
"Can you both just stop it please?" Jasmine shouted and Lilith laughed. 

"You guys really are dumb, damn if you think I won't kill you Ash you are lying to yourself because I will kill you if you get in my way then It will be easier to take the throne from your parents," he said and he frowned. 

'I really don't like the new you Lilith" Ash said and she grabbed him by the collar and pulled him to her. 

'You are my fiancee I might as well make use of you" she said and Cosmo raised her right brow then grabbed onto Lilith and span her around, she was about to slap the girl and Lilith grabbed onto her hand. 

'Are you really going to hit me?" she asked as her eyes started glowing. 

"Where is Cosmo's room?" she asked. 

"I don't know," Vivian said. 

'Good night" she said then walked away with Cosmo.

'Lilith" Vivian shouted.