Chapter Twenty-Three: Gwen

"Rosaline, is that true?" I say walking up to her with emotions of anger and sadness.

"No, it isn't," She says innocently. But she knows what she did wrong.

"I heard the whole conversation. How can you say you didn't do that to me?" Rosaline laughs hysterically.

"Ok yeah, so what if I exposed you. You deserve it. You...all you do is play Ms. Perfect this Ms. Perfect that. But, in reality, you are just someone who doesn't care about anyone but yourself..."

That is not true.

"I only wanted to move in with you because at the time I did not want to spend my money so I needed a place to crash so I could start my company with the money I saved!" I become shocked hearing her say this. Water starts accumulating in my eyes.

"That's not true..." I back up, feeling my legs go numb "It cant be...It cannot be," I cover my ears with my hands, "H-how could you do this? I trusted you," My head starts to hurt. This can't be. I only wanted to say goodbye to my best friend that was leaving but it seems like I lost her the whole time.

She is the one who said 'Goodbye' first.

I run out with only one thought in my mind.

I need to get out of here.

1 year earlier

I wonder when Rosa will come back home. All she said when she left was that she is going to help a friend in South Korea. She wouldn't tell me who. From what I know, I am her only friend. Then Kyu and Nam-Nam went back home for who knows how long. I am just lonely these days. You could say I am more lonely tonight because of how dark it is. I checked the weather on my phone and it says 100% chance of rain but you never know. These days, only people with sense can predict the weather. I decide to go out just to get out of the house. As I walk down the street, I hear a sudden thunder that makes me jump up.

My phone rings.

I check to see who it is and it's Ann Marie. I answer.

"Hey Girl"

"G-Gwen," Ann-Marie sounds as if she has been crying. She is breathing heavily.

"What is it? Is something wrong? What's wrong?" I begin to become worried.

"I-It's J-" She keeps stuttering.

"Child, What is it?"

"It's Jane...she is in the hospital," I stop walking, "...she was in an accident at-"My hand falls from my ear not being able to hear Ann-Marie. My ears, as if they have gone deaf. "Gwen, Gwen, are you there?" I pull my hand to my ear and respond.

"Yes, I am here," I snap back to reality. If I cry, it won't do Ann-Marie any good "How? Why?" are the only words able to escape my mouth.

"Alejandro invited us to a ball and she accidentally fell from somewhere high and a chandelier fell on her"

"Why would she agree to that?"

"Gwen, Jane loves to help those she cares about and you know that"

"Is there anything I can do to help?"

"No, just stay there if you come here you will make her worry. I will call you when I get more news about her," Ann-Marie hangs up the phone. I slowly sit down at the bench close to me. I pull my knees to my face, tucking my head. I start to feel raindrops on me. That is not the only thing that is falling. I cry with the rain feeling the raindrops as if I have been shot many times. Why did it have to be Jane? Why did Alejandro have to hurt Jane instead of me? Did I really hurt him that much for him to do that? I never knew Alejandro could be this cruel.

All of a sudden, I turn my head, feeling as if someone is watching me. A tall man. I don't have my glasses on so I can not see his face whatsoever. I tuck my head again and continue crying. Then in a second, I don't feel rain fall on me anymore however I can still hear the rain. As I look up in front of me, I see Kyu with an umbrella in his hand holding it over me. This umbrella he had in his hand was the one we used when we were little. It is a clear umbrella but with a button that changes it into a dark sky with stars. My tears stop falling down my face.

"What did I tell you about crying alone?" Kyu says tucking his lower lip under his bottom lip. He turns his head to the side looking at something and suddenly grabs my hands and pulls me into a hug, "I missed you," Kyu says petting the back of my head.

"So did I," Nam-Nam pops up out of nowhere. Kyu lets go of me, clearing his throat as I wipe the tears off my face, "Oooo"

"It's not like that," I snap back.

"Our parents are waiting at our place," Nam-Nam says at the truck I didn't notice before.

"Do they have a place to stay or are they going to your place? Because if they don't, I could let them stay at my place"

"Let's discuss that when we get in the car. It is pouring harder by the second," We all run to the car and drive home.

"Gwen! What a wonderful surprise!" Unni says.

"No, it wasn't. Kyu wanted to surprise Gwen on purpo-"

"Ok!" Kyu raises his voice, "Nam-Nam. Don't have a big mouth," Kyu claps his hands together. I giggle.

"Do you need a place to stay? I have extra rooms at my place," I smile brightly.

"If that's okay with you," Bill-e looks guilty.

"It's no problem. How long are you staying?" I ask.

"A few weeks. I want to expand my business," Bill-e says. I look at the luggage in the backseat and it does look like they are staying for quite a while.

"Sounds good. I am busy with work so you won't see me as much and also I will be helping Rosaline, my best friend, with wedding plans," I become excited but then remember Jane and my mood turns serious.

"We won't be in your way," Jin-Ah winks. That night, I help Kyu's parents settle. Right before I go to sleep I receive a text.

We are back home. Jane is stable and recovering so don't worry :)

Now I can sleep easy

The next morning...

Kyu's parents are already out of the house. I make myself a cup of cappuccino and head out the door. When I take the elevator and reach the lobby, I see a lady sit at the couches of the waiting room, looking directly at me. She is wearing a white long silk dress with an embroidered belt along with black heels. I can't tell what brand it is because of how expensive it appears. All I am wearing is a simple purple dress Rosaline bought me. I look behind me to see who she's looking at. But it seems I'm the only one here.

"Ma'am, may I help you?"

"Are you Gwen Rio?"

"Yes, this is her speaking, and may I ask, who are you?"

"I am Seo-Yin Park, Alejandro's stepmom, we talked last time at the carnival," I think about the carnival.

"Oh, you showed me pictures"


"Well, then how may I help you today?" I sound like a Mcdonald's drive-thru server.

"Can you come with me to Australia?"

"Australia?!" Seo-Yin Park nods her head "Why?"

"I want to spend time with you." I feel like she has an ulterior motive. What if Alejandro sent her here? Maybe this is a way I can learn more about him. A way I can stay close to him without him knowing? "You can't say no. I already called your company and you have leave of absence for a week" She's fast. "As a matter of fact, the car is waiting in the garage," I follow her out to the garage of the building. We reach a black car. The windows looked tinted but they are so dark you could not tell. I can't do this. I can't face Alejandro. I turn around start to walk to the exit but Seo Yin suddenly pulls something out of her purse, my curiosity sparks, it turns out to be just a fragrance. She sprays it all over her, spraying on her neck, legs, clothes, and everywhere causing me to The scent is strong. My nose starts to sniffle. Then I feel the aroma in my throat making me taste the fragrance. I start to get light-headed. My eyes roll back for a second and I fall onto the cold cement. I see Seo-Yin Park stop spraying. She bends down. However, my eyes slowly begin to close.

"Sorry, Gwen. I really am," She says sincerely, "But this is the only way I can get you to come. You are known for running away so I couldn't let you this time," Wake up Gwen! I try to tell myself. She's going to kidnap yo-

"I am drawing lab," I look down to see myself, my younger self, drawing a futuristic type on the floor with pink chalk similar to the one that I found in the box at the loft labeled "Gwen's toys" That was mine but I didn't know?

"A lab? Why?" I look up to see a young boy I have never seen before.

"This is where I get in trouble," I say.

"In trouble?"

"Yeah in subway"

"Why is the lab in subway"

"That is where she is," He says something after but I can't understand.

I wake up to my heart beating out of my chest. As I try to remember the dream again...I can't. The only thing I know is that there was a little boy. I look down at my clothes. Why am I wearing only this rope that looks like it's from a hotel? And why am I in this manly room Why why is there a door to the bathroom? Oh, wait that's supposed to be there. I get out of bed with a view of a huge amount of land. There are no other houses from what my eye can see. I go to the bathroom and a toothbrush, toothpaste, and skin products are provided. Don't mind if I do. I wash my face and brush my teeth at the same time. I hear a door fly open. I pull my head back to see what or who it is.

"Good Morning Darling," Seo-Yin Park walks in with a tall butler with clothes in his hand.

"Don't come in here like you don't know what happened. Why did you do that to me? You kidnapped me"

"I had the best intentions, Gwen"

"Kidnapping for your own benefit is not a 'best intention'"

"Well here is your change of clothes," the tall man places clothes on the bed, "This is Mr. Kouta Hashimoto, he is the head butler of this house. You will change and we can look at baby pictures of Alejandro all day! Also as you can notice this room," She points down," Is Alejandro's room," She says as she and Mr. Hashimoto scatter out of the room. Alejandro's room?! I dismiss the thought quickly. I go to where the clothes were put. It's a red and yellow floral puff-sleeve A-line dress. I put the dress on and look at how I look in the Traditional gold mirror at the corner of the room. I look at the nightstand on the side of his bed. It's a sunflower. I pick it up and once I do, I notice the mark I left. The cut on the stem I left. This is the sunflower I left at the hospital.

He did see it.

I decide to roam around the room. I trip over something under Alejandro's bed. I pull out what I tripped on. They are family photos. It's Alejandro's dad, I'm guessing Alejandro when he was little and that would be his mother. She's beautiful. Alejandro has the cutest smile here. He was such a cutie. Wait...I move my face closer to the picture frame...Alejandro's face...a sharp ring travels through my ears. Isn't he the boy from the dream? A sharper pain pierces my head. I wince in pain. How is he there? I never saw or knew him as a child? My legs become shaky and weak. I lose balance, falling to the ground. I reach for the glass of water on the nightstand but my hands slip dropping the glass cup on the ground causing it to shatter into many pieces. I get back up slowly. I feel sick to the stomach. I run to the bathroom and throw up. After, I walk to the sink. My face has many cuts. Why the face? I wash my face and tried to wipe the blood before I head downstairs.

On my way to the backyard, I notice a door that is slightly cracked. My curiosity sparks. I enter the room and I can't believe my eyes. It's a dark room. Those rooms with a red light so that the light-sensitive photographic paper doesn't get ruined. I take a look at the pictures. They are I remember when Alejandro had a housewarming party and he said that if he ever took a picture of someone he would do it because he likes them. I smile as a tear escapes my eyes.

Does he truly like he still like me?

I exit the room and head to go eat breakfast. We eat a huge breakfast. Seo-Yin takes me to see pictures of Alejandro in the living room. After hours and hours of looking at pictures of Alejandro, a picture slips out of the book. I pick it up. It's a picture of Alejandro and his parents in a pretty garden. This must be in South Korea. They look so happy. I spin the picture and there are two words on it 'My mistake.' Someone snatches the picture from my hands.

"Hey!" I spin my head. It's Alejandro's dad. He looks furious.

"Who told you to snoop around?" Using my eyes is a crime? "What are you doing in my house? I told you to stay away and not both Alejandro," He yells. I am afraid of what he could do to me, I stand still frozen like a sculpture. Seo Yin pulls my back by my shoulder putting me behind her.

"I invited her"

"I'm not talking to you"

"Park Jeong-Jin! Don't think because you're my husband you tell me who I invite to my house," His expression, emotionless now. Seo-Yin Park walks with me to the front door. "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry that happened to you. I wish I could go back and tell Selina that your mom didn't mean to fall in love with her first love then that wouldn't have happened to you. I'm so sorry," She pushes me into Mr. Hashimoto and he shoves me in a car and he quickly runs the car. The car takes me to a plane in the middle of the country. Mr. Hashimoto opens the door and I get out.

"Gwen, this private plane," I look at the plane and it has an airline logo on it. I'm guessing it would take me straight to the airport "...It's going to take you back to New York City," He rushes me onto the private plane and there I sit on the floor wondering how everything happened so fast. I didn't even get to see Alejandro for just a second, even if it was a bad intention.

I'm back in New York. I walk in seeing Unni, Bill-e, and Rosaline sitting on the floor next to the coffee table. They greet me. Surprisingly I see Rosaline talking to them when she usually never talks to strangers.

"Gwen, Gwen, Gwen!" Rosaline gives me a big hug "Where did you go? You said you were going to help me with my wedding," she shakes my arm.

"I am going to right now," I say walking to Unni and Bill-e. "Heyyy How's the stay?"

"Love it and your house. I never knew you were such a stylist" Uh rude. "And we've been helping your sweet friend here with her wedding"

"Yeah it's nice Gwen," Bill-e says. I sit down on the floor with them and look at the different pictures of dresses, venues, and details for weddings in the folders. Rosaline comes back to sit down. I look around and see all boxes and luggage of Gwen, she was all ready to move out. We all look, giving suggestions until we head to bed. Faster than I knew it, it was the day of Rosaline's wedding. The wedding venue and reception are going to be at the Botanic Garden Cherry Esplanade and the Palm House. Rosaline invited Yi-Kyung and his family so we come together. Kyu and I walk in arms. I guess he is my partner for tonight. We walk to the Cherry Esplanade and sit down on the assigned seats provided. The seats are white with white fabrics and white roses, elegantly placed. Many more guests sit down. I don't pay attention to who came because it doesn't matter much right now. I saw Rosaline leave early today. She was so nervous. I look at the time, the wedding is about to start soon. Ross is in the front waiting for his future bride. The music starts to play. Kyu puts his arm around me and I lay my head on him. I wouldn't say I like Yi-Kyung but he's been like my emotional support animal.

"It's the summer of 2024 and finally you decided that you like me," Kyu whispers making me blush. Hey, I never said Kyu is ugly. We all see Rosaline come down the cherry esplanade in her gorgeous white dress. She chose a ball gown dress with pink and purple roses sewed on the tips of the dress and the waist. Not a lot of people can pull this off but she can. I develop tears in my eyes but Kyu wipes them off. I know that I'm finally letting my best friend go and soon she will have kids. Remembering the newspaper, she is going to divorce Ross. But Alejandro didn't get married so something must have changed the future. I should travel back later to see if anything has changed. Rosaline has a lot of makeup on her face than ever. Rosaline reaches Ross and they hold each other's hands and start their vowels.

"Rosaline Nicole Palay, You know I'm not very good with doing this kind of thing but here goes. You are my sun and my moon. My morning to my night. You are all the stars I see in my sky. If I could give you the universe I would but for now, I would give you my love and heart." Awww I never knew he had that in him. Rosaline is crying waving her hands to her face like a fan trying to dry her tears.

"I want to thank you for everything, Ross," Rosa tries to breathe in, "You have been there for me through everything. You are my everything. You are my love. You are my best friend. You are someone I can always count on. I want you to be the first person I see in the morning and the last person I see before I close my eyes and dream about you. I love you and I hope we stay together for a really...really long time" Rosaline cries again and Ross lends out his hand to wipe her tears. A little time passes as they say their husband and wife lines.

"Do you take Rosselin Redd to be your wedded husband?"

"I do," Rosa blushes.

"And you Rosselin Redd do you take Rosaline Palay to be your wedded wife?"

"I do," Ross smiles.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride," Ross and Rosaline kiss and after their eyes just look at each other glowing as they walk down the aisle and head to the reception area at the Palm house. All the guests follow behind them. When I reach the reception area, I am astounded by how it was put together. Gorgeous white flowers on the center of the tables and really light pink chairs. The food area is already filled with guests. Kyu tells me that he is going to go join them and here I am standing alone something I never liked. I decide to go get some water. Once I do, I take a sip and it is so refreshing. I look around and then I see Stacy and Ben. I heard they got married like I said they would. I should go congratulate them. Suddenly, someone walks by me causing me to drop water on them.

"I'm so sorry. I did not see you there. Let me clean it up a bit," I quickly grab a napkin from my bag. Don't even ask why I have one, I love to eat ok. You never know what situation can occur. I wipe his shirt as I can with the napkin hoping it would dry, "I tried to dry it a lit-" I look up, and there he is. The one I have been wanting to see up close the past couple of years. He just stares at me as if he has seen a ghost. He looks funny. I start to laugh to avoid the awkwardness, "How are you doing Alejandro?"

"I have been quite well and yourself," He says coldly. This is not the Alejandro I remember. The fun, cute but handsome, and funny Alejandro.

"I have been good," I smile, "Want to go sit and catch up?" I suggest.

"Ok," We sit down and catch up a little about life, work, and ourselves. He doesn't once ask me though. I am the one leading the conversation and asking all the questions. An announcement comes on that the first dance of Ross and Rosa is going to start now. Ross grabs Rosa's hand and they walk to the dance floor. I turn to Alejandro and he is looking at me. He stands up and grabs me by the hand. He guides me to the dance floor with the other couples. I become nervous. We go into a dancing position for the slow song playing. All we do is look at each other. His eyes start to tear up. I am confused because wasn't he cold back there. A tear falls down his face as he looks at me. My eyes begin to water just by staring at him. I haven't realized how much I missed him and maybe he feels the same way. "Gwen," More tears fall on his face, "You have a boyfriend don't you?" My tears drop.


"I saw you with a guy"

"That's just a close friend that my family and I have known since we were young," He looks confused and wipes the tears off his face. He clears his throat.

"Well, you haven't changed much since I last saw you," His tone back to cold. I get frustrated but I calm down but I can't help it.

"Yeah, you have become more arrogant. You are not the Alejandro I know," I have mixed emotions and let go of his arms. I walk out of the reception. Why does he have to be like this? I run to the Cherry esplanade. The place that I fell in love with was the old Alejandro on January 2nd, 2021. The date I could never forget. I run with the wind. The chairs have already been removed and it is dark outside.

"Gwen," Alejandro pulls me by my arm.

"That hurts," He lets go with a look of guilt on his face. He pulls me in an embrace. I try to push him off of me but realize how much I needed this hug from him.

"I am still the Alejandro you knew, "He pets my head. I start to cry because I realize that he hasn't changed. He is still the Alejandro I love.

"Alejandro...I-I lo-" My phone rings. Why now? I want to confess to him. Time doesn't allow me to. It's a number from Virginia. I let go of him and walk to the side to answer.


"Hello is this Gwen Rio?"

"This is her speaking"

"I am sorry to deliver this news...but your parents have died due to a tragic car accident on their way to N.Y.C."

"How do you know that?" My heart beating at a million miles per hour. This can't be happening "Gabriella was the only one to survive, your little sister has a few injuries but she is stable"

"W-Where in the hospital?"

"The hospital is called Reston Hospital Center in Reston, Virginia. Please arrive soon ma'am or we are going to have to assign your sister to a foster family or orphanage"

"I will be there in about an hour"


"Thank you. Please make sure she is alright," She agrees and I hang up the phone. I quickly book a flight to Reston, Virginia.

"Umm Alejandro I have to go. Something came up. Can you come with me to tell Rosaline goodbye?"

"Sure whatever you need," We run back to the palm house. I try keeping how much I want to break down and cry but I don't want to involve anyone in my business right now. This is very personal to me. I look around the palm house and can't find her.

"I can't see her anywhere," Alejandro says, "Maybe I can ask someone. Oh here let me ask TJ" He disappears in between the people. I wait for him to come back.

"Ok, he said she went to the back room over there," He points at a door that seems slightly open. We head that way. I stick my ear to see if anyone was in there and Alejandro does the same.

"What do you want me to do with Gwen now sir? I saw her dancing with Alejandro. You think she is trying to steal the company again?" I hear Rosaline's voice

"She was in Australia with my wife. I know she is up to something," A man's voice says. I feel like I have heard this voice before.

"That's my father's voice," Alejandro whispers to me which a shocked face.

"Especially because in her little diary, she says she is a time traveler. She must know something. I have been doing this for a long time. The money and sponsorship are all I need," Alejandro's dad continues. Do they know? Rosa said she did not read my diary. She lied to me.

"To me, that sounds ridiculous about the time-traveling though." What are they talking about?

"Yeah but Gwen never lies"

"The smart thing to do next is to find out how she travels in time." I can't take it anymore I swing the door open. I see Rosaline there standing with Alejandro's dad. Both of their facial expressions were surprised.

"Rosaline is that true? I walk towards her I don't know how to feel. Angry and sad?

"No it isn't," She responds. How could she lie?

"I heard the whole conversation. How can you say you did nothing?" Rosaline laughs bitterly and dramatically.

"Ok, yeah, so what if I exposed your little secret. You deserve it. You...all you do is play Ms. Perfect but in real life, you are just someone who doesn't care about anyone but yourself. I only wanted to move in with you because at the time I did not want to spend my money so I needed a place to crash so I could start my company with the money I saved" I become upset. Teardrops falling down my face hearing what she thinks of me.

"That's not true..." I back up, feeling my legs go numb "It can't be cannot...H-how could you do this? I trusted you," My head hurts. This can't be. I only wanted to say goodbye. I run out with only one thought in my mind, I need to get out of here and go to someone who needs me.

I exit the Botanic Garden and take a taxi to the airport. The plane is leaving soon, I need to hurry. I board the plane and in a few minutes we take off. Looking out the window of the plane I think what am I going to do with my sister. She's so young and without parents how could it be for her? Would I be a good parent to her? Would I be able to take of her? 45 minutes pass and I get off the plane. I rent a car at the airport. I need to hurry up. It's almost been an hour since the lady at the hospital called. I put in the GPS to the Renton Center Hospital. When I arrive, I park and rush inside.

"I am looking for a teenage girl that has straight hair, big eyes uh..." I don't know what color she is wearing, "Her hair is in a ponytail"

"Oh yes, you must be Gwen Rio. The one I called"

"Yes, Yes, that is me"

"Right this way," I follow her. She opens the door of the hospital. There my sister Gabriella was in the hospital bed sleeping. I sit in the chair next to her, "If you need anything please let me know" The receptionist whispers as she exits the room. I place her hand in between mine. I pray she recovers. I sob remembering that not only does she not have parents and a brother but neither do I. Gabriella wakes up.

"Was I crying a little too loud?" She chuckles a little.

"Where are mom, dad, and Stefan?" She doesn't know? I am the one who is going to have to break the news to her.

"Well, they...passed away in a deep sleep," She starts to cry softly. My heart breaks the more she cries. I get up and hug her. "It's going to be okay" I rub her back. I let go and she falls asleep. A lady comes in and asks me if I am going to cremate my family or have a funeral. I don't know what to do. I have never lost someone important to me other than Bo-A. "I guess I will have a funeral," She asks me more questions so the funeral can be set up tomorrow. We finish the plans and I notice a bag in the corner of the room. That is my mom's bag. I open it and all it had was an envelope with a letter inside. The envelope wasn't closed. I see a picture in the envelope. It's taken in Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. It's me and my mom. I was a baby. I look at the back and it says, "You were actually born here" I guess I really am a Brazilian born in Brazil. I take the letter out of the envelope. It's in Portuguese.

Dear Gwen:

It's mom. I wanted to give you this letter because I want you to forgive me for not visiting you and paying attention to you. You are my eldest daughter and should have been the one I appreciated. I love you so much. I wanted to visit N.Y.C for you to show me and the family around. A family get-together. I wanted to catch up with you no matter what. The truth is that someone that I used to be best friends with someone that loved your dad before me. I couldn't help but have fallen for him too. She never did anything to show him that she liked him. So when we got older she wanted to hurt me she said if I talked to you again. She would take you away or worse. That is why I avoided you these years. But she did get to you. She

Huh? That is how it can't be...what happened to me? I don't understand anything...