Chapter 195

Amanda takes my measure quickly before running off to find new clothes for me. Neither of my sets of Robes are suitable for a shopping trip, and I don't want to give away that I've got storage devices still with me. Sure, they're being nice now, but they already locked me up once.

She comes back with what is clearly a little girl's dress. Purple with white lace, frilly and puffy. "It's the best I could do without having something tailored. Nephilim girls are your size at about age 4." She shrugs and I notice as she hands it to me that the gown is backless to accommodate their wings.

"If we don't want everyone to know I'm a Priestess, we will need a coat or something too." I say, headed to the bathroom to change. Her eye is good, it hangs just past my knees and fits perfectly, except that it leaves my tail trapped under my skirts. Unfortunately I don't have the time to fix that, so I'll have to be careful with the tail wagging.