Chapter 107

True to his word, we're all awake and coffee is ready by the time the sun clears the horizon.

"Do you have a vehicle?" Kel'Mira asks "We are all on foot, but we can rent one"

"I brought an armored pickup from Arcana" I tell her "Fully loaded with a hard mounted 50 cal in the bed"

"I heard Arcana had enchanted rifles" Vinnie gushes "The Magical city is somewhere between rumor and legend around here"

"We can go see it once things are settled here" I assure him "I've got plenty of room for guests"

"About that rifle though, does it have enough enchanted ammunition? These things are big"

"6 thousand rounds" Hui'Jin smiles "and I can make more"

"You're making a solid case for being my new favorite dragon" Paul laughs. "Everyone else is struggling with swords, you brought a sniper rifle"

"You misunderstand. It's a 50 caliber machine gun, not a sniper rifle" I tell him and he shivers happily.

"Stop, I can only be so happy"