Chapter 120

Lelou escorts Hui'Jin home with a red robed acolyte in tow, both excitedly chattering away about their first day at school in Arcana.

It's our first day of classes ever, so all the kids are new kids. An advantage to Hui'Jin, as she arrived in the city early and knows her way around.

"High Priestess Katrina, this is my new friend Judy. We sit beside each other in class and we both want to be adventurers!"

"Greetings Judy, how was your first day in class?" She seems like a good kid to me, and I'm a pretty good judge of character.

"Very good, thank you High Priestess. Our class is all really nice people, I think we were all picked because we can be friends, so it's a great class to be in."

Picked because they can be friends? She might not be too far off, as the church intends the young acolytes in the class to be future leaders. As leaders in very different sectors, what better than if they know and like each other?