
"Yeah you are right about that I should not be asking you that question, it's not like you among all people can go against what your father says," he said and she scoffed. 

'Stop being so full of your fucking self and stop testing my patience, because if I lose it you will never get what you want and I will break free then" she replied and he sighed. 

"Yeah but you can't no matter how much you try or want to I am always a thousand steps ahead Lilith, now get some rest and here," he said as the staff appeared in his hand and he threw it to her then it disappeared. 

'What's it for now?" she asked. 

'You will need it now go get some rest tomorrow morning you go back to Lucas's and leave with the fleet is that clear?" he asked and she nodded in agreement then left to her room and he went to his. 

'I guess it is a good thing I gave her a goodbye kiss" Lilith said to herself as she went to her room and threw herself on the bed.