Chapter 235

I write up an amended agreement requiring that all items are decursed before being traded, along with a couple other conditions that have been written in along the margins of the original agreement and set it into the stack to be sent out.

That's the end of the day's work, and the Junior Priestesses are getting along fairly well in their tasks, so I head off with John and Princess Amanda for evening tea, leaving the Junior Priestesses under the supervision of Lelou, who seems to have infinite patience for dealing with unruly children.

Princess Amanda has become totally obsessed with Anime, enough so that she tagged my Suite as a transport location from her bedroom without informing her father, in order to obtain new series that might come out once things settle down in our world, so the talk over tea has turned to fictional characters, and where they would be in the cultivation rankings if Earth's producers had known that cultivation was a real thing.