His plan

After knowing what he is really up to the queen left the dining hall and went looking for the others then she found all of them in the living room. 

'Thank god I found you guys" she said as she sat down and they all left staring at her. 

"Lilith" Cosmo called out as she followed the girl to her room and Lilith sighed as she sat down on the couch. 

"What is wrong with you?" Cosmo asked. 

"Nothing just leave me be Cosmo" she responded and Cosmo laughed as she sat down on the couch. 

'Leave me be this instant" she shouted but Cosmo still did not listen to the princess. 

'What is wrong with you Lilith?" Cosmo asked and Lilith sighed as she looked up at Cosmo. 

"Can you please just leave me be and not be a freaking pest?" Lilith asked and Cosmo scoffed. 

'You and I both know that I won't" she responded. 

"What do you want Cosmo?" she asked and the girl sighed as she stared at Lilith.