Chapter 17 – Marina

"Alpha?" Grayson looked up and locked eyes with Dylan. "What's on your mind?" Dylan sat down before Grayson's desk and Grayson sighed.

"My date with Fire the other night."

"How did that go?"

"Great. She's fun to be with."


"But," Grayson paused, not sure quite how to voice his thoughts, thinking that maybe he was crazy. "But, we talked about a couple things."

"And its making you want to run away from her?" Dylan asked, interrupting him.

"What?" Grayson asked, confused; those were the furthest thoughts from his mind. "Goddess, no, nothing like that. Goddess pairs mates together, or did, doesn't much now. But, as Fire and I were talking, we discussed the mating rituals between all species, and how similar they are. What has me thinking is the why, like she asked. What is the significance in our rituals, why are they alike. Beyond that though, " he said as he leaned forward on his desk and looked Dylan in the eye, "is that I'm feeling being with Fire isn't just destined by our Goddess, but by the vampires God, by destiny itself."

"That's a big jump."

"I know, but I can't shake the feeling. Fire is still worried about that road, and mentioned a causal fling."

"Are you going to take her up on that?"

"Midnight is screaming at me to say no, he doesn't like that. But my mind is still trying to grasp how I can be mated to her. As the Alpha, I need to be able to have pups to carry on the pack and yet I can't even be sure she can have babies."

"Fire is unique. And on one knows anything. How do you even know vampires have a God? I've never heard anyone speak of one."

"Marina told me, she said that she had found some journal that talked about their God, Sol."

"Marina, as in your most recent ex lover here?" Grayson looked at him and Dylan lifted a brow. "Come on, don't hate on me, I'm just saying. I mean, you had something going on with her."

"Never with that in mind; trust me, anything with her was casual."

"And yet, you know some things." Grayson shrugged as he leaned back in his chair.

"Marina is the type to talk to hear herself talk and she did a lot of it."

"So, what, do you think we should start there?"

"I'm thinking that I take that to Fire and see what she may know."

"I just suggest you don't mention where you heard it from." They both got up and quickly left his office.


They knocked on the door, the look on the vampire's face, priceless as he scrunched up his nose, smelling something awful.

"May I help you?"

"I need to see Fire please?" The guy lifted a brow.

"And you are?"

"Grayson and Dylan." He rolled his eyes, making a show of his disgust.

"Come in and wait here. She's in her wing so it might be a moment."

"Of course, thank you," Grayson said, finally turning to look at Dylan as he looked around.

"God damn, this woman must be like a queen for all this wealth spread around. Some of these pieces are worth tens of thousands."

"I'm hardly a queen, but I'm old and found collecting a suitable past time." Both guys turned around and I smiled at them. "What brings the Alpha and his Beta all the way over here?"

"Can we talk in private?" I eyed Grayson and nodded.

"Follow me." I lead them to my office, seeing Elric down the way and motioned him over. We walked in and I closed the door behind us. "Elric, this is Grayson and his Beta, Dylan. Gentlemen, my right hand man and most trusted advisor, Elric." They shook but it was Dylan who asked the first question.

"I thought you didn't have vampires under you."

"Elric is the first vampire I ever turned." Dylan gave me the oddest look and I laughed. "A story for another day. Please, sit." Before I could move, Grayson was taking my desk chair and pulling me on his lap while Elric and Dylan took the other chairs. I cleared my throat and gave Grayson a pointed look, who only shrugged. His arm wrapped loosely around my waist and I tried my upmost best to ignore the tingles. "So, gentlemen, what brings you by?"

"What do you know about the deity Sol?" I scrunched up my brows as I looked at Grayson and over at Elric.

"Sol, as in the vampire God?" Elric asked.

"Yeah, what do you know about him?"

"He's fake," Elric answered, clearly getting annoyed.

"He's not," I fired back. "At least, not like you think. Sol isn't much of a deity, why are you asking?"

"But what do you know?" I looked at Dylan as he asked. I shook my head as I tried to recall stories.

"Sol was supposed to contact the vampires, one they should be able to talk to, to help protect and govern. But over time, I guess the story is like the Greek gods, vampires stopped turning to him. The legend goes that he was the one who created us."

"Legend?" Grayson asked.

"You're not going to find information about Sol. There are no writings about him, no books. Almost all vampires know nothing about him and the Elders barely know the myths." I looked between the two and frowned. "I ask again, why are you asking?"

"And what if I told you that I know someone who said they saw a book that talked about him?"

"I'd say you're full of shit. I would like to think I would have come across something for all I've seen and done. But, then I would ask who you would have been talking to." I waited, glancing between the two men as neither spoke. "You realize I can get the answers, right?" When neither still spoke, I shrugged. This way was going to be more fun anyway.

I walked behind Dylan and wrapped my arm around his neck, running my hands over his chest. I leaned down and whispered in his ear. "Just tell me a name, I won't harm you." I lightly trailed my tongue over the vein in his neck, feeling my fangs come out and scrapped them along his neck. My eyes flicked to Grayson as Dylan jerked at the movement. I pressed closer and Grayson growled.

"Her name is Marina." I stiffened as I stood up, my eyes never leaving his.

"Marina?" I walked over to Grayson, never breaking eye contact. He nodded and I leaned down, burying my nose in his neck, smelling what I needed to and as I pulled back, I glared at him. "Now, was it really so hard to tell me the name of your ex-lover?"