
Inoki Hunting

=Rocky Mountains of Vermel - The Habitants' Area=

Two days passed and the full moon appeared. The moon shines brightly across the entire plains of the earth.

Celsius: "I want to remind you guys that Full Moon is a special time for all the habitants living above the plains." He started with his lecture.

Ray suddenly got curious.

Ray: "What makes it special?"

Celsius: "The habitants and viles will double its power during full moon."

Nympha: "That means to say that are task locating your Inoki will be twice difficult. Is that what you're saying?" She joined the conversation.

Celsius: "Exactly. That's the reason why we absolutely cannot let this time slip away. We can't wait for another full moon to come. We need to spot them this one time."

Ray: "Okay."

Celsius: "We also need to be extra cautious since it's full moon, the habitants and viles are more active."

Nympha: "Right. We will try not to disturb them as much as possible."

Celsius: "And to make our quest easier, we only need to catch one Inoki."

Ray: "Understood. So where are we heading first?"

Celsius flicked his hand and the virtual map appears.

Celsius: "Let's try the Rocky Mountains of Vermel. Since the moon shines brighter on that side, it will be easier for us to see them."

Both nodded.

Nympha: "Well, since this is a special mission, we need to go all out. You two come here."

Knowing exactly what she's thinking Ray and Celsius stretched their hands to her. Nympha held their hands firmly.

Nympha: "BLESSING!…PROTECTION!…STEEL!…SACRIFICE!" She poured all these skills to the both of them.

In an instant, Ray and Celsius' bodies glow.

Ray: "I feel more powerful. How about you, Celsius?"

Celsius: "I feel great. Still…she should have done it when we first set our foot above the plains."

Nympha: "Oh you should have told me before hand. My memory is not that good." She started with teasing.

Celsius: "Hmpf! Tell that to the crystal." He sneered.

Ray: "So what now?"

Celsius set all the void gates in a circular pattern.

Celsius: "Listen. An Inoki is a very cunning creature. Once you spotted them, they will immediately teleport to a different place."

Ray: "Teleport?"

Nympha: "Yes, that's why not even a single nomad or faction can catch them. We're going to be the first." She said with determination.

Ray: "Cool!"

Celsius: "Inoki can used this sort of skill to transfer them to different places. They can just reappear anywhere."

Ray: "Hmm…how can we catch them?"

Celsius: "These red markings..." He pointed on the virtual map. "…are the places where they mostly appear, so every time they teleport we will check these places."

Nympha: "So your void gates will do that job for us."

Celsius: "Yes, let's go."

Ray: "What do they look like?"

Nympha: "You will see once we meet them. I would say that they are not likeable creature. They're rather peculiar."

Ray: "Then I will be the one to judge that."

Nympha just shrugged.

The party went inside one of the void gates. They were brought at the summit of the Rocky Mountains of Vermel.

Celsius: "Although the Ghost Dessert of Sahara is quite popular for Inoki sightings, we will settle for this place as a precautionary measure."

Nympha: "Maybe if we are lucky we can spot it in here as well."

Celsius: "I don't believe in luck. I believe in plan and in execution."

Nympha: "Suit you."

Ray starts on searching for anything strange in the summit of the mountain.

Nympha: "Ray, you won't identify it just by using your eyes."

Ray:"Right. I didn't know what they look like in the first place."

Nympha: "That's one reason. But there's one more thing."

Ray: "What is it then?"

Celsius: "You need to listen to their voices."

Ray: "Voices?"

Nympha: "If you only have brought a scout or a shadow in our party, this will be quick."

Celsius: "No. No need."

He took out another device in his storage crystal. It looks like a mechanical radar.

Celsius: "With this we can easily detect the Inokis near the summit."

Nympha: "Now that's useful."

Ray: "That's a nice invention you got."

Celsius' face suddenly went grim when he saw the red flashing lights that is being detected on the radar.

Celsius: "Tch! We got a big problem."

Nympha: "What?"

Celsius: "Here." He let them see the radar. "The flashing lights are signals that the moon is about to disappear."

Ray: "What do you mean disappear?

Celsius: "A lunar eclipse is about to happen."

Nympha: *sigh* "That is a big problem."

Ray: "I'm not following you guys…"

Nympha: "When a lunar eclipse happens, a strongest vile will resurfaces above the plains of the earth."

Ray: "Okay. So that means there's a possibility that we're going to face this creature."

Both of his companion didn't react to this statement.

An eclipse is a very dangerous event for an adventurer above the plains to experience. The entire realm will be enveloped by total darkness. An ancient vile will be awaken in its deep slumber. The vile is known by it's terrifying name…Plague.

Nympha: "How much time left do we have?"

Celsius: "We still got 2 decent, 37 milent and counting."

Ray: "What seem to be the problem?"

"Plague is near." Both Nympha and Celsius responded.

Suddenly a green light blinks on the radar.

Celsius: "We got the Inokis location."

Nympha: "Let's get this over with. It's a race again time…Ray your question will be answered later."

Ray: "Un."

They went straight to where the green light is blinking. Some round creatures are bathing under the illuminating lights of the moon.

"Kewk! Kewk! Kewk!"

The party hid in a large boulder.

Ray: "Are those what you call Inoki? It's adorable!"

Nympha: "Quiet Ray. They're sensitive to noise."

Celsius: "Don't be fooled by their appearances. Those are savage creatures."

Inoki habitants came from the button mushroom species . These creatures harness light rays during full moon. They do look adorable and timid when they are in their normal state. Once they sense danger, they display a savage behavior.

The party moved slowly and quietly as they could until they reached a meter close from these creatures. The Inokis are about their same size.

Celsius: "Once we catch one, we will extract the moonlight energy from its caps."

Ray: "Why can't we just cut off its head then?"

Nympha: "Killing won't do any good."

Celsius: "If you kill it, Its whole body will immediately dried up and the moonlight energy will disperse in the air. We need to catch one alive."

Ray: "I'll go first."

Celsius: "Ray, you can't go alone. You need Nympha to back you up."

A group of Inoki habitants are enjoying their baths and squeaking when they heard a sound of pebble cracked. Celsius accidentally stepped on a small stone smashing it into pieces.

Celsius: "Oops…my bad…" He looked at them apologetically.

Nympha: (RAY GO!)

Ray quickly dashed in front of the group of Inokis.


The Inokis' features change and sharp teeth appeared. One of the creatures went to bite Ray. Although it didn't do any damage, it restraints Ray's movements.

Ray: (Sis, I can't move. A little help here.)

Nympha: (No problem!)

Nympha rushed out and try to grab one. The Inoki bounced its way off, made a funny looking face and just disappeared.

Nympha: (Tch! They're one annoying bunch!) She got pissed off.

Nympha tried to help Ray who looks like a trampoline beneath the bouncing Inoki. The group of Inokis make a laughing noises and one by one disappear.

Nympha held Ray's hand to get him up.

Ray: "Thanks, sis."

Nympha: "Un."

Ray: "So they are also slippery."

Nympha: "Yes and despite their so-called adorable features, they pisses me off!"

Celsius came out from his hiding place.

Celsius: "I told you…Those guys are savage. Pretty savage."

Ray: "Yes. I couldn't agree with you more." He pointed at the top of one large boulder.

One Inoki is bouncing up and down, almost like dancing and grinning at them.

Celsius: (Quick! I'll use one of the void gates. Once it disappeared, you guys can follow to its location.)

Ray is about to move when Nympha stopped him.

Nympha: (Wait!)

Ray: (Huh?)

Nympha: (Let me take this! I'll wipe that grinning face from the dust of the earth!) She's serious.

Nympha quickly appeared behind the Inoki in a flash and punched the boulder with her knuckle.


Celsius: (She over did it.)

Ray: (You're right.)

The large boulder took a massive cracked but it didn't make a single scratch on the Inoki.


The creature displayed it's triumphant smile and teleported to another place.

Ray: (Ahmm…Sis…take it easy. They're savage creatures, remember?) He tried to console her.

Celsius: (I can't believe you are going to take this Inoki hunting much seriously than I, Nympha.)

Nympha just ignored their words. She can't accept that these creatures are quicker on their feet.

Nympha: "NEXT PLACE CELSIUS!" She shouted.

Celsius: (Granted.)

He quickly open one of the void gates. The party step in quickly to the portal and vanished completely.
