Renewed princess

"Come on now father that is a little rude don't you think?" the person in the blue cape asked and Cosmo's eyes trembled when she recognized the voice and the person pulled away the whip then the king smiled. 

'Welcome back" the king said and the person took off the hood and the others gasped. 

"Lilith" Cosmo called out and the others gasped. 

"Lilith," Ash said and the princess smiled. 

'Hello guys" she said as her eyes glowed orange and the queen swallowed deeply. 

'Lilith is that really you?" the queen asked and the girl smiled. 

"Mom" she responded and the queen hugged her then Lilith's eyes glowed black and they saw.

"Welcome home, are you okay?" the queen asked as she raised off of the girl. 

'I am perfectly fine" she responded as she looked at her friends. 

"You seem different" Ash said and the princess smiled.