There m guys were ready to fight. They were none other than Frieza's allies. They came to take revenge of frieza. Among them the first one was mamoro. He was from planet with 3x the Earth's gravity. It was Kamirama who had gone to fight. Kamirama used his Spirit fission technique to displace the dark powers hidden inside Mamoro. Mamoro got his KI drained and power lost by half. He was shocked. Kamirama killed him with his kanjinani attack. Now it was time for Towa. Towa was against Agent 47. Agent 47 and Towa had an intense fight. Hitman got his blood coming out of his mouth. He was bleeding but had a trick. It was Kami fist. Ge used it to kill Towa. The next one was Dabura. He was against Shuryaa.