Warning to the subjects

"I will try, I just need to see her alone," she said and Rex smiled. 

"Maybe I can help with that soon enough then they looked and saw Sunny standing there forgetting that she did not leave with the others. 

"Suunyy how much of that did you hear?" Rex asked and the girl patted him on the shoulder. 

'Relax I understand how you feel, but if you are going to see Lilith Cosmo you will need to be careful before she actually rips your heart out" Sunny responded and Cosmo left staring at her then sighed. 

"I know, I know, guys I am really tired I will go take a short nap," she said and Rex smiled. 

'I will go back to meet mom, see ya" Sunny said then disappeared and Rex went to get something to eat then he had a meeting with his citizens concerning Lilith. 

Cosmo went to her room and sat down on the bed then sighed.