Glowing dragons

After the princess slept away Cosmo came into her room and saw her hugging the dragon while sleeping and she sighed. 

"Seems like dragons do have a certain attraction towards you after all" Cosmo said with a smile then covered the princess properly as her eyes and hands glowed along with the bracelet on Lilith's hand. 

"Seems like my brother has gotten quite attached to you too I have never seen him like this, he hates people, hates being around them, you changed that, I just hope things don't change between me and him," she said then kissed Lilith on the forehead and left the room. 

Little did Cosmo know that her brother overheard what she was saying to the princess for he was standing by the door and moved when she left so that she wouldn't see him. 

When she left he went to his room and threw himself on his bed.