AS Ryan sat on the bench outside of the Hamilton Home for Troubled Youths, somewhere in Washington, all he could think about was how cold it was.
"Man, I'm freezing my ass off out here." He complained to Jasmine who was sitting next to him.
"Quit bitching to me about it," she said back, huddled up in a winter jacket, mittens and ear muffs. Ryan was wearing his black dragon leather jacket, a green scarf around his neck and winter gloves. It was an early December afternoon and a nice layer of snow had just set in.
"All I'm saying is I grew up in California. I'm not built for the cold." Ryan said
"And I'm not built to listen to you whine and moan all day." Jasmine scowled, then she felt something vibrate by her belt, she pulled out her ranger's badge and looked at the flashing emblem on its surface, "Alright, clearance has come through. C'mon, let's go."
As they proceeded towards the building, Ryan's mind drifted to how had ended up in this situation.
… )]≥( …
A few hours earlier
"The Ranger Expo?" Ryan queried as he took a bite of his burger.
"Yeah," Noah explained, "it's this awesome gathering for rangers, happens once every five years. Rangers from all over the world will be there."
"It started almost a hundred years ago, after the end of World War 1, a bunch of rangers at one of our staging grounds threw a small victory party to celebrate not dying and it sort of became an ongoing tradition, getting bigger and better until the Expo as we know it today was born. It's a full-on convention." Maya held up the flyer, on it was a logo,
"Sounds awesome." Ryan said, studying the flyer.
"You have no idea," Helen said, "It's the best. There's a whole opening ceremony, sponsors, souvenirs, and everything. It goes on for two weeks straight and are always at a new venue."
"So what's the venue this time? El Dorado?" Ryan joked
"They never recycle venues, last time they held it at El Dorado," Elle said, "The venue is always a secret until a few days before opening day, then the flyers and posters will point the way."
"So you could literally end up anywhere, and not know where?" Ryan asked
"Pretty much, yeah." Noah answered, "It's broadcast to all zones, so you could watch it from here, but there's nothing better than to spectate live."
"Sweet, I'll go as Noah's trainer." Ryan quipped, taking a sip from his soda.
"Dude, how could you be my trainer?" Noah joked, "Besides, I can't go."
"Why not?" Ryan asked, "I thought rangers were invited?"
"It's open to everyone, but not every ranger can attend," Noah sighed, "I drew the short straw, so I'll be on skeleton duty; we have to stay behind and defend the branch."
"All of a sudden, I feel concerned about the state the sanctum will be in when we get back," Helen chuckled
"You guys are worrying too much." Kim said, "The garrison's newest rangers have got this. Don't we, Noah?"
"…I'm sorry, what?" Noah said, "I was just thinking about how I'm going to be missing the biggest event of the year, but you know… whatever."
"Anyway," Helen said, "Who's getting into the Christmas spirit? I know I am."
"Yeah," Maya said, "It's almost Christmas, can you believe it? There's going to be a Christmas party at the rec. center tonight. We're all going right?"
Everyone replied in agreement, except Ryan, "I'm not feeling it."
"Why dude?" Noah asked,
"Christmas isn't really my thing." Ryan said, "in fact, some may even go to such lengths as to say that I hate it."
"C'mon," Elle said, "nobody hates Christmas."
"What a surprise," Ryan grinned, "Nobody just happens to be my first name."
"I thought Matthias was your first name?" Maya said
"I was joking, and now it's ruined," Ryan stood up, "Well, I gotta go, see ya."
"C'mon Ryan," Maya said, "Don't be such a scrooge."
"To that, I say; 'Bah-humbug'." Ryan said jokingly as he walked away.
As Ryan left the mess, he looked around. Christmas decorations were already set on all the buildings although Ryan hadn't seen anyone setting them up. A thin layer of snow had already blanketed the entire sanctum, covering the lawn, the roofs, the trees, everything, even the Nyphen tree was adorned with multicolored Christmas lights.
He walked through the plaza as he saw a couple kissing under a mistletoe, he chucked to himself because he knew the two of them, and they practically loathed each other on a normal day, yet here they were, acting like a couple in love just because a stupid weed hung over their heads.
"Hey Ryan," came a voice, he turned round to see Jasmine walking up to him. She wore a loud Christmas sweater that was bright red and decorated with snowflakes with a cheesy slogan square on the chest that read; There Snow time like Christmas!
"Ouch," he winced, "That thing is butt ugl-eh."
"Shut up," she said, "I love this sweater. It was one of the few things recovered from my house."
"I have never felt sorrier for you than right now," he said with mock sincerity "So, are you going for the Expo too? I heard it's going to be totally awesome."
"I wish," she huffed, "I even got a personal invite and everything, but Stephanie assigned me to her protection detail."
"Her protection detail? For what?"
"Stephanie will be attending a Keeper's Summit, an irregular meeting of Keepers from every branch, I'm going with her as her body guard."
"Yeah, we're going to the first branch, The City of High V'hax."
"Whoa, the first? That's where the Keeper King is, right?"
Jasmine nodded, "Anyway, the reason I was looking for you was because I have an assignment and Stephanie ordered you to tag along."
"Why does she always assign me to your missions?" Ryan groaned, "I'm still an initiate,"
"Because you're my prodigy, remember?" Jasmine said with a wicked grin,
"Right, I had forgotten that happy little fact." Ryan said, "But Simon never had to follow you everywhere."
"That's true," Jasmine said, "But I really enjoy bossing you around, let's go."
… )]≥( …
This home for street kids was, in reality, a sanctuary for the magik sensitive kids. There, they were offered a place of safety away from the outside while teaching them adequate control of their arcane talents. There were places like this all over the world, sponsored by different magus organizations and groups.
As far as Jasmine knew, they had been sent to look for a person of interest, Mac Torris, though Stephanie hadn't been forthcoming with any more information, she had been assured that she'd have the clearance to enter the protected territory before they got there. Since these sanctuaries weren't affiliated with ARGUS, and were, instead, private institutions, ARGUS operatives needed formal permission to enter them in an official capacity.
As they stepped inside, they saw people scurrying about, some were as young as twelve, some as old as eighteen. This was one of the poorer sanctuaries, without a proper sponsor backing it. When some of the people there saw Jasmine and her ranger belt, some stared at her in wonder, some shied away and some glared at her.
"That's Jasmine Sumner," someone whispered
"The White Fang, it's really her," someone else hissed, "What's a damn crow doing here?"
"She's so hot." someone commented off to her right, which was responded by, "who's that guy next to her? He's cute."
Despite the murmuring of the crowd around them, Jasmine paid them little to no mind. She was used to the attention whenever she was among non-mundanes, a part of her might've even liked it.
"Well, somebody is pretty popular," Ryan started, "I wonder if you've ever posed for a calendar."
"Shut up," she said, expertly hiding the blush on her cheeks
"Oh my god, you have?" he gawked
"It wasn't like that," she defended.
They stopped at what must've been the reception desk, an elderly arkan sat behind the desk, reading a trashy romance novel,
"What do you want?" she demanded, not taking her eyes from the book,
"We're here from ARGUS," Jasmine said, flashing her badge, "We were sent to pick up Mac Torris?"
The old woman didn't look impressed, "So, you're the reason this place has been so lively? Mac was waiting in the visitor's room, end of the hall to the right. if Mac isn't there anymore, that's your problem."
"Thanks," Ryan said, as they left the woman to her novel.
They arrived at the intended room, where a few people were sitting around on old ratty couches.
"Mackenzie Torris?" Jasmine called
"Yeah?" came a reply
Ryan turned around to see a girl reply from a far wall. She was short and looked younger than she probably was, her chocolate complexion matched the long dark hair that spilled from underneath her beanie, her eyes were deep bronze and sized the two magi before her critically. She wore a large red hoodie obviously too big for her with ripped blue jeans and boots.
"You're Mac?" Ryan asked
"Yep." She replied eyeing him suspiciously
"You're a girl?" he said slowly, he hadn't anticipated that. What he'd heard about Mac Torris from the report Stephanie gave them, he was expecting some tough street thug with piercings and tattoos. [and yes, I expected it to be a guy. Sue me for having a biased expectations.]
"Call me a girl again and see what it gets you," she threatened bunching up her fist,
"Ignore him," Jasmine said, "We're here to pick you up."
"You guys are rangers from ARGUS?" Mac said, looking at Jasmine's belt,
"Yes… well, she is. I'm just a tag along." Ryan said
"You're funny." Mac commented, dryly
"Thanks, I try." Ryan said,
"Anyway," Jasmine said, "We should get going."
"Gladly, I can't wait to get the hell outta this hellhole," Mac said
They walked out of the main gate and went down to the park opposite the sanctuary. The activity of people enjoying the cold winter atmosphere was light. As they walked through the park, they continued to talk.
"So you're Ryan Reins?" Mac said,
"Yep," Ryan replied, "How'd you know?"
Mac shrugged, "You hear things on the streets. I thought there weren't any more Reins left."
"Well, so did everyone else apparently." Ryan smiled, "what's your story?"
"You really want to know?" Mac asked
Ryan nodded,
"Shhh." Jasmine said, suddenly stopping. Eerily, no one else was in the area, they were alone.
"Hmm?" Ryan mused, looking around.
"Why don't you show yourselves?" Jasmine announced, "I know you're there."
For a second, Ryan looked at her yell at nobody, then, two figures appeared on the roof of a nearby gazebo.
They were both women, and they both wore black cloaks and had on monster masks.
"What are a couple of scarecrows doing skulking around here?" Jasmine demanded. She'd heard of ARGUS' secretive black ops division –commonly known as scarecrows— but she'd never seen them up close before. She noted their white masks and the black body armor underneath their cloaks.
"We are here for the pureblood." The woman in the owl mask said, "Surrender him to us, and you will be spared."
"If you're lucky." The other one added, with her wicked grin on the exposed part of her face.
"Ryan, take Mac and run." Jasmine ordered,
"You sure?" Ryan asked
Jasmine nodded, "I'll handle things here,"
"Right, c'mon Mac." Ryan said, "we're getting the hell outta here,"
"Wait, what about her?" Mac demanded
"Don't worry, she can take care of herself," Ryan assured
"What's she going to do against those guys by herself?" Mac protested.
"You've never seen Jasmine work," Ryan grinned, but Mac still hesitated.
"Ugh, we don't have time for this," Ryan huffed, "sorry,"
He grabbed Mac by the waist and hoisted her over his shoulder,
"Hey, let me down!" Mac yelped, "wow, you're strong."
"Don't die," Ryan said to Jasmine
"Who do you think you're talking to?" Jasmine grinned as he ran off with Mac.
"You intend to take us on your own?" the woman in the owl mask asked, her head tilted curiously,
"You must be really good then… or really stupid." the other one stated, "Either way; today you die!"