Chapter 208

"Ah, they have brought the relic here. As you likely know, it is no longer intact, but we have a third of the total disc here in our possession." The Sect Master says and they bring it forward to set it on the table. between us.

I can feel the Dragon Gods essence pouring off of this shard, it's definitely the real thing, and the Green Priestesses seem to agree that it's the one we're looking for.

"Yes, that is what we were sent for. What might you desire in reward for your service to the Gods?" I ask, choosing my phrasing carefully. I don't want him to think we're too willing to pay, or that he can get away with being unreasonable.

"The three of us who met you at the gate are on the brink of divinity and seek Enlightenment. We had hoped to attain it from this relic, but if you have an alternative, we would be most grateful." Hmm, that could be possible. After all, we just came from a Divine Realm and we're loaded up with goodies.