Chapter 109

Regular liquor is much kinder to the system than Elven Wine. Or maybe that's just my increased cultivation speaking.

Today we're taking a day off. The city is having a grand opening for the Travel Gate, so there is a parade and Fairgrounds set up and everyone wants to go try the foods. Little Donuts are almost a food group of their own, so I have no arguments.

A big crowd is gathering in front of us by the edge of the Fairgrounds, so we decide to go check it out. With any luck it's a Rodeo. I seem to recall this area used to be famous for them and the one I went to by Arcana was fun.

There's a big stand and the Travel Gate is in the background. I should have realized where we are. Maybe the ceremony will be fun to watch, we've got some cheap beer and corn dogs, how bad could it be?