Catching the Wave

Isaac surveyed the inside of the shop.

On his right was a small counter with floor-to-ceiling shelves of potions behind it. To his left were cupboards containing an assortment of ingredients; mostly herbs and some animal parts. Each drawer had a label for what was inside.

Then, dead ahead, there was a raised section of flooring with a cauldron on it. Isaac didn't know whether the disciple actually used it or it was just for decoration.

Isaac ignored the cauldron and the ingredients. He went straight towards the shelves of potions.

'Night Stalker Potion', 'Strain Powder', 'Basic Recovery Tonic', and of course the Spelunker Potion. There was quite the variety of valuable products here, and Isaac didn't hesitate in sweeping the most useful and expensive into his bag.

After he'd filled two large hemp sacks, Isaac moved over to the counter. He used a sword to prise open the locked till and got a look inside. There were 17 reward points, 12 iron pieces and 231 copper pieces to be used as change for customers. Isaac happily snatched those as well.

Then, as he was walking away from the counter, he noticed a door in the opposite corner of the room.

'I'm sure that leads to the alchemy disciple's sleeping quarters; almost all of these small store owners live in their shops. I better stay quiet and avoid disturbing her.'

Isaac took special care to stay silent as he went over to the cabinet of ingredients and started sifting through its draws. He realised some of these items were no less valuable than the potions, so he tried to stuff them into his bags. He even packed his pockets with them.

When that was done, Isaac went back to the shelves of potions. He knelt down and took two products from near the bottom: one was a tin tub, and the other was a vial of pale green gas. Isaac prised the lid off the tub, revealing a layer of fine blue powder.

First Isaac took a handful of powder and threw it over all the shelves, drawers and surfaces he'd touched. The powder melted like snowflakes, vanishing in seconds. However, Isaac knew it had taken effect and erased his fingerprints.

Then Isaac took another fistful of powder and went to scatter it over the back area of the shop, around where the cauldron was. From there, he walked backwards and covered the floor in powder as he went. When he reached the door, all the powder had already dissolved and removed his footprints.

Isaac grabbed the handle of the door and untied the string around it, which was hanging limply after being cut. He took one end of this string and tied it to the string which was still suspended from the ceiling, taking care not to pull on it.

Then he tied the string back around the handle and sprinkled some powder over the string and handle. After that, he put the near-empty tin on the ground outside and took out the vial. He uncorked it and tendrils of green smoke began to fill the shop.

Isaac watched for about a minute as the tendrils slowly faded and eventually vanished. He silently thanked them for their service; they'd removed his scent from the room.

No matter how mystical investigative Anima were, most of them needed some clues to work with. It would be hard to link the robbery to Isaac after he eliminated his traces like this.

When Isaac was sure the smoke had dissipated, he stepped out of the shop and closed the doors without turning the handle. When the doors clicked shut, he picked up his bags (which he'd moved outside earlier) and swiftly left.

The potions jingled inside the bags as Isaac glided through the streets with his Snowshoe Anima. He had to slow down to stop them from smashing.

However, it still didn't take long to get home. He hopped through the window and immediately looked for somewhere to conceal his bags.

The compartment under his floorboards wasn't very big so Isaac could only store a few of the most valuable potions there. Then, for lack of a better hiding place, he stuffed the bags under his bed.

Next, he started a fire. He threw some twigs into the fireplace and went to get changed while the flame grew in size and ferocity.

2 minutes later, he came back in an almost identical set of dark clothes. The only way of telling they weren't the same clothes from before was because he was carrying the old clothes under his arm.

He watched the fire dance from log to log, free, unrestrained and fierce. However, it wasn't large enough yet. Isaac lumped more fuel on the fire – a couple of larger branches this time. The flame leapt up after receiving this new nourishment, eager to burn the hand that fed it.

Isaac quickly pulled back, not failing to notice the similarities between the flame and its creator. Then he waited a few moments for the flame to stabilise and threw his clothes into the fire. Now there were truly no traces of his robbery.

After incinerating the clothes, Isaac put out the fire – its warm glow crept under his door and told the rest of the street he was awake, and Isaac didn't like that.

Instead, he lit a small lamp and continued reading 'Dr. Foster's Compendium of Miracle Medicines'. It was currently quarter to twelve, so Isaac read for over an hour before putting the book down and pushing himself off of his bed.

He ruffled his hair to look like he'd just woken up, then left his house again.

At the end of the street, he saw a dark silhouette. He walked towards the figure; it was Johan.

"Come on, you're late."

Johan hissed, but Isaac whispered back calmly,

"A minute or two makes no difference. Come on, let's go."

The two set off down the streets. Isaac was using his Snowshoe Anima, but he had to slow down and wait for Johan, who was running quickly and quietly. He could use the Ice Floe Anima, but that would create such a commotion that everybody in the neighbourhood would wake up.

Since that wasn't a viable option, they made their way towards the market at a somewhat slow speed.

Eventually they reached 'Herbal Fumes'. Johan stared at the large double doors and pulled out a pair of talismans. He activated the first one and Isaac saw his body suddenly change colours to camouflage itself with the surroundings. Isaac thought it looked like the one of the creatures he'd read about; the 'chameleon' which lived in Southern Jungle.

His thoughts were interrupted as he heard Johan whisper,

"Come on, use yours as well!"

"I don't have any talismans! You go first!"


Johan wasn't very pleased, but he stepped forwards and used his second talisman: an Ethereal Eye Talisman. Just like Isaac had done earlier, he saw everything just beyond the door and immediately noticed the string.

"There's a string leading from the handle to somewhere on the ceiling. Use your sword to cut it."

Isaac created a sword and slipped it through the small gap above the door. Splinters fell to the ground as he forced the sword all the way across the gap, cutting the string on the way.

Then he stepped back to let Johan enter first; he was using a concealment talisman after all. Johan pulled the handle down and opened the door. There was a slight clanking as the door hit a pile of metal chains which had been left on the ground.

Johan immediately frowned. Why were they there?

Then he looked up and cast his eyes across the shop. On the left was a set of drawers, many of which were pulled open or half-open. On his right were some shelves of potions. When he looked closely, he could see many spots that should've had potions but didn't.

He took a couple of steps forwards– "Watch out!"

He heard Isaac shout, but there was already a wave of water crashing down on him.

Johan was swept off his feet. He tumbled forwards as the rush of water swept him away and tore through the shop, ruining the ingredients on the left and smashing the potions on the right.