Chapter 151

Demonstration accomplished, we pack up to head back to the cathedral. Karl is explaining the basics of golem making to Mica while Elder Song intensely studies the 50 caliber rifle. Their world has nothing like it, and the ability to wipe out Category 3 monsters in large numbers is a topic he simply can't ignore.

"So, anyone could use this? As long as the rifle was loaded with enchanted ammunition it would work the same?" he mutters as he studies the loading action.

"Thinking of mounting them to the outer courtyard wall in the turrets?" I ask.

"They're good mounted on vehicles too. It's a shame we got the Toyota stuck when we arrived in this world. The three of us in the truck could probably take this entire country. " Karl laughs.

"Please don't. They're having enough problems keeping things together without over powered Demon Cultivators destroying cities for fun." Mica shudders at the thought.