
However, things weren't as simple as that. He had to hold the splinter at a very awkward angle for it to reach the rope. He tried to manoeuvre the splinter into a better grip, but it was difficult to hold between just 2 fingers and... he dropped it.

Of course, Isaac wouldn't give up. He dug his fingernails into the wooden post again and started making another splinter.

This time he did it quicker. Then he grasped the splinter between his fingers as tightly as possible and started wearing down the rope.

However, the rope was strong and Isaac couldn't push the splinter against it very hard. Even after 10 minutes of rubbing, it didn't appear to have any effect, so Isaac tried rubbing the splinter against the rope harder. However, that just made him drop the splinter again.

But something as trivial as this wouldn't deter Isaac; he dug out another splinter and resumed the process. The quiet rubbing of wood against rope... it was a sound which could be heard in the farmhouse throughout the night. Isaac went without sleep, tirelessly working on the rope to try and earn his freedom.

By morning, there was a pile of dropped splinters by his foot, his nails were cracked from repeatedly digging into the wooden post, and the rope around his knuckles was so frayed only a string of it remained.

Isaac gave a strong pull. The rope emitted a tired groan as it was strained to the limit. Then, suddenly, it snapped. Isaac was bound no more. He glanced at his free hand and smiled – his hard work had paid off, as hard work usually did.

Without wasting any more time, he created a spirit sword and quickly sliced up the ropes binding his legs together. Then he destroyed the ropes around his left hand and he was free!

However, he wasn't finished. If he just escaped now, he could guarantee the group would come looking for him again since they wanted his reward points. Even in the small chance they didn't, they might tell other people about his wealth. By then, he would have many groups and individuals looking for him. Even if he entered secluded cultivation and used all his resources, people would assume he still had them and come after him.

Therefore, he had to show everybody that he was not a person to be trifled with.

He left all the broken ropes on the floor, then went over to the door and opened it – the lock had rusted away long ago, so it swung open easily. Isaac set the scene to look like he'd freed himself and escaped, but he actually went back inside. He picked up the pile of hay in the corner and moved it next to the door so he could sit behind it without being seen. Then he waited for the group to arrive.

About an hour later, he heard an exclamation from outside,

"Huh? Why's the door open? Did somebody else come here?"

"Go in and check he's still there!"

Isaac saw a man and woman rush into the room. He was hidden behind the hay bale next to the door, so they didn't see him. They only spotted the ropes scattered on the floor where Isaac should've been tied up.

"He's gone!"

"What do you mean he's gone?!"

"What do you think I mean!? He. Is. No. Longer. Here. Was that clear enough for you?!"

4 other people ran into the room to see for themselves. Just like the first 2, they saw the ropes and assumed Isaac had long since fled the scene. However, they were in for a surprise.


Nobody knew what that sound was. The 5 of them turned around just in time to hear a second *Thud*, and now there were only 4 of them. *Thud* another body hit the ground, leaving only 3 standing. By the time they realised what was happening, the group had halved in size. Of course Isaac didn't kill them since he'd be punished heavily, but just one strike from the hilt of his sword or the flat of his blade was enough to send each person to sleep.

He continued his onslaught, moving towards Sanna who was now nearest to him. She quickly recovered from her surprised state and realised she was under attack. However, she still didn't have enough time to defend herself.

The hilt of Isaac's sword collided with her nose, resulting in a bloody explosion and a sickening *Crunch*. Then, his left hand swept round as he threw a hook. The blow connected with Sanna's temple and achieved an instant K.O.

After dropping her as well, Isaac was left in a familiar 1 vs 2 scenario. The last 2 faced off against Isaac warily. One of them was the short man who Isaac'd fought before and he was filled with caution, bordering on fear. He still hadn't been able to afford an Anima since their last fight, but he gained some courage from the thought that his companion had one. The skin on her fists began to turn hard and grey, crystalising into rock. This was the Stone Fist Anima, a common Anima in Eastern Mountains but something less often seen here. Isaac didn't recognise it, but he could guess its effect: a powerful punch and strong protection for the hands.

Isaac immediately took a step back to take advantage of the extra range his sword gave him, wielding the blade to prevent the woman from approaching. After forcing her to retreat, he quickly turned his attention to the man who was trying to flank him. Unfortunately for the man, Isaac fought with a rather unorthodox sword style which included strikes and attacks with his left hand. The man thought Isaac would be vulnerable from his left and decided to attack, but his lunge forwards was smoothly met with an uppercut. Caught off-guard, the strike slipped through his last-minute defences and hit him in the chin. He fell to the ground seeing stars, but not unconscious.

Isaac tried to deliver a second blow and knock him out, but the woman wouldn't let him. She attacked Isaac madly, trying to occupy him and give her teammate time to recover. Isaac was forced to focus on her and couldn't finish off the short man, but that wasn't to say her plan went well. The woman was careless while trying to press Isaac. She revealed far too many openings to a swordsman of his calibre and it would've been disappointing if he didn't take advantage of at least one.

When Isaac swung towards her, she tried to catch the sword with her stone hand. However, Isaac employed one of his most-practiced techniques: the path of his sword changed slightly in mid-swing and it sailed past the woman's outstretched hand. The flat part of the blade smacked against the side of her head, and she too was out for the count.

A few metres to the side, the short man was still feeling dazed from Isaac's uppercut, but he had regained his senses enough to realise this was a fight he couldn't win. He made a dash for the door, wanting to escape and find a way to rescue his friends later, but Isaac wouldn't let that happen. He reached the door at about the same time as the man and grabbed him by the scruff of the neck. Then he used the hilt of the sword to hit him just behind the ear, knocking him unconscious as well.

Isaac dropped him to the floor. Now there were 6 bodies strewn around the abandoned stable, but Isaac wasn't finished with them yet. There was still some rope remaining from when the group tied him up – there was quite a lot of rope, actually; enough to tie up 4 people.

That still left 2 unrestrained, so Isaac left the farmhouse and hurried to get some more rope. It took about 40 minutes to get the rope and come back, which was enough for the 2 unbound people to wake up. Fortunately, they were naïve enough to try and untie their friends rather than escape by themselves.

Isaac returned, rope in hand, to catch them right in the act. A brief struggle later, and all 6 group members were tied up on the ground, glaring at him.

In reality, the group was vengeful, but they weren't cruel or ruthless. This made them hesitant about actually torturing Isaac, and they only beat him with their bare fists while interrogating him. The very opposite could be said about Isaac; he was not particularly vengeful, but he was extremely cold and ruthless. If killing someone would benefit him, he would do it. If he could profit from betraying somebody, it would only be a matter of time before he betrayed them. And if torturing a group of 6 would help him in some way? Consider it done.

There was an extremely malicious glint in Isaac's eyes when he observed the 6 on the floor.