to trust Ling wan fully since he knows that a person can change anytime, especially now that he has the power over the whole heavenly sword villa. That's why, he has been trying to create a formation that will help him keep his subordinates loyal.

But that will take some time. Until then, it is best to be careful. He doesn't want to be back stabbed because of his blind trust in someone.


Let me know if you find any mistake. Also, can you all leave some review. It doesn't matter even if you give me one star as long it is constructive and you have a reason for it. Though I would prefer 5 star review if possible. Anyway, see you all in the next chapter.