Kera's Journey to Harnez

Kara began his journey today kingdom of anise he left the Forest before sunset so we could surpass any god that would want to come his way he made his way to the kingdom of anise there he was to meet with a little grandmother he would stay with till the mission is accomplished.

Getting to the exist of the forest, he hears footsteps and had to stay back a bit. There he saw it was the witch and prime minister, with some other body guards, along with the priest from Harnez. There they were discussing on setting the forest on fire in the next three weeks, the priest made it known that they cannot go on with the act of setting the forest on fire until he had done some rituals to weaken the power they surrounds the Forest.

News had gotten to the wicked witch that the dragon Prince had made his way to the forest to seek refuge, and he is very much still alive, the witch had tried with her power to summon the spirit of the Dragon and slay it spirit, but the forest the dragon Prince is, made it impossible for the spirit of the dragon Prince to be summoned. It was then believe that the forest provided a source of protection for the dragon Prince. The next three weeks was slated for the forest to be burned to ashes.

Kera overhead all of this and he made sure they had left before he embarked on his journey to Harnez to seek solution for the dragon prince before the three weeks elapses.

After they had left the forest, Kera made sure they were completely out of sight, before he made on with his journey to Harnez. Kera journey to Harnez took him three hours, he was dressed in one of the Late king fine robe, as he strode into the kingdom of Harnez, he asked for directions to Alita grandmother nother house, he was told the way to go, and he made his way to the Alita grandmother house.

Alita grandmother was a good Witch with grey hairs and a very friendly smile, she has heard of the cruelty melted on the Original prince of Oz, Prince Nazi. she was more than pleased to help him turn into a human being once again, as she believes he would bring and create a balance between the Kingdom of Harnez and the kingdom of Oz, as they used to be at peace together before.

Old Zuna house was close to the Palace of Harnez, she was the only one allowed to see the Royal maidens of the king, even when they are not married, Old Zuna was always and very much welcome into the palace of the King of Harnez.

Kera getting to the doorstep of old Zuna, knock at the door and immediately the doors were opened and he was welcomed in. the room of old Zuna was cool and calm, the atmosphere was filled with nice Smell as she burned incense and candles.

"My name is Kara and I am a friend of Alita, I seek your help in making the prince of Oz who is now a dragon, to turn into an human being once more, as he used to be". said Kera with his head bowed.

Old Zuna smilled and asked him to seat. " I know who you are, Kera, the loyal prime minister of Oz, Kera, the incorruptible one"

But how do you know me?

I am a witch remember? But a good one. Now back to the main business of the day, we will go to the King's palace tomorrow, after the cock had woken up and make our way to the palace. We are to go there together, as your going alone will make you not to be allowed in. You must say you are from the Kingdom of Begusarai, and with your fine attire, you will not be questioned. You will make it known that you seek for the hand of the king daughter in marriage, and that if it is granted, you will take her with you to see your people. There you will swear an oath, of never going back to your word of marrying the queen. So we leave tomorrow, but for now, make your self confortable as I make you lunch, I know the only thing you had this morning was just roasted rabbit" .

Kera looked puzzled as to how Old Zuna knew he had roasted rabbit for Break fast, then he remembered that she was a witch and an old witch for that matter. Suddenly he wags off the thought and focused on the food he is about to be served.

Old Zuna served Kera with bread and cheese, the meal tasted so good and kera thought old Zuna must have used her magical powers in preparing that meal.

"I only prepared this meal the normal way every other human being without powers would have prepared it, I am a witch but I do not practice dark magic" said old Zuna, who had already known the thoughts of Kera. "how then did you know what I was thinking?" asked Kera.

" reading your mind is easy, now eat up young man, we have work to do, get ready son for the welcome festival"

That evening, it was no news that a fine looking man had enter into the kingdom of Harnez to seek a maiden hand in marriage. Mothers pressure their child who is due for Marriage, to dress up and look good for the night festival that is done to welcome a stranger into the land, hoping the stranger would pick either of their children to get married to.

The Festival was hosted in the compound of Old Zuna, there was lot to eat and drink, maiden Came forth to showcase their beauty to their visitor—Kera, in return Kera only smiled at them all, as he is very much aware of his purpose in the land of Harnez.