Chapter 20 – These aren’t normal

Grayson walked into the house, frowning all the more as he looked around and saw no one. And oddly, the house was quiet. As the main house, it was never quiet. He turned as someone walked into the room.


"Alpha, I'm sorry to have linked you, I knew…"

"Fire knows my pack comes first, where is everyone?"

"I sent them to their homes. The attack wasn't quite an attack, they weren't out to kill us, but I guess seeking info. The other two ran away but we managed to capture one."

"Why would that scare everyone? We are wolves that fight!"

"These aren't normal rogues, Grayson; they scared the shit out of me and out of our fighters. And you know that's saying something."

"What the hell makes them different?"

"I can't explain it. Come on." Dylan led him down to their prison area and to the furthest cell away, which caused Grayson to become more apprehensive. But one look told him why everyone was freaking out, this was like nothing he had ever seen. He quickly pulled out his cell phone and called the one person that might help.


I walked into the room, looking around at Tyler, Dylan, Judith and finally Grayson, who walked over to me.

"Oh Goddess, why would you call that nasty leech?"


"This is pack business, Grayson, which it doesn't involve outsiders. Especially someone who has no respect for anyone in here."

"I'm sorry you feel that way Luna Black, I thought I always showed you the up most respect when you have only ever shown me contempt."

"Why you nasty, vile…Grayson, I want her out of this house and off our lands. And I never want her to come back."

"Mom, Fire is a most trusted ally, and as such, might be able to help. Not to mention, she has seen way more shit than any of us have!"

"I have dealt with her and her stupidness for more years then I want to count and would have thought that you would have forgone this allegiance."

"Judith, that's enough," Tyler finally said, stepping up to his mate and taking her out of the room.

"God, my mom can't stand you."

"Feeling is mutual; going to be hard to stomach her for family get together." Both men laughed at that and I lifted a brow. "What's going on?"

"You recall those attacks?"


"They aren't usual rogues."


"I need to show you. My dad will meet us down there when he is done with my mom." I walked with them out of the room and into an area I had never seen before. "I wouldn't touch the bars," Grayson said over his shoulder as we passed by the cells, finally stopping at the last one. I peeked in and gasped.

Golden eyes glared back at me from the wolf, and that never happened; wolves did not have golden eyes. But amongst that, it was skinner, like it had lost a lot of its muscle mass, which didn't happen, even with rogues. However, though those were all odd, the biggest issue was the blood that was oozing from his gums, not the teeth. This rogue looked like a possessed creature.

"What do you make of it Fire?" I bit my lip and felt Grayson take my hand and gave it a squeeze, warning me about the biting.

"Honestly, Tyler, I have no idea what to make of this." I took a picture, as well, and looked up at Grayson, conveying my thoughts just like the vampire I knew. "You can't command rogues anymore, right?"

"No, since they lost the closeness with the pack." I looked at Tyler and nodded.

"Can I go in?" All three of men seemed to have stiffened at that and I had to laugh. "Guys, I'm stronger than all of you, trust me, I can take care of this one." Grayson nodded and gave the signal to open the cell, and I walked in, the wolf staring me in the eye.

Most rogues were staring to go half crazy when they leave a pack for whatever reason, but this went beyond crazy. I walked over to it and held my hand out, letting him know it would be okay, but watched carefully to see if there would be any sudden movements.

"If you sit and stay calm, I won't hurt you." I gasped as the wolf complied and sat down.


I leaned against Grayson's desk as all four of us were in his office. I looked around at all of them, their faces just as confused as mine.

"How…what the hell was that?" Dylan asked.

"Something not of this world," I replied and looked at Grayson, who nodded. "Today, I…we lost an ancient who had a blood lust craze."

"An ancient? How is that possible?" Tyler looked quite shocked when he asked.

"That we don't know, but these two situations feel very much alike. The vampire's traits were those of a wolf, his were white…"

"Like when we attack," Grayson jumped in. "And can…salivate at the mouth."

"Yes; and our eyes change to that golden color when we are the verge of a blood lust, and even our gum's bleed. It's as if they were possessed with our species intertwined."

"That is impossible!"

"I know dad, but I saw it. I saw the vampire; I was with Fire before I got the call about the attack. I know all of this is so unlikely but you can admit something odd is going on."

"Well, I don't like it." I lifted a brow up at Tyler and chuckled at his comment.

"None of us use do. And for the moment, no one else can really know anything. If there is anyone you can think of to talk to," I gave a pointed look to Grayson, who held his hands up in silent surrender, "with discretion, I suggest it. Maybe someone might have some type of clue that we are looking for."

"Anything that might come to mind, Fire?"

"Forgive me, Tyler, but maybe some type of possession, like demon's," I suggested, looking at Grayson again. I knew how this all sounded; crazy, absurd, and not a chance in hell. But when you are left with the unexplainable, you must believe those wild and crazy ideas.

"Maybe not as farfetched as it might seem," Grayson acknowledge as he stood up. "Come with me Fire." I wrinkled my brow as I took the hand he offered and followed him to the door.

"Where are we going?"

"To my room," he whispered back.