THE last thing Ryan remembers? He got a face-full of knock-out gas, then he felt his body being dragged before everything went dark.
When he came to, he, Simon and Jasmine were all tied to stakes, with their equipment and weapons out of reach. He looked around, there were scattered bones all over the floor, the ceiling was so high he couldn't see it and the sarcophagus, his eyes widened in realizing they were in the cavern from his dreams.
The symbol on the floor had been restored, so he saw it clearly for what it really was, a sigil.
"Oh good, you're up." Came a familiar voice.
He turned to see Mother Eris and her three psycho daughters. He noticed that the girls wore bandages that covered what he'd assume were wounds they suffered when he left their crazy island.
He smiled, "Eris, girls, long time no see. How long has it been? A week? Two? I've lost count."
Mother Eris sneered at him, "You are truly a remarkable man, Mr. Reins, you escape my grasps, only to end up where I was going."
"Yeah," Ryan said, "Crazy isn't it? No offense, but you're not my type, so I'd appreciate it if you didn't stalk me anymore."
"Always the funny man."
Ryan shrugged, "what can I say, it's a gift."
"And it's not the only one you brought," she said, caressing the skull in her hands.
The blonde walked towards Ryan, with a noticeable limp in her step. She punches him across the face with a bandaged hand.
"You destroyed our home." she growled
"Oh please," Ryan scoffed, spitting a little blood out of his mouth, "I blew up a balcony, I'm sure it was insured."
The red head smiled, "Where's your little blonde friend with the gun?"
That hit a sour note.
"She's… gone."
"Pity," Said the blonde, "I wanted the pleasure of killing her myself."
"You snooze you lose, I guess." he shrugged
Jasmine started to stir, "¿Por qué se habla tanto?"
"Jasmine?" Ryan called
"Ryan?", she said groggily
"Hey," he says, "I'm here."
"Aw," said the brunette, "Isn't that sweet; he's looking out for his other girlfriend."
"I'll have you know that she isn't my girlfriend, I happen to be single at the moment if you're interested." Ryan said, with a flirty wink.
"Right," she sneered, "I'll pass."
"Your loss," he smirked
"So, what is your plan?" Ryan demanded, "You've got the formula, but you don't have the other ingredients."
"No, Ryan, you don't understand." Jasmine said, "The ingredients are three living sacrifices, they need to offer a piece of their own life equation; mind, body and soul."
"Ah, the infamous White Fang, Jasmine Sumner," Mother Eris mused, "your reputation precedes you. You understand this ritual?"
"I read the scroll." Jasmine said, "But his soul was cursed and scattered, even if you gather all the remnants, it still wouldn't reform."
"We discovered a way around that," Mother said proudly, "All curses, no matter how complex or expertly crafted, are woven tightly around the concept of a sin, to unravel a curse one simply needs to override that sin with innocence."
"Please tell me this isn't a virgin sacrifice thing?" Ryan sighed, "because that is such a cliché."
"That's just a myth." Jasmine confirmed, "And for your little ritual, it won't work; no one here is that innocent."
"Someone is," Mother Eris said, rubbing her belly gently, a belly they just realized had a slight bump.
Horrified, Jasmine and Ryan realize what she's planning.
"You'd sacrifice your unborn baby for this?" Jasmine gawked
She smiled wildly, "A pure soul, untainted by the world, innocent enough to unmake any curse; the final ingredient to resurrecting our deathless lord."
"This is sick," Ryan said, his voice dripping with disgust.
"What about us?" Jasmine asked, "Are we going to be your sacrifices?"
Mother laughed, "You three? No, you would never do; the sacrifices have to give themselves willingly. My daughters are prepared to give themselves up."
"Then, why the hell are we here?" Ryan asked,
"When, the pure one rises, he will need to feed on your power."
"So we're here as what, breakfast?"
"Oh." Ryan said, "Well I hope he gets salmonella from eating me."
"Now my children, it is time." she said
She waved her hand, and the skull flew towards the open sarcophagus, completing the skeleton of black bones, all covered in strange characters. The sarcophagus then moved to the center of the large sigil. The girls then walked onto the outer circles as their mother activated the sigil.
From around the cave, Ryan could here whispers, then, the rings of the sigil shot out beams of light, engulfing their occupants.
In the rings, Ryan could see each of the girls being deconstructed by the light from their rings. They screamed as their bodies were unmade, apparently not expecting it to hurt as much as it did. As the last of their beings was consumed by the light, leaving only swirling energy where each girl once stood, dark vapor started seeping in from the walls of the cave gather within the sigil. It was then that Mother Eris held up a vial of swirling green substance and crushed it in her hands. Green fire spread across her body,
"I give up the life of my unborn child to undo this curse!" she screamed as her burning form ran towards the sigil. As she crumbled to dust, a pulse of energy rippled across the mist, as the swirling energy from each of the outer rings began to mix with the mist. The magikal reaction started compressing, flowing into the sarcophagus, then the skeleton sat up. Flesh started growing over the bones like a fungus, forming tendons, then organs, then muscles, then skin.
Once the ritual was complete, in the center ring stood a large man, with dark olive skin, with three orange eyes, and long gray that reached his waist. His body was statuesque, with a physique of toned muscles. He had two extra thumbs, beside his pinkies, giving him six fingers on each hand.
Jasmine watched him in shock, the man radiated power as he took a confident step out of the sarcophagus, his eyes alert and attentive as he looks around the cavern, like it's his first time experiencing sight. His gaze then shifts towards them.
"Ah, company," he says in a deep baritone voice.
"Could you please put on some pants?" Jasmine pleads, fighting to keep her eyes from wandering. He was also completely naked and seemed unashamed by it.
"Ah, does my naked form embarrass you, young maiden?" he asks with a chuckle. He reaches into the sarcophagus and pulls out what appears to be fine robes untouched by time, and proceeds to wrap it around himself, "Better?"
"Thank you," Jasmine sighs, "So, you're the Pure One?"
He sighs, "That stupid name seems to follow me wherever I go."
"No offence, but you don't look like much," Ryan comments
"Shaddap!" Jasmine hissed at him
"It's alright," the pure one says, "unfortunately, I am considerably under-strength. Defying death does take a lot out of you. I take it you are the offerings prepared by the Nyx devotees that just resurrected me? Where are they, anyway?"
Jasmine and Ryan look at each other. Was this guy for real?
"Um, you're standing on them," Ryan replies
He looks down, noticing the ashes of what had once been Mother Eris.
"Ah, I assumed there would be more of them," he mused to himself, then clasped his hands together, "No matter, they were at least courteous enough to prepare you as offerings. So, which one of you would like to be first?"
"What's this guy talking about?" Ryan hissed to Jasmine
"Can't you figure it out?" Jasmine hissed back, "there are many forbidden practices that the Nyx Court employs, one of their favorites is to drain the magik from their victims."
"A technique I pioneered," the Pure One added, "the numerous alterations I made to my body had unforeseen side-effects, like the vampiric magik that I developed. Observe."
He held out his hand to Jasmine and made a pulling motion, which was followed by golden energy flowing out of Jasmine's body –rather painfully from how she screamed. The energy flowed into his outstretched hand, and he gave a brief shudder as he flexed his muscles and nodded.
"Very nice. Your soul is quite pure, young white-haired maiden," He said, "you have high quality magik within you, unlike any I've ever tasted before. But this one doesn't seem to be circulating much." He said looking at Simon "If I take from him in this condition, the shock might just kill him. A pity, I enjoy a little conversation with my meals."
"No!" Ryan said, defiantly, "You are not taking another one of my friends."
The Pure One smiled, draining magik from Ryan, who just grit his teeth silently, save for a few grunts of pain. The Pure One gagged after draining Ryan,
"Your magik is peculiar, boy. There is something wrong with you, as if your soul is broken. Curious to find this from a Reins."
"You can tell?" Ryan asked breathing hard
"Oh yes, the magik of you Reins has a distinct flavor I enjoy." The Pure One commented, "I had sampled many a Reins during my time; quite the delicacy of powerful magik no matter how diluted the blood."
"I… didn't know that," Ryan said, "So, your name is Edviarjd?"
He sighed exasperatedly, "Yes, my parents weren't really in their right mind when they picked that name. It means Noble Hound in our native language. What kind of person gives their child a name that essentially means dog?"
"Can I call you Edvy?"
He snarled, "Do not call me that!"
"Okay, Ed it is." Ryan said thinking fast, "So Ed, how about a bet?"
He raised an eyebrow, "What do you have in mind?"
"Trial by combat," Ryan said, "Just you and me. If I win, you let us all go, and if you win, you get all of my magik, but you let them go."
"What?" Jasmine asked, panicked
"Dude, that doesn't seem like a fair deal." Simon murmured, having regained consciousness at some point.
"Hey, Simon, you're awake." Ryan said,
"And I'd like to not witness you get yourself killed."
"Don't worry; I got this." Ryan said, "So what's it gonna be, Ed?"
"Hmm. I could already do as I wish with you all now. But I suppose I need the exercise. Very well." He said, then, Ryan's bonds became undone.
As Ryan called Draxonn into his hand, he hoped a plan would form in his head before he died.
"Draw your weapon Ed, this needs to be a fair fight."
"Fair? All you have is that sword, a fierce sword it may be, but my powers more than make up for it. It is not a fair fight."
"Whatever, you're funeral." Ryan murmured to himself.
"Come, Reins boy," The Pure One said, assuming a fighting stance, "entertain me."
Hefting Draxonn in his hands, Ryan gave the others a smirk, hoping it looked more confident that he felt. Then, he charged Ed.
… )]≥( …
Jasmine had seen people lose fights before, but this was something else. He didn't stand a chance. Ryan's first attack was deflected easily then, Ed—as he seemed to like being addressed as— sent him flying into the wall. Ryan got back up and charged again. This time Ryan tried to use magik to send a lightning bolt to him, he sent it back to Ryan, who, luckily, is lightning proof. He ran towards Ryan and gave him an uppercut that sent him flying into the ceiling. When he came down, Edward smashed him into the sarcophagus.
After five minutes of fighting, Ryan had a bloody and bruised all over, but he got up again, "Is that the best you got, Ed?" Ryan said as he wiped the blood from his mouth, "C'mon, I thought you could fight!"
"Curious," the Pure One mused, studying his opponent,
Ryan lunged at him with Draxonn, Ed dodged the attack, grabbed his sword arm, then breaking it.
As he screamed in pain, Ed kneed him in the gut, Ryan stumbled backwards, then, he spat out blood.
"Had enough?" Ryan asked with a bloody smile
Ed raised an eyebrow, "You believe you're… winning?"
"Oh, I know I'm winning." Ryan looked terrible, his right arm was trembling, he had at least a broken arm, and possibly internal bleeding, but he managed to stay on his feet, propped up by Draxonn. Jasmine had to admit, Ryan had endured far better than she'd expected.
"Ryan stop this." Jasmine pleaded, "You'll die."
"Don't worry about it, I got this," he said back to her
"You should listen to your friend, Ryan, stop acting so stubborn." Ed said, "It would be a shame to waste such potent energy."
"Shut up!" Ryan said then he ran at Ed, Draxonn in his left hand, only to be knocked back down.
Ryan got up, taking a step, then another, then another. Electricity had been slowly building around him since the fight started, now it crackled around his body, lighting up his eyes as he fully summons his power.
The Pure One paused, fascinated by the new turn of events.
Ryan knew he couldn't control this power, it was too wild and feral, but he could direct it, and as he approached his target, he focused as much magik as he could into his sword, feeling the electricity building to critical mass even as he approached. Once he was within striking distance of Ed, Ryan swings Draxonn at him, unleashing the full power he'd been holding back the whole fight. A blast of electricity engulfs their battleground and throws Ryan back, as a smoking crater is left behind in his wake.
Ryan rises uneasily to his feet, groaning and grumbling as he spits out blood, "Been holding that charge for a while now, didn't know it'd be such a strain." He then looks at the crater and smirks, "guess I should call that the Thunder Clap?"
"I see," comes a voice that makes Ryan go pale, "I haven't seen such power in eons."
Ed steps out of the crater, his right arm, which he used to defend against the attack was a blackened charred mess, still smoldering from the massive electrocution, other than that, he had suffered no other damage.
"That was a truly powerful attack boy," Ed applauds, "if I had still been mortal, that would've ended me."
His damaged arm slowly tries to mend itself, although it is still shriveled and twitches uncontrollably.
"I stand corrected," Ed said, examining the full extent of the damage, "that was a marvelous attack, this arm will be useless for at least a while."
"H-how?" Ryan demanded, when he had previously released energy like that it had caused serious damage to whatever he was targeting, how could this guy have just tanked it?
"Don't feel bad," Ed said, "Lightning is extremely difficult to tame, but as reward for your valiant effort, here is a demonstration."
From his shriveled arm, sparks of electricity started building and, somehow, Ryan just knew that it was energy from his attack. Ed had managed to drain its power. Ed shot a bolt of energy at Ryan and it hit him square in the chest.
Normally, that amount of lightning right to the heart would've been a death sentence, but Ryan was somehow immune to the worst effects of lightning, though that didn't stop the concussive force of being struck by lightning from flooring the young magus.
Draxonn skidded across the floor as it flew from Ryan's grasp. Once more, Ryan rose with great effort, now drained of his last trump card, Draxonn was too far for him to reach and his broken arm throbbed something fierce from being agitated so much. Ryan took a single step, then dropped to a knee as Ed approached,
"Your legs have given out?" Ed asked, "a true testament to your mettle; you stood until you could stand no more. But now it is time to rest, to concede."
"Never." Ryan spat, a look of pure defiance burning in his tired eyes. Even with one eye nearly swollen shut, he would still oppose Ed.
Ed gave him a backhand that sent Ryan sprawling. As he was scrambling to crawl away, Ed grabbed Ryan by the hair, dragging him in front of his friends
"You fought well, Ryan Reins, you did your family name proud. But your stubbornness ends here. You are beaten, now you will die."
In front of the horrified eyes of Jasmine and Simon, Ed drained every last scrap of magik power he could find from Ryan as he cried out in agony.
When he was done, he dropped Ryan's limp body drop to the ground.
Ryan looked up from the floor; Draxonn was just a few feet from his face.
With his dying eyes, Ryan looked at his reflection in Draxonn's blade and then, he heard it, a voice in his head, in the blade, his reflection spoke to him,
"Is this it?" it asked "Is this how we die?"
"No, I don't want to die here, not like this." Ryan sobbed
"You aren't strong enough to challenge him as you are now."
"Then what can I do? How can I beat him?"
"Let me handle this, leave it to me." the voice whispered, "I have the power we need."
"Okay, I'll leave it to you."
He gave into this voice and felt a surge of wild, dark power, welling up from within. He could feel his own consciousness fading into the darkness as something else took control. As Ryan was enveloped in the cold empty darkness, he'd never felt safer.
… )]≥( …
Ed wandered towards Jasmine and Simon, "I am sorry you had to see that."
"You bastard," Jasmine roared, "You didn't have to torture him like that, you could've ended it anytime you wanted,"
"True," Ed said, "but that Reins boy, he was stubborn and determined, I'm not ashamed to admit he stirred my fighting spirit." Ed said, clasping his hands together, "now then, to new business; I must leave this awful place and regain my following, there is so much to be done, and I need to prepare."
He then cast a glace towards the two captives
"You, white haired maiden, I've taken a liking to you," he grinned, "I'm in need of an attendant to guide me in the ways of this era." he then looked at Simon, "you, I'm sure I can find a use for you at some point."
"You're not going to steal our magik as well?" Simon asked
"No, I promised the recently departed Mr. Reins your safety," Ed said, "And I'm nothing if not a man of my word."
"We'd never serve you" Jasmine snarled
"The fires of defiance burn bright in this era." Ed chuckled, "but even the fiercest flames can be cowed into submission with the right—!"
He suddenly stopped, turning in time to see Ryan rise once more, only this time it clumsy and sporadic. He held out his broken hand and Draxonn flew into it.
"Ryan?" Jasmine said confused, Ed turned from them to look at Ryan
"That's not possible, you should be dying, if not dead." Ed growled, eyeing his opponent warily.
He faced them, and she saw it, his eyes were blood red instead of blue and his skin had turned deathly pale. With lightning speed, he ran to Ed and knocked him aside with his sword.
"Ryan, what's going on?" Jasmine asked, as Ryan continued his assault, knocking Ed around with fast attacks. When Ed was on his knees in exhaustion, Ryan raised his blade and sunk it into Edwards shoulder. He screamed as his armored flesh split and blood oozed out. Then, with his other hand, Ed sent Ryan flying and dug Draxonn out of his flesh.
"What has gotten into you, boy?" Ed yelled
Ryan got up and looked at his right hand; it was trembling uncontrollably, "No good."
Then, in a second, he grabbed Edwards face with his other hand and sent him into a wall.
"Ryan," Simon said, he looked back at them, and his eyes didn't even recognize them,
"You should get out of here." Ryan said to them,
Jasmine and Simon became untied, "Ryan how did you do that?" Jasmine asked
Ryan picked up his sword and walked towards Edward, then, he stumbled, placing his bad hand on his right temple as blood ran down his right eye like tears. His aura flared and flickered around him, shifting between his usual presence and something dark and cold, then Ryan doubled over and crashed into the ground, unconscious.
"Ryan!" Simon said rushing over to help him.
With blood dripping from his shoulder, Ed got up to advance and kill Ryan in his weakened state, but the next step Ed took cracked the floor.
Jasmine grabbed their stuff, then, she and Simon helped Ryan up, they began leaving as the cavern shook. The floor around Edward's feet started to crack.
"No." Ed said, now running towards them, "NO! it's not fair, I just got a new life."
He took another step and the floor gave way. He fell into an endless gray void and disappeared, with his voice still echoing, "Noooooooooooooooooooooooo!"
Simon and Jasmine helped Ryan as they made their way to the edge of the pit, "What the hell is that?" Simon asked,
"That's…" Jasmine said in amazement, at the black nothingness below them, "that is oblivion"
"Oblivion?" He asked
"I've heard of it in legends, it's a space outside the veil," Jasmine explained, "A limbo where nothing exists."
"How did Ryan do that?" Simon asked, looking at the drooping head of his friend.
"Let's figure that out after we get out of here," Jasmine said, as the cavern trembled
As they began to leave, the cavern rumbled, debris from above fell into the pit.
"The pit has somehow destabilized the whole island, maybe even this whole splinter realm," Simon said, "The whole place is going to collapse!"
They ran up a flight of stone steps built into the walls.
"We'll never make it off the island in time!" Jasmine said as they came out of the deep cave and found themselves in the crumpling remains of a temple at the top of the mountain. Around them, just like Simon had predicted, the entire splinter realm was collapsing, large cracks opened up in the sky, spewing forth blinding white light, the sea boiled and rages, threatening the swallow the island. The entire splinter realm was tearing itself apart.
"We gotta get out of here," Jasmine said
"There!" Simon said, pointing towards an archway in the temple ruins,
They ran towards the crumbling arch, Simon brought out his wand and said a silent prayer, please work.
He tried to summon a waypoint, and at first, it was working as the vortex came into existence, but then, the arch toppled over. Without the structure to contain the vortex, it imploded, taking a good chunk of the mountain with it, which furthered the deterioration of the space.
They were trapped at one corner of the temple, the rest of it already falling into the black hole below.
"Well, it looks like this is it." Jasmine said
"Yep," Simon agreed, regrettably. "I wish I had time to come up with a solution to this, a way out."
"You've done enough, Simon," Jasmine reassured him, "it's been an honor,"
As they readied themselves to be sucked into the nothingness, the whirring of engines could be heard. Powerful floodlights came down on them as an airship hovered above.
"KEEPER FAIRCHYLDE SENT US; WE'RE HERE TO PICK YOU UP." came a loud voice from the craft
Jasmine laughed as the large craft came alongside them and a hatch opened extending a ramp for them and two rangers ushered them in as the rest of the temple collapsed.
Ryan was taken by one of the crew members for some emergency medical treatment while Jasmine and Simon were escorted to the cockpit, where the captain was waiting for them.
"Bianca McGregor," Jasmine said, giving the captain a curt nod, "am I glad to see you,"
"Ma'am," the pilot smiled warmly, "It's a good thing we got to you when we did, we're detecting major dimensional instability in the area,"
"Yes, an oblivion breach was opened underneath the island," Jasmine explained, "it's deteriorating the entire splinter realm."
"A breach? Those tend to be rather unstable, it should seal itself shut after its consumed everything within this space," Bianca said, operating the controls, the large craft drifted away from the collapsing island.
"How did you even get here anyway?" Jasmine asked, "we're in a splinter realm."
"The Keeper got us some sort of ikors anchor," Bianca relied, "led us directly to you."
"What about Jax?" Simon asked, joining the conversation
"Your simian friend and his crew are alright," Bianca assured him, "they dropped off the last of your cargo with us before going on their merry way."
"I'm gonna miss that monkey," Simon said
"Alright," Bianca said, "let's haul ass,"
She punches in some commands and outside, the entire airship was shrouded in a ghostly aura as it reaches the boundary of the splinter realm
"Wave goodbye to the Graveyard Island, guys and girls," Bianca said, "cuz it's all going down the cosmic toilet."
"Good riddance." Simon muttered as the craft vanished from the splinter realm, just as the island was cracked in two.
… )]≥( …
After returning to camp, Ryan was rushed to the medic ward. Apparently, his heart had stopped beating at a point and they were frantic to save him. While this happened, Jasmine and Simon went to debrief with Stephanie.
On the day of Christie's memorial, the sky was gray. They all gathered at the cemetery, at the tomb for Christie. She was to be made an honorary Custodian, and was awarded the Silver Laurels, the highest honors usually reserved for magi who fell in the line of duty.
After the dedication, Ryan went back to his room. Christie's bed was all white again, her closet empty.
They had only been roommates for about a few months, but he would miss her.
He dropped his jacket on his bed, listening to the quiet snoring that Riot made with his nose. He looked in the mirror, his right arm was in a sling, he had multiple bandages under his clothes, but the nurses say that he should be better in about a few weeks at the earliest.
"Hello son," Came a new voice
Ryan turned around to see Lady Onruu coming out of a shadow, "Good god, this place reeks of life, it's positively noxious." She gagged, then held a handkerchief over her nose to keep the smell from her.
"Mom," he said, "what are you doing here?"
"I sensed your death," she said, "It was quite distressing for me, considering I sent you to such a dangerous place,"
"Sorry," Ryan said. He'd technically been dead for a minute on the way back to camp
"Ryan, I'm sorry about your friend, she was devoured by the darkness, her soul was lost to it. There's nothing I can do for her."
Ryan looked out the window, "I see."
She nodded solemnly
"Mom, when I was with the darkness, it called me something, Stormborne, and said my fate was with the dark god. What does that mean?"
Lady Onruu sighed, "Ryan, the circumstances around your condition aren't exactly what you'd call… normal."
"You mean the broken soul thing, the Pure One mentioned?"
"Know this; because things happened the way they did, events have been set into motion that cannot be undone, and because of my station, my direct involvement is heavily impeded." Lady Onruu said, "Your destiny is linked to ancient powers, and dangerous things are in play, despite everything I did to prevent that. You will discover your destiny over time, and when you do, you will decide what you do with it."
"But mom…"
"I've said too much already. Ryan, don't worry about that now, you'll know all you need to know, when you need to know it."
"That sounds like a cop-out," Ryan scoffed
Lady Onruu laughed, "Maybe it is, but you know how it is with us celestials and our mysterious ways. Goodbye, Ryan. I may not interfere, but I will be watching."
"That's not creepy at all," Ryan muttered
"Oh, and before I go, here's a little gift." she said, winking at him before she faded into the shadows and disappeared.
Ryan realized that his arm has stopped throbbing, he took off his shirt and stared at himself in the mirror, he was completely healed.
"Hmm, celestials and their mysterious ways." Ryan repeated as he inspected his restored body.
Then there was a knock at the door and Jasmine walked in, "Hey Ryan-" she stopped herself when she saw him
"Hey" he said
"You're all healed? How?"
"Don't ask," he said, "I'm not even sure myself."
"Good, now can you put your shirt back on."
"Okay, whatever." Ryan said as he got a black t-shirt from his closet, "So, to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?" Ryan asked
"Stephanie wants to see you." She said.