Chapter 248

It looks like we're going to be leaving with a large than usual group, but that's not going to happen just yet. We've all got work to do, and we're going to make sure that Lala will get an amazing party before we go. She's already got abandonment issues, simply bailing on our friend to go adventure would just be cruel. Plus, who doesn't like a good reason to celebrate? 

The hotel staff love hosting parties as much as we like attending them, so they've already started decorating a conference room and making special bunny themed snacks for tonight's festivities. 

But this paperwork is so annoying. Who decided that we needed to sign things anyhow? There's not much compared to what Hui'Jin informs me is normal, but it's taking forever and I want bunny fluff. It takes so long in fact that Lala is back from her morning spa treatment before I finish, running happily into the room, excessively fluffy and smelling amazing from whatever they used on her fur.