Chapter 68

Shopping with Lelou should be an Olympic event, I'm absolutely exhausted. We've been at it all day, only stopping for coffee and snacks, but I've finally wrangled everyone to my suite so I can grab my bags to head out on vacation after the official Travel Gate ceremony.

I've got far more than I could possibly need, even Hui'Jin was convinced to pick up some swimwear, new shoes and a single outfit of black yoga pants and a long cream colored sweater with an open upper back that let her wings free. She was dead set against all the children's clothing that makes up 90 percent of options in her size.

Maybe Petros can show her how to be a kid? Who am I kidding, I was training all day to be a pack warrior at her age.

Lelou insists on picking my outfit and doing my hair for the broadcast, something about not scaring the children, but her style is always immaculate, so I'm not about to turn down the help.