
Three Headed Lizard: Part Three

Death should not be a thing you speak to your fellow companions. When Ray heard it, he automatically shivered.

Ray: "Sis…that's not a good joke."

Celsius: "Miss Nympha, stop messing with him."

Nympha: "It will still lead to death all the same." She shrugged.

Celsius looked at Ray and started to explain.

Celsius: "Ray, you should take note of everything that I will say."

Ray: "Okay."

Celsius: "A negative type of vile is the thing that you should not encounter during this mission."

Ray: "Why? Does it have a curse of death?"

Celsius: "No. They just won't stop until you're dead. You even mentioned you've encountered five. You are really courting death."

Ray stood frozen.

Celsius: "Positive type of vile let you go once you're out of their sights, they are nothing like that."

Nympha: "Unless…"

Ray: "Unless, what?"

"You killed it first." Both of his companion stated.

Ray stayed silent.

Celsius: "Anyway, let's fix your clothes first, you look like a fried slimy---I won't say it."

He brought out a device and began to scan Ray's body. The device immediately fixed Ray's clothes.

Ray: "Amazing! How about this wound?"

Celsius: "I don't have such thing. All I said were clothes."

Nympha: "Could you bare with it?"

Ray: "I'll try."

Although his clothes were fix, his wounds are still intact.

Another tremendous quake was felt. The large trees shook and swayed. Celsius quickly flew up.

Celsius: (Both of you two come quick, we got a big problem.)

Nympha and Ray eventually climbed up and saw it.

Nympha: "That looks like a Hydra."

Ray: "A Hydra. That vile?"

Nympha: "Yes."

The five massive creatures rose up above the plains of the Ghost Dessert of Sahara.

Celsius: "Guys you need to kill this one befo----"

The five creatures body merged suddenly. The oozing dark miasma grew larger and thicker. Now it's body turned into one having fifteen heads and five tails. It started rampaging and sensing for its lost prey.

Celsius: *sigh* "It's too late. I got a feeling it was going to do that."

Nympha: "Now that's the Hydra."

Ray: "So you're telling me that…that is its real form."

Nympha: "Uh-huh. Oh by the way that's only the young. You haven't seen it's mature state. It can grow as the size of the statue of the Goddess of Ambeist."

Ray: "WHAT?!!! REALLY?!!! THAT SIZE!!!"

Nympha just nodded.

Ray: "So this is larger than the Fire Gin that I fought."

The party is busy conversing with each other when all felt a cold wind passed through them.

Ray: "What was that?"

Nympha: "A killing intent."

Celsius suddenly fainted. He was caught immediately by Nympha before he falls.

Nympha: (Guess nomads can't stand this kind of thing.) "Ray, hold him."

Ray: "Sure."

Nympha put her hand on Celsius' forehead.

Nympha: "BLESSING!"

Celsius then regained his consciousness.

Nympha: "Are you awake?"

Celsius touched his temple.

Celsius: *sigh* "Uh-huh. Somewhat." He's still a little bit dizzy.

Nympha: "Good. Now you need to hide somewhere. The situation is quite dangerous."

Celsius: "Okay. Just tell me if you guys are done."

Ray: "Sure. Leave it to us."

Celsius: "Good luck."

He jumped on his floating circular device and flew somewhere else.

Nympha: "Ray…you know what we are about to do, right?"

Ray: Un

Nympha: "That's the spirit. Don't worry we got the blessing of the Goddess Aegis."

Ray: "But…I didn't felt it."

Nympha: "It's fine. To be honest with or without the blessing it's up to us to beat that Hydra."

Ray: "Okay?"

Nympha: "It's up to our determination and good luck."

Ray: "I see. What should we do first?"

Nympha: "I'm about to test what kind of blessing the Goddess has bestowed."

Ray: "W---"

Nympha swiftly grabbed Ray's collar.

Nympha: "Heave-ho! Let's go!"

She quickly dashed out while dragging Ray's body.

Ray: "Sis Nympha!!! I can walk by my own!"

Nympha: "It's faster this way."

Ray: "But this is embarrassing! Put me down!"

Nympha ignored his words until they reached the Ghost Dessert of Sahara. She then put him down and focused on the rampaging Hydra.

Ray: *pant* *pant* "I will die before that creature will kill me?" (Where was the timid Nympha that I know?)

Nympha: "Ray, enough with your complains. Come closer."

Ray just followed.


She used two of her skills.

Nympha: "With these, we are good. It's the acid that we need to avoid at all cost."

Ray felt the power within him.

Ray: "This is great. But, why the acid?"

Nympha: "I don't have the skill to block it. I'm not a mage."

The two of them are meters away from their opponent.

Nympha: "Listen, Ray. We're in a disadvantage situation. With these sands and winds blocking our sights, our moves will be limited."

Ray: "Why not lure it into a cave? It's quite large now. That way, we can restrict its movement."

Nympha: "Do you find any near caves here? None."

Both of them felt another tremendous quake. A large sand storm was coming.

Nympha: "!!!" She felt something approaching. "It sensed us. That vile really loves you. It's coming at us!"

The Hydra was quickly moving towards them.

Ray: "Yes. Now it looks more hideous!"

Nympha: "Prepare yourself! Come MAUL!"

A whirled of sand was formed and a six foot tall hammer came out beneath the earth.

Ray: "Wow! Is that your weapon?"

Nympha: "Yes. Now, your turn."

Ray took out his stone sword and begins to pour out his energy into it.


Four large swords were formed. Both are ready to face the creature.

Nympha: "I'll go for the defense, you go for the offense. Do you best to attack while I'll shield you. Don't worry, I will try my best to support you.

Ray: "Got it."

A gust of winds covered the creature. It's now approaching them.


Fifteen heads sprung out underneath the sands and almost gobbled them up.

Ray: (That was close!)

Nympha: (Be careful. I told you before viles are smart and cunning.)

They are now standing face to face with the monstrous creature.


A terrible roar was unleashed. This created small sand storms in the area.

Nympha: (Get a hold of yourself, Ray.)

Ray: (My eyes hurt.)

Nympha: (Cover your eyes with something!)

A surprise attack was aimed directly towards them.


Nympha repelled the attack with her hammer.

Nympha: (Ray, focus.)

Ray: (Sorry) He thought of something. (Ah, Sis…I need to go up.)

Nympha: (No problem.) She lowers her hammer. (Hop in.)

Ray: (Okay.)

He set his footing on the hammer and Nympha swiftly threw him in the air.


Ray flew up high in the air. Way too up high that he saw everything that was exactly laid on the virtual map.

Ray: (Ahhh! You over did it, sis!)

Nympha was left confronting the creature.

Nympha: (My bad, I guess I did it.)

A menacing series of tail attacks came at her.

Nympha: "MAUL!"

*BAAAM!!!* *BAAAMM!!!* *FLASH!!*

The impact of those attacks made the sand waved. The acids were no use compare to her hammer.

Nympha: "You think you can melt my MAUL. Not a chance!"

She felt a whirl wind of energy coming from above.

Ray: (Move out of the away, sis!)

Four large stone swords fell above the creature's body.

RAY: (Eat this!)

*WHOOOSH!!!!* *BAAM!!!*

The dessert tremendously shook and a large crater was formed. It cleared the sand storms and made the sands flew in different directions. The swords penetrated the body of the creature.

Ray: (Sis?? Where are you?)

Nympha: (I'm here.)

Ray: (Where?) He scanned the area.

Nympha: (Over here.) She showed her hand that was buried underneath the sands.

Ray: "Sorry." He said as he pulled her out of the sand.

Nympha: *cough* *spit* *cough* *spit* "Next time, say it a little bit early. That's one massive attack." She shook off all the sands on her body.

Ray: "I will, sis. But the question is…is it dead?"

The thick dusts begin to clear. The creature's figured showed up. It bit each of the stone swords and took them out from its body.

Nympha: "No matter how powerful your attack was, it looks like it didn't work. Its body regenerates."

Ray: "What then?"

Nympha: "How about use your aura?"

Ray: "Okay??"

The creature's tail coiled holding the massive swords.

Nympha: "Brace yourself!" She gripped her hammer and positioned herself for defense.

It launched its attack and threw the swords back at them.


Ray gestured his hand.

Ray: "HALT!!"

The swords stopped in mid-air before they even reach them.

Nympha: "Whoa! I didn't know you can do that."

Ray: "The stone sword is my possession. It will never hurt me."

The creature started rampaging again.


It gave out a loud deafening roar.

Nympha: "I think the Hydra didn't like what you did."

Ray just shrugged. Nympha looked at the creature's head.

Nympha: "Ray, we need to finish this quickly. Have you seen its horn?" she pointed

Ray: "Is that a dark horn? It didn't have it before."

Nympha: "Exactly. It's growing."

Ray: "So, that's why it's getting stronger as time passes."

Nympha: "Once it reaches its maturity, it will be able to utilize all of its power and seriously, we can't let that happened."

Ray: "Meaning?"

Nympha: "We're dead." She said as a matter of fact.

Ray: "I got no choice then."

A surge of energy was unleashed in Ray's body and awaken the power inside him. His eyes started to glow.

Nympha: "I saw this one before…So you're finally using your aura."

Ray: "This is a life and death situation, I just followed your suggestion, sis."

Nympha: "Well, I might as well go all out then."

Nympha released a massive energy in her surroundings. She emits a dreadful aura."

Ray: "Okay? That's deadly."

Nympha: "I'm going in first." She quickly leaped into the sands and disappeared.

Ray: "Su---"

Thick dusts were created and went into Ray's mouth.

Ray: *Cough* Cough* *Spit* (You did that on purpose! Wait for me, sis!)

The creature felt the sudden change of energy between its two preys. Nympha was the first one to arrive. She was welcomed by a powerful tail strike. She unhands her hammer and caught one of it's tails.

Nympha: "Gosh! Your tail stings!" She got no choice but to bare with the acids embedded on it.

Nympha exerted a lot of her energy and pulled out the tail.


The creature's cries were heard in the entire dessert plains.

Nympha: "Oops…sorry about that."

She lifted the creature.

Nympha: "Up you go." (RAY!!!)

Ray: (Almost there!)

Nympha: (CATCH!!) She threw the creature towards Ray's direction.

Ray: "Now it's my turn."
