
"Why are you shouting?" she asked. 

'Your girlfriend left with the fleet, which means we have to be there by night" he responded. 

"First of all she is not my girlfriend and fine, we will be there by night too, now let me sleep I need my dragon side to rest like it used to," she said and he sighed. 

"You mean the lazy side" he replied and she sighed. 

"Not my lazy side, what is wrong with you?" she asked and he laughed. 

"Alright fine go back to sleep, I will go for a little flight and we will be giving Ash some help" he responded and she smiled. 

"Alright," she said then her brother left. 

'I wonder what Lilith's next move is, what the hell is she really planning to do?" Cosmo asked herself with a frown as she closed her eyes. 

'We are in serious trouble with Lilith this time aren't we?" Marlene shouted. 

'Yeah, we are" Ash responded.