Chapter 286

This city is enormous. Not only because of the size of the occupants, but also the quantity. From his phone calls, I learned that the man holding me captive is Johan, the Mayor of Deimos, which has six million members of the Titan Clan and over twenty million enslaved people of various species. 

Karl still feels calm in my head, and I think that he's cultivating, so wherever he is, they haven't collared him yet. Maybe they don't restrict every slave the way they did me? No, that would be dangerous. Maybe not to the warriors, but their elders and the children.

Johan is supposed to have seven children of his own, which I'm assuming I'm going to meet soon if he's bringing me to his home. 

Maybe I can bring them to my side? Kids are impressionable, and when they're happy, they will often fulfill requests they shouldn't— requests like bringing treats to the new pet Death Priestess, for example.