Hope for the Dragon Prince.

Kera kept his head bowed to the ground without looking up, he was not afraid he could get hurt by the dragon, he felt the hands of the dragon touching him with trembling hands, he remained still until he heard the voice of the dragon. " where Is my dagger" immediately, with strong hands Kera handed the royal dagger to the dragon Prince. The prince taking a look at his dagger hands it back to Kera telling him to have it in order to protect him. "help me Kera, protect me "

This made Kera bow his head once more and he pledges his allegiance to the Prince. " I will help you, and bring you back to be a human again, but for now let us build a shelter against the enemy"

the dragon Prince told Kera he wouldn't need a shelter as he is a dragon and other animals would not dare to come close to him. " well I will need one as I am only human" said Kera.

"well then, I will help build a shelter"

they set to building a shelter, inside the fence, as Kera had build a strong fence earlier. Half way to building, the dragon Prince asked Kera why he had come here, Kera replied saying " I refused to worship the new rulers, so I was banished" hearing this, the dragon Prince fell off his knees and sob continuously, when he arose Kera was out of sight, he went out of the fence to look for him and saw him roasting a bush rat. " come join me Prince Nazi"

he walked to where he was and sat down, rushing the piece of flesh he was given. While eating, Kera noticed how rough the skin of the dragon was, and some ugly scars on his face, he haven't seen this earlier, because he had bowed down and not looked at the Prince.

The dragon Prince noticing the stare he was getting from Kera, told him not be afraid as his body was only turned to a dragon, but his soul is very much human. They ate the remaining piece of meat and fell asleep. While still asleep, they heard strange noises of someone running into the forest, Kera getting alerted with the dagger in he hands was ready to strike, only to see it was a young lady who is from the kingdom of Harnez, the people of Harnez are marked by the pieces of red clothes tied around their arms. The women tie theirs on their arm, while the men tied theirs on their leg. she ran towards Kera and fell on her feet, trembling. "they wanted to kill me, please help me"

The dragon Prince had gone to hide away from the stranger as he wouldn't want to be seen with someone who would be scared of him. "I assure you no harm will come to you, I and my King we stay here" said Kera. "your king? who is your king? " the stranger asked looking more perplexed. Kera looking back towards the direction he had left the king, while he stood to look for the stranger, he couldn't find him there.

This made the stranger look more puzzled and she begged for her life. "please don't kill me, I see you are from the kingdom of Oz from where they tried to kill me, I was sent to the kingdom to deliver a love letter" Kera listening to this, assured her of her safety. " nobody will kill you here, you are safe, I see you only lost your way , by tomorrow before sunset, I will lead you to where you can get to your Kingdom" . the stranger was filled with appreciation and she promised to do anything Kera ask of her, but first but Kara asked her not to be afraid of the King he would introduce her to, she promised him not to be afraid as long as he protects her.

Kera went in search for the prince, as he knew that he had hidden because of the stranger and due to the fact that he is not a human being would only scare away the stranger. why he went in search of the prince, he went toward the back of the fence he had built the previous day and found the prince with his head in his thighs. " Prince Nazi, please stand up and come meet the stranger from Harnez, because she will be our hope in Making you be a human again. Hearing this the prince stood up and followed kera. getting to the place where the stranger was, rather than being afraid she bowed down to the Dragon Prince. This left the dragon Prince In great shock as he expected her to flee. "I have heard alot about you, your father took powers from the devil and was torn apart when his time was up, I see you are a good strong man who was only turned to a dragon by the wicked witch who also terrorised the people of Harnez, I wirshop you my king, my name is Alita" The prince looking at Alita feel in love with her as he had never ever loved any woman in his life, Alita became his first love. The prince whispers to Kera "how will she help me become a human again" Kera being wise disclose to the prince the only way he can become a human again " you will have to see a lady from the kingdom of Harnez having her bath in the stream of Akhli" said Kera. " but Alkhi is a forbidden stream for anyone to have their bath there" said Alita.

" we need a royal blood to be seen be the king to have her bath in the stream of Alkhi, so the Prince will be human again, for now let us make our shelter for the night"

it was night already, the shelter haven't been completed, The Prince and Alita went to the inner part is the forest to hunt for preys.